Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Started by MacGuffin, February 17, 2003, 02:42:48 AM

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Scarlett Set for 'Indiana Jones 4'?
Source: imdb

Harrison Ford is set for a new sidekick when he returns to the big screen as Indiana Jones - in the shape of actress Scarlett Johansson. Tom Cruise has been championing the Oscar nominee for a part in pal Steven Spielberg's fourth Indiana Jones movie as the pair work together on Armageddon drama War of the Worlds. Cruise has been working with Johansson on the third Mission: Impossible movie and he's convinced she'll be perfect for the new Jones film, according to Australia's NW Magazine. An insider says, "Steven was saying there is a shortage of young actresses who can carry off a strong role. He considered Natalie Portman, but she's too connected with Star Wars - Tom suggested Scarlett."
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


under the paving stones.


Quote from: Pubrickoscar nominee?

and 3 times golden globe nominee


under the paving stones.


Quote from: Pubrickshe's not an oscar nominee.

neither are you  :yabbse-grin:


New Indiana Jones 4 Script Done
What will Lucas think of this one?
In a new interview with, producer George Lucas has revealed that a new script for the next Indiana Jones movie has been written, and he expects Steven Spielberg to drop by and show it to him any day now.

"I look forward to reading it and seeing if it's what we laid out in the first place. You never know," said Lucas, who is currently overseeing the final touches to Revenge of the Sith. Meanwhile, his effects company ILM is also finishing up Spielberg's War of the Worlds sci-fi epic.

Lucas explained something of the extensive script writes and re-writes that Indiana Jones IV has been through. "Oh yeah. I came up with this idea doing Young Indy, which has got to be about seven or eight years ago, and we've been through a number of scripts – six or eight scripts. Six scripts, two rewrites. So it's been down the path. There were certain aspects of it that Steven and Harrison [Ford] didn't like, and so we changed those, and then we laid out a version and it didn't come out the way it was supposed to, and then we did another version and it didn't come out, so we've just been going through this development hell, which happens once in a while. We'll see. When it comes out, it'll be different. Different, but the same."

Lucas also hinted that there might be a younger character involved alongside Dr. Jones, as well as the return of one or more characters from previous Indy films. "You need characters to make the film work. It's not just an adventure story. There's actually got to be human relationships in it."

Maybe if the Flanneled One likes what he reads, we will finally hear an announcement on Indiana Jones IV production.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Spielberg Commits to Shooting Indiana Jones IV
Could it arrive in late 2006?
Just the other day, George Lucas told an interviewer that a new script for Indiana Jones IV was finished, and that directing partner Steven Spielberg would be delivering it soon.

Well, Lucas – who is serving as producer on the new adventure film – has the script, and it sounds like he, Spielberg, and Harrison Ford are ready to get started. Lucas confirmed this in an interview with Time magazine (and quoted at The Indy Experience:

"You know, I said three's fine. And then I came up with an idea I thought was brilliant, so I told the other guys [Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford], and they kind of flipped out. It's vaguely in the realm of the supernatural. We have to accept the fact that Indiana Jones is an older man. But it's been hell getting a script out of it. Steven is committed to shooting it next year. I just got the latest script yesterday."

It's nice to hear that, like the previous three Indy movies, Indy 4 will continue to combine archaeology and pulp-fiction adventure with supernatural phenomena.

Depending on when next year Spielberg wants to shoot, we could be looking at a theatrical release in late 2006 or spring 2007.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I look forward to Indy 4.

I don't look forward to Indy 5, which will inevitably get made with a different actor as the lead.


Lucas Gives Indy 4 Script Thumbs Up
With Harrison's approval, it's ready to go.
Source: IGN.FilmForce
More news on the next Indiana Jones film emerged this week, and it's good. George Lucas has finally given his sanction to the script Steven Spielberg delivered a few weeks ago. The latest treatment, which is based on a rejected screenplay by veteran Frank Darabont, was written by Jeff Nathanson (Rush Hour 2). According to Variety, Nathanson and Lucas spent some time together at Lucas's place to go over the draft before declaring the new version a success.

Spielberg's decision to bring Nathanson in on the project seems to be working out well. Nathanson also reworked screenplays for Spielberg's recent dramas The Terminal and Catch Me If You Can.

Although the biggest obstacle facing Indiana Jones IV – getting Lucas's approval – appears to have been cleared, a few more hurdles remain. Actor Harrison Ford must give his approval to the script, and the moviemaking trio – producer Spielberg, producer Lucas, and Ford – need to coordinate their schedules. Spielberg in particular is currently busy with his drama picture based on the 1972 Munich Olympics (currently titled Vengeance), and Ford will soon be shooting the science fiction film Godspeed.

