Revolutions or Return of the King?

Started by Banky, September 18, 2003, 09:56:11 PM

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I had this conversation with a friend of mine and I thought it would be an interesting thread.  Keep in mind this is not which movie you think will be better.  With that in mind, I would have to go with Revolutions.  If I had to put money on which movie will deliver I would easily have to say ROTK but I don't know, I just couldn't live with myself not seeing the final chapter of The Matrix.  I think that if Matrix Revolutions lives up to its full potential than it will surpass ROTK.  But the chances of that happening seem a little slim.

This might be a dumb thread to some but I am really just curios on this community's stance.

I thought this would be the best spot on the site for this thread.  If not please move it.

Find Your Magali

Return of the King. Absolutely. I think Peter Jackson's trilogy is a crowning achievement. A stellar film adaptation of arguably THE most beloved and influential books of the 20th century. ... I believe the Lord of the Rings will be thought of in elite company in the history of fantasy cinema in the coming decades, right alongside The Wizard of Oz and Star Wars.

That's not to say anything bad about the Matrix. Although, actually, I can't really say anything one way or the other. I've seen most of The Matrix, in 30-minute chunks here and there, on HBO. I enjoyed it. I have not seen The Matrix Reloaded, because I simply don't see that many films in theatres anymore and because it never really piqued my interest. So Matrix Revolutions holds no importance for me.

So, for me, Return of the King was a no-brainer pick. If it is everything that Peter Jackson boasts it will be, it will be the film of the year, in my book.


I'm in the same position with both of them, I liked the first alot, and disliked the second.  But in the case of the LOTR films I liked the first but HATED the second.


HATED the second...? you must've been a reader....
Return of the King, can't wait, me and my girl
the rumble of the train trails off to infinity, a place where no one goes anymore

JC, no not that one


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Find Your Magali

Quote from: Pedro the WombatRevolutions
I'm in the same position with both of them, I liked the first alot, and disliked the second.  But in the case of the LOTR films I liked the first but HATED the second.

Well, I do agree with you that I preferred Fellowship of the Ring over The Two Towers. ... Peter Jackson had a much more difficult challenge with the second film, as the book's narrative splits into three main paths, and it's hard to maintain momentum with the various storylines. I thought the Treebeard/Merry/Pippin plot thread really stalled out, to the detriment of the film. Still, it was tremendously entertaining. Gollum was jaw-dropping. And things are set up for a knockout wrapup to the trilogy.


Tough call here.. but I'd go with Revolutions, minus the pointless sex scenes this time around.


Quote from: CinephileTough call here.. but I'd go with Revolutions, minus the pointless sex scenes this time around.

But how do you know it doesn't have a point until you see the last one?
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: CinephileTough call here.. but I'd go with Revolutions, minus the pointless sex scenes this time around.

But how do you know it doesn't have a point until you see the last one?

good point


Gonna have to say Revolutions.  I had moderate expectations for Reloaded and ended up being blown away-- they turned the whole story on it's ear.  Dying to know how it all wraps up (and I just caught a commercial for it on TV tonight that is going to having me geeked up for weeks).


Quote from: Weak2ndActGonna have to say Revolutions.  I had moderate expectations for Reloaded and ended up being blown away-- they turned the whole story on it's ear.  Dying to know how it all wraps up (and I just caught a commercial for it on TV tonight that is going to having me geeked up for weeks).


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: CinephileTough call here.. but I'd go with Revolutions, minus the pointless sex scenes this time around.

But how do you know it doesn't have a point until you see the last one?

Good call. Maybe 'pointless' was the wrong word. I felt the sex was extremely out of place and perhaps could've fit somewhere else. It was a low point in the film for me, since I enjoyed the film immensely and then they suddenly have sex and I'm looking around wondering how they got to that point.  :?


Quote from: moonshinerHATED the second...? you must've been a reader....
No reader.  I found the 2nd overtly slow, personally.  I was never interested in any of the journeys the characters had, and I thought that the acting was worse, especially by Sir Ian.  about all that I dug in it were Gollum and the Trees.


That's funny you say that, because most people who didn't like the second one put most of the blame on the trees (me, I loved the trees and everything else).

I'd go with ROTK. Although I can't wait to see what happens in Revolutions, and I sort of have an idea about what happens in ROTK, Jackson's trilogy has engaged me on a far greater level. I keep having to remind myself that Revolutions is coming out; I anticipate ROTK on a pretty regular basis.


Quote from: CinephileI felt the sex was extremely out of place and perhaps could've fit somewhere else. It was a low point in the film for me, since I enjoyed the film immensely and then they suddenly have sex and I'm looking around wondering how they got to that point.  :?
check that shit out. you may be a convert.

Revolutions, baby. biggest set up evar in Reloaded. really. what could anyone possibly do now to not die?! it seems impossible.

i'm not that big on Lotr. though after seeing TTT i had a greater appreciation for the Fellowship.