Vanilla Sky

Started by Sleuth, March 02, 2003, 06:43:49 PM

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I just want to say if you have only seen Vanilla Sky once, see it again.  I saw this in theatres and was not a big fan but i now own it and i love it.  Its the type of movie that gets better every single time you see it.  The use of music to me was really fucking cool.  Many onf you out there would rather the whole thing just be filled with some hollywood score which would be totally un original and lame.  Watch the movie again.


I have to agree about the music. The movie itself is hugely about how pop culture influences our memories and our lives, so its full of them. The scene someone up on this post was complaining about, when David picks up Brian and asks what he wants to listen to, and lists Radiohead and Looper, some people might see that as a "trying to be hip" thing, i just see it as being REALISTIC.  I cannot count the times i get frustrated when movies just ignore current trends/popculture to not seem dated, it turns out being completely unrealistic.  Thats one of the main reasons i *love* Cameron's style of writing, because the characters speak like *us* , when you go pick up your buddy , and talk about what to put on the cd player,  you dont mention the band names/album names? OF COURSE WE DO! All those pop culture references just helped me believe that the characters in the movie lived in the same dimension *I* do, where there is Radiohead, Spielberg, Conan O' Brian, Courtney love (bleh), Coltrane, etc.  And for me, it was hugely refreshing to see a slice of realism in the way of pop culture references, without the film makers fearing that it would terribly date the movie...


That's the thing though... these guys aren't my fucking buddies... they're not real people and it's too clear... if they were people, they wouldn't listen to Radiohead either.

I don't buy your reasoning.


erm ...  according to Crowe on the VS commentary,  they *DO* listen to radiohead, etc. He mentions a couple of times that Jason Lee was heavily into Kid A during the shoot, and he infected everyone around him with it, to the point they ended up playing it a lot during the scenes...and thats how it came to be in the film... (and that most of the other music on the film was in fact the music they had on while shooting it)



yeah... but Jason Lee's not playing Jason Lee (though he usually is, in fact really) and he's really the only character in the whole film that I thought would believably listen to Radiohead really... Don't buy that anyone else in that film would... certainly not Cruise's character.


why not? a "young" rich head of a publishing empire living in NYC, i personally dont see why it would be so far fetched... although i would agree that Tom Cruise in real life probably wouldnt... but after seeing the commentary and other footage like the gag not so sure about that either...  :?:

agree to disagree?  :wink:  no sense in argueing much about opinions after all  :-D


Quote from: ProgWRXno sense in argueing much about opinions after all  :-D

sorry to butt in here -- this always just annoys me... people always say theres no point in argueing over opinions. thats the whole basis of a debate -- subjective views! its not possible to argue FACTS. with out opinions there is no debate about anything. ther is a HUGE point to argueing about opionion, becuase thats the only thing you can argue about. sorry that you had to be the punching bag for my angry rant. im done now.
...your excuses are your own...


i guess i get what you mean, but i do believe the old saying that you should ultimately respect other people's opinions, because they are never wrong or right...


Quote from: ProgWRXi guess i get what you mean, but i do believe the old saying that you should ultimately respect other people's opinions, because they are never wrong or right...

some opinions can be wrong. if you can prove an opinion wrong based on fact or logic, then you win the arguement. however argueing over speculations is a waste of time -- can anyone ever say if a fictitious character in a movie would actually listen to THAT cd? i guess you can argue about it till the sun comes up --  however no consensus will ever be met. the whole point of discussion and debating is to prove someone wrong or to make them change their minds. respecting someone's opinion and challenging it, are two different things, my friend.
...your excuses are your own...


well i know what you mean

but again, in the same way that if he believes the music in VS is a poor attempt at being hip, while i believe that it fits great and adds realism, there is no fact that could prove either of us wrong or right, thats what i was talking about when i mentioned about opinions    :-D


i don't know. i think david ames might be into radiohead, he seems pretty hip to me. i'll tell you one thing, he definitely doesn't watch movies like jules et jim.


Vanilla Sky? are you serious? in movies directors try add the affect of having you not know anything to is going on.  but they add a little here and there to whet your appetite so you'll keep watching. like VS there's that scene where they are in the coffe house and the guy tells him that he can make anything happen and Tom says that he wants everyone to shutup and they do. see that kept me watching it. but at the end they just shoved the whole plot down your throat with a rusty spoon in five minutes on the elevator ride.   i hated that! it was just like "well here's the plot now get outta here and take your trash with ya!" it made me mad and the whole storyline was unrealistic.
"Drum roll please...I'm gonna be a screenwriter! Like you!"


Just saw this again for the second time. My first time was maybe.. in 2001... but, the second time around wasn't nearly as powerful as my first viewing. That's a bad thing!  :x


Quote from: meatballJust saw this again for the second time. My first time was maybe.. in 2001... but, the second time around wasn't nearly as powerful as my first viewing. That's a bad thing!  :x

..all you have to do is pretend that it was still as powerful as it was the first time then it wouldn't be a bad thing.......