Wallace & Gromit and The Curse of the Wererabbit

Started by matt35mm, May 19, 2004, 12:39:40 AM

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I cannot tell you how psyched I am for this movie.  I love Wallace & Gromit.  I love Nick Park.  This is gonna be so awesome!

It's due out late 2005 (possibly early 2006), so I know this is kind of an early posting... but DAMMIT I just can't contain my excitement!


what's the point of making a thread for it when we don't even hav a trailer or nothing.

please, this trend sucks, wait till we hav sumthing to chew on. otherwise this is pointless.
under the paving stones.


There's no trailer, but fans of the short films can use this to discuss how wonderful they are. I love the Wallace & Gromit shorts (and everything else Aardman does), and I hope they can sustain their brilliance for a full feature. But Chicken Run was great (I thought), and if Aardman can make a great movie about chickens, then I'm not worried at all.

My introduction to them was when I saw The Wrong Trousers after it won its Oscar and was broadcast on PBS, along with a great making-of doc. I must have watched it thirty times.


Quote from: Pubrickwhat's the point of making a thread for it when we don't even hav a trailer or nothing.
I TOLD YOU WHY!!!  I just can't contain my excitement!

Come onnnnnn, I never start these sorts of threads... I just did it once to show just how damn excited I am!  Plus I want a place where anybody who hears anything about the movie can come to and give up the info!


These are the first stills from the film released recently.  The film is due in the U.S. on Oct. 7, 2005 (if it doesn't get pushed back again, that is).

I'm psyched.



This is apparently some behind-the-scenes thing.  I can't see it (I'm at my work computer, which won't play it).  I'll watch it when I get back, but you tell me how it is.

Also, the most complete summary to date:

It's 'vege-mania' in Wallace and Gromit's neighborhood, and our two enterprising chums are cashing in with their humane pest-control outfit, "Anti-Pesto." With only days to go before the annual Giant Vegetable Competition, business is booming, but Wallace & Gromit are finding out that running a "humane" pest control outfit has its drawbacks as their West Wallaby Street home fills to the brim with captive rabbits.

Suddenly, a huge, mysterious, veg-ravaging "beast" begins attacking the town's sacred vegetable plots at night, and the competition hostess, Lady Tottington, commissions Anti-Pesto to catch it and save the day. Lying in wait, however, is Lady Tottington's snobby suitor, Victor Quartermaine, who'd rather shoot the beast and secure the position of local hero - not to mention Lady Tottingon's hand in marriage. With the fate of the competition in the balance, Lady Tottington is eventually forced to allow Victor to hunt down the vegetable chomping marauder. Little does she know that Victor's real intent could have dire consequences for herand our two heroes.


It's awesome. There's probably nearly a minute, altogether, of new finished footage, much of it featuring some of the new characters. I've watched it several times already.


Got to see the clip, finally.  Oooooooooh so excited!


Isn't the whole point of the grapevine to discuss upcoming films with excitement and anticipation? I'm all for starting threads on films which haven't got trailers cut yet. If you don't want to talk about the film yet, then don't bother checking the thread, but don't don't ban those who do want to talk about it.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


Quote from: SleeplessIsn't the whole point of the grapevine to discuss upcoming films with excitement and anticipation?

And trailers add the most to that excitement and anticipation.

Quote from: SleeplessI'm all for starting threads on films which haven't got trailers cut yet.

And if it's a high profile film like Batman Begins or Episode III, then that's fine.

Quote from: SleeplessIf you don't want to talk about the film yet, then don't bother checking the thread, but don't don't ban those who do want to talk about it.

Nobody's banning anyone. You can discuss the announcement of film in the director's or actor's respective thread, but because something is announced doesn't mean it will be made. Remember how many threads the Fincher forum had for projects that never came to be? And now that forum is gone. We're just trying to make the site organized and easy to access for a Search instead of making many tangent discussions spread over many forums.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


First of all, this isn't a problem anymore as there are pictures and footage available now.

Second of all, we needed a thread wherein we could at least talk about Wallace & Gromit.  And I didn't start the thread until the movie was a confirmed 'in-production.'

Thirdly, it's Wallace & Gromit.  'Nuff said.


If a movie is gonna released in the future, I see no problem with having a thread for it. Assuming it's not a film associated with anyone from the directors forums.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


but there's like a ten to one ratio of films that "will be released in the future" and films that actually get released.  It turns into a big mess.

That said, I think this was a valid topic, Wallace and Gomit is a pretty big title, it's not like it's some random title.


Official Website now up.

Not much yet, except for a larger version of that featurette, some merchandise, and the story plotline.  But still, it's exciting.