With any luck, we'll soon be hearing a pre-production announcement for Indiana Jones IV. The final outing of adventurer-archaeologist Henry Jones Jr. could make it to theaters in 2006.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


''Approved'' Indy Script Still Under Revision
Producer says it could be ready soon, though.
Steven Spielberg's longtime producing partner, Kathleen Kennedy, says that while Lucas and Spielberg have both approved Jeff Nathanson's latest draft for Indiana Jones IV, there's still work to be done on the script before the project is officially greenlit.

"I know this sounds like something that we've been saying for 15 years, but I'm hoping that we're going to see something in a couple of months," Kennedy told Now Playing Magazine. "Jeff Nathanson is working on the script right now; I will say this: If it comes in and we're all happy with it, it will be more than likely the next thing we do."

Kennedy suggested that while the screenplay is by and large complete, there is still some "finesse" to be added to it. She also did not think that Harrison Ford's age would negatively affect the film. "Certainly we're not writing the script as though [Indiana Jones is] 20 years old. You know, Sean Connery spent a lot of time in the Bond role and whatnot. I think it's great that we can go make another Indiana Jones movie and Indy can be a little older. I think playing with that is a good thing."

Kennedy would not reveal any more details about the story, other than that it takes place in the late '40s. That would make Dr. Jones chronologically about 10 years older than in The Last Crusade. While Ford is actually 18 years older this time around, it shouldn't be impossible to pull off.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Indy 4: Not Just Talk
Contracts negotiated, schedules readied.

More good news is trickling in that should squelch doubts that one more Indiana Jones adventure could find its footing.

SKNR is reporting that "the ball is rolling" (perhaps that same one that chased Indiana in Raiders), and that contract negotiations with all the important people – Lucas, Spielberg, and Ford – are in progress. A certain amount of bargaining is to be expected – the lucrative arrangements that those three ultimately agree to will most likely include a share of the box office and DVD profits.

It is still believed that Sean Connery is not involved in the project at this point.

The Indy Experience adds more details from another source: Lucas and screenwriter Jeff Nathanson should have the current script – which is by and large approved already – tweaked and production-ready by fall; and Spielberg is scheduling Indiana Jones 4 to be his next project once Munich is done.

The site hears that February 2007 is the projected release date – a somewhat odd month to choose (Passion of the Christ is the only major blockbuster to ever have opened in February). SKNR suggests Summer 2007 as a more likely window for the next Indiana Jones.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Michelle Yeoh in Indy 4
Crouching Tiger's heroine might co-star in the adventure.

It's been rumored before, but it sounds like Chinese-Malaysian actress Michelle Yeoh, star of the epic Chinese film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, may indeed be one of Harrison Ford's female co-stars in Indiana Jones IV. According to Michelle Yeoh Web Theatre and The Indy, the news came to light during a recent visit by Steven Spielberg to the set of Memoirs of a Geisha – in which Yeoh has a leading role. Spielberg, who was there in his capacity as a producer, was overheard to tell Yeoh, "Don't forget we are supposed to work together on an Indiana Jones sequel."

It was reported on previous occasions in 1998 and 2000 that Yeoh was in talks with Spielberg for a part. That seems likely now, if the new Indy movie goes forward next year as planned.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Movie File: Indiana Jones
Source: MTV News

Harrison Ford's not getting any younger (and Karen Allen's not getting any more relevant), so fans can't help but wonder: When, exactly, are we going to see the long-promised fourth Indiana Jones movie? "We just keep working on it," shrugged series writer/producer George Lucas. "You know, we just write and write and write and write and write. But we are getting closer, and hopefully this year we will have a start date and we will have a script that we all love and hopefully it will come out next year." Lucas added that Jeff Nathanson ("Catch Me if You Can") is the newest addition to a pile of screenwriters bigger than the Cairo swordsman's weapon of choice. Ford has said that he will reprise his whip-wielding adventurer role for the first time since 1989's "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," and Steven Spielberg is making plans to direct. ...
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


This is totally speculation, but I smell a big problem with this film.  In particular, I have a feeling that Spielberg and Lucas are having a major disagreement about what the story should be.  I'm only basing this on the reports that Spielberg and Ford loved the Darabont script and then Lucas vetoed it and declared that he himself would work on the writing of the script.  I'm sure Spielberg likes his friend a lot, but even he has to realize that despite Lucas' imagination and creativity, he is a horrible screenwriter, and I can only surmise that there are major and maybe even insurmountable creative disagreements going on there.  Spielberg has become so successful and independent that it must be hard to allow anyone that kind of veto power over his work.  One strength that Spielberg has is that he realizes his limitations as a writer, will write what he can (like A.I., and Close Encounters) but leave the rest to more talented writers.  I think Lucas' hubris will be the undoing of this project and I really have my doubts that it will happen.  That said, this is all just me speculating out of thin air.


haha, it makes sense that you wouldn't get pozer's joke in the "OIL!" thread.