Movies You Hope Never Happen (the DO NOT CLICK thread)

Started by Victor, January 20, 2003, 08:37:45 PM

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OK, so we got a little off track there...

I still wouldn't want to see the movie "Inside Goatse.Cx"!


I crack me up.

I feel it's just a matter of time before God Damn I Am Da Man sets it as his avatar.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


I really hate you guys. I clicked on that link and I was in the campus library, and the computer is slow as shit and I couldn't even minimize the screen for a good 5 seconds, so quite a few people saw it.

A good way to make friends in a new country.



Quote from: sphinxto show you how easy it is to trick people, i will cite this thread as a reference!

bastard!    :twisted:
your reality is at the end of your dream

Gold Trumpet

I have a personal place for all the Die Hard movies, because I credit Die Hard with getting me interested in movies in the first place. The first two are the real gems, while the third is good but still disposable. But if Britney Spears is going to be in the fourth, then I will refuse to even watch it. So thats what I have to say about that.



Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI have a personal place for all the Die Hard movies, because I credit Die Hard with getting me interested in movies in the first place. The first two are the real gems, while the third is good but still disposable. But if Britney Spears is going to be in the fourth, then I will refuse to even watch it. So thats what I have to say about that.


Die Hard 4: Die Hardest: More details on Britney Spears' supposed role in the movie have emerged: "The movie is going to take place in the Caribbean, where John McClane accidently runs into his daughter, Lucy, who is a cabaret dancer. McClane has had very little contact with his daughter in the past 10 years. The movie will involve an villain of Japanese origin and an all-out rescue of Spears' character. (if she's confirmed to play the daughter). The surprising thing about the movie is that John McClane will use one gun in the movie and will fire it only twice, the rest will be fist-fights".
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Gold Trumpet


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI have a personal place for all the Die Hard movies, because I credit Die Hard with getting me interested in movies in the first place. The first two are the real gems, while the third is good but still disposable. But if Britney Spears is going to be in the fourth, then I will refuse to even watch it. So thats what I have to say about that.


Die Hard 4: Die Hardest: More details on Britney Spears' supposed role in the movie have emerged: "The movie is going to take place in the Caribbean, where John McClane accidently runs into his daughter, Lucy, who is a cabaret dancer. McClane has had very little contact with his daughter in the past 10 years. The movie will involve an villain of Japanese origin and an all-out rescue of Spears' character. (if she's confirmed to play the daughter). The surprising thing about the movie is that John McClane will use one gun in the movie and will fire it only twice, the rest will be fist-fights".

The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls




One of the questions most on fans' minds is whether he will return as John McClane in a fourth installment of the "Die Hard" series. Coming Soon! talked to the star about the possible third sequel.

Although Willis thinks 20th Century Fox would be willing to make another one, there's factors today that may make it difficult to do. "I'm sure that Fox wants to see 'Die Hard 4' made because the first three films were so successful, financially, which is the business of studios. It's so difficult in the world that we live in right now to make a movie about terrorists. I think they've kind of hit a wall with that storyline. I said that I would at some point do 'Die Hard 4' if they came up with a script that was interesting and wasn't another version of how could the same thing happen to the same guy four times, which is a difficult job I think for Fox to try to find that script."

At this time no director or writer are on board for a fourth film, but would Willis be up for it? "I could do Die Hard 9. I could Die Hard 200 and just keep doing that film over and over. I try and keep myself interested as an actor. I try to look for films that challenge me, to do new things, to try to entertain people in a different way than I did last time. I've gone on record as saying that I had gotten to a point in my career where I was tired of running down the street with two guns in my hand, screaming, 'Nooooo!' I don't know, I guess I just try to keep challenging myself."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin"I could do Die Hard 9. I could Die Hard 200 and just keep doing that film over and over.

I try and keep myself interested as an actor. I try to look for films that challenge me, to do new things, to try to entertain people in a different way than I did last time.

Hes speaking a language that would confuse most people. Luckily, I have a pocket translator. He just said:

"Give me $20 million and Ill scream yippekaiay till my throat bleeds."
are you gonna eat with us too?


WARNING WARNING!!! The link below is just as bad or worse than goatse...

anyone wanna see
"We're all one thing, Lieutenant. That's what I've come to realize. Like cells in a body. 'Cept we can't see the body. The way fish can't see the ocean. And so we envy each other. Hurt each other. Hate each other. How silly is that? A heart cell hating a lung cell"

phil marlowe

Quote from: 82The link below is worse than goatse...

I agree.


Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.
