
Started by NEON MERCURY, April 07, 2004, 10:33:35 PM

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spoilers...................... fellow mother phuckers  i got done watching this and it phucking has something for anyone:

-three hot-ass ladies..(gina gershon, chloe 70, connie nielson)
-anime for all the geeks out their...and its explicit XXX style...
-a kumschot
-three languages, french, english, and japaneese(?).....
-killer sonic youth soundtrack
-unrated and rated editons on dvd
-wierd surrreal like sh*t going on
-blood and sex ..and S&M..stuff
-a insert included w/the dvd
-beautiful cinematography
-connie nielson in a blue spandex  outfit.....

*for fans of dark films or of the like watch this great

has anyone else seen this film.....and enjoyed it as much as i did??......or should i shut  the phuck up?......

heres a subtle.... but.... killer pic from the film:

El Duderino

i saw it a while back, i liked it. some scenes were pretty hot

connie nielson has that older woman hot thing going on...i like it. gina gershon is definetely hot
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


Neon is like the criterion cover of xixax. He makes you want to see shit you could really give a shit about. I'll be checking this out.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Quote from: StefenNeon is like the criterion cover of xixax. He makes you want to see shit you could really give a shit about. I'll be checking this out.

..yeah man..i'm telling you it's  phucking awesome.....but see if the unrated version is available..i got the R-rated one...... :(


Netflix only has the r rated version

Is it worth buying? Did you like the features?
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


I saw the R-rated version in theaters, and liked it at first but thought it got worse as it went along -- I  was torn between applauding it for its totally out-there sensibilties and condeming it for failing to really interest me (maybe the explicit content of the unrated version pumps more blood into the story?). I'd give it two stars out of four. Here's my original review.


Quote from: Stefen
Is it worth buying? Did you like the features?

.....for me..  i bought if from just the trailers..and word of mouth..i have only seen the R-rated one...and the features are just trailers ..and some interviews w/ cast and the writer/director....
i haven't went through it all...but it definatly worth a rental...and from what  i've found the unrated version hits stores June 8th.....but i'm not sure exactly what more they would add....i know at least some of the anime would be uncensored...but its still pretty raunchy anyway...

i  just was glued while watching this...its so unique...and refreshing ..

and i read Ghostboy's review and i can see his points..but for me i felt the opossite..and was engaged totally throughout..and felt the ends justified the means completely.....

.......Ghostboy, you didn't find meaning into chloe playing games nude...... :wink:


Quote from: N the E digital O rape N

.......Ghostboy, you didn't find meaning into chloe playing games nude...... :wink:

...oh, I found meaning in it, all right.  :wink:

Without revealing anything, I thought the final outcome was really lame and predictable...if all the mystery had lead up to something else, I might have been more impressed, but it just seemed silly.


I just saw this the other night. I really liked the mood and cinematography of the film. But like most here i thought the ending was too easy and predictable. But the rest of the film was top, it just flagged at the end.

Does anyone know if the Unrated version coming out is actually a director's cut or does it just include the uncensored anime footage?
"I have love to give, I just don't know where to put it."


I just found this out tonight.
Demonlover Unrated Director's Cut (2002)
Release date: September 8, 2004
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


rented it. so is david lynch getting royalty checks from this? it's not hard to see why neon likes it so much..

i had no idea what the hell was going on in the second hour. yet i'm strangely compelled to buy it.. maybe if there was more chloe 7E, which is the whole reason i watched it.
under the paving stones.


This movie is completely awseome and freaky. Try to wactch it if you ever get the chance.
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Quote from: Pubrickrented it. so is david lynch getting royalty checks from this? it's not hard to see why neon likes it so much..

i had no idea what the hell was going on in the second hour. yet i'm strangely compelled to buy it.. maybe if there was more chloe 7E, which is the whole reason i watched it.

haha...yeah, lynch should get royalties.  i am glad i am not the only one who sees [for better or for worse] similarites.

thadius sterling

I definately saw the similarities to Lynch but it is also stand-alone (sorry lynch no royalties from me.) I loved 7E (never saw her name printed like that untill now, I think she should adopt it for billing all her movies). What can I say? You are immersed in mystery and intrigue when you watch it, also reminded me of an Atom Egoyan except I always feel like I'm at a sexy dentist when I'm watching an Atom Egoyan, and sometimes that pisses me off. This felt more like a tatoo parlor. Makes sense? Probably not. Good film though.