Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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"Ours is a show that specializes in big shock endings, but I think season five..." Michael Emerson tells E Online. "None of the other shock endings left me wondering how the show goes on. We have two kinds of huge shocks at the end of this one. Each one alone would be enough to keep an audience eating its own soul for the whole hiatus, but with two, I don't know what you can do with that."


wow.. he's really good at talking about things without saying what they are. he'd make a good cast member on lost.



Ok, I was sort of not too excited, but THAT just got me way excited for tonight!!!!!!


Awesome, I'm going to try and blow this picture up and put it up on my wall.
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Mmmm nobody wants to go first...

I'm still not ready to say anything.


loved it.  though some of the juilet moments were just way too on the nose dialogue wise (some things we can get without them having to be spoken by the characters!) it did what LOST does best and opened up the scope of the show bigger than you had previously imagined. 

now i'm thinking biblical.  jacob + other guy are god and the devil battling it out for the island. 
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I'm guessing Christian was the same ''guy'' as Locke is. I'm also guessing the smoke monster to be against Jacob and possibly a trick of the ''Evil one''

Good cliffhanger. Lost should definitely be a 5-6-7 episode a season thing à la BBC. Watching the season premiere, episode 2 and maybe 3 and this finale is almost enough to fully understand what they're getting at (I mean understand what is there to understand). There was a lot of useless things going on this year.

The strongest season premiere ever(maybe) but def. the worst season ever of Lost.


I think seasons 2/3 are waaaay worse than this season! Season 5 really was great, it was just that around where the time-skipping stopped, things sort of became a little wobbly. This season had a lot to cram in and it wasn't really always the most thought out or well mapped. It's not my favorite season (definitely has to be season 4...I think).

The finale blew my mind less of a "whoa the island just disappeared, can't wait to see where it went!" than "wtf? what's going to happen to my show?" They're making characters make decisions (e.g. how the nuke goes off) that are more and more complicated and difficult to understand. I really don't know where they are headed with all of this. I hope it's not going to be Biblical, that would just be...a big waste of time.

And there were a couple of HUGE fucking groans from the room when Jack explained why he wants to change things. Really, dude? She's a stupid, ugly bitch and might be good in the sack, but altering existence for KATE? I do not buy it.


hahaha yeah it used to be that after a finale EVERYONE would have his theory of what's next. For this one it's : ''Well, we'll see what happens.''

Also lol@the-Kate-motivation, he can definitely have her without making nukes explode.

Now for season 2, no way. Season 2 was really good, I loved Desmond and Eko. Discovering the hatch and the other stations, and also when they capture Ben. When Micheal kills Libby and Ana Lucia. It's all good.
Season 3 was probably worst than this one though, you're right.


now i undestand that emerson quote about having no idea where the show goes from here.  i found it rather infuriating that they decided to end it at that point, but thats lost after all.  half the fun of the downtime between seasons is pontificating about where the show will go, and they made that nearly impossible with this one.  i'll have to watch it again to digest it more.

loved the opening scene. this show has a real hard on for Deadwood actors.

oh... and FUCK that rose and bernard bullshit.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


Quote from: ddiggler on May 14, 2009, 01:03:17 PM
oh... and FUCK that rose and bernard bullshit.


They were great, I totally loved that they've decided to shun everyone's veritable bloodlust to hunker down and enjoy their final years. It's very lovely, if you ask me.


Quote from: ddiggler on May 14, 2009, 01:03:17 PM
now i undestand that emerson quote about having no idea where the show goes from here.  i found it rather infuriating that they decided to end it at that point, but thats lost after all.  half the fun of the downtime between seasons is pontificating about where the show will go, and they made that nearly impossible with this one. 

Yeah that kind of pissed me off.  I think they should've just given us the slightest taste of whats to come.  Even if it was just a close up shot of an eye opening or something.  I mean if they know where they are going why not give us a little something to theorize about?  Its not like in 7 months there aren't going to be commercials and clips out anyways.

Also I don't want Locke to be dead.  I liked the new Locke.  Why the hell should I give a shit about this guy who wants to find a loophole and kill jacob that I just met in the first scene of this episode?  In fact, why should I even give a shit about Jacob.  I think this displays that had this show been thought out better prior to this season then it could've been great.  We could've been given that scene with Jacob and Deadwood guy much earlier than this episode.  We could've had Jacob appear in flashbacks back when flashbacks meant something.  And it all could've culminated with this episode.  The "wtf moment" could've been: wait a minute...THAT GUY is Jacob?  Or something like that.  It could've been great, but I think ultimately this season finale was underwhelming. 

Granted it is nice that this is all coming back to what Locke said in the pilot when he was playing backgammon with Walt.  "two sides. One light, one dark."

And Jack blowing up the island for Kate and Juliet helping him so she won't have to lose Sawyer? C'mon you can do better than that.


anyone care to hear my ending?


Quote from: Gamblour. on May 14, 2009, 01:20:14 PM
Quote from: ddiggler on May 14, 2009, 01:03:17 PM
oh... and FUCK that rose and bernard bullshit.


They were great, I totally loved that they've decided to shun everyone's veritable bloodlust to hunker down and enjoy their final years. It's very lovely, if you ask me.

i'm being semi serious, i suppose i'm one of those people with a veritable blood lust. it actually served as a nice way of proving jacob's point vs. the man in black. i'm not on board with everyone who's been saying that rose and bernard are adam and eve. the white and black stones that jack finds on the bodies (and conspicuously conceals before locke shows up) make me think otherwise.

Quote from: Tictacbeekay on May 14, 2009, 01:36:41 PM
We could've had Jacob appear in flashbacks back when flashbacks meant something.  And it all could've culminated with this episode.  The "wtf moment" could've been: wait a minute...THAT GUY is Jacob?  Or something like that.  

the only problem with doing that is that viewers would've caught on that he had a part in the bigger picture. any random figure that appears in multiple flashbacks would have to be jacob, or at least be related to the island somehow. they had no choice but to hold it back. one thing i enjoyed was how they built up faraday in the orchid at the beginning of the season as being the finale when in reality it was anything but.  it's going to be difficult for them to keep throwing curveballs next season so i can understand why they don't want to give ANY indication of where things are going.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty