Ask The Gold Trumpet

Started by Gold Trumpet, April 30, 2003, 07:35:07 PM

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Gold Trumpet

Quote from: Ravi on August 08, 2006, 11:46:03 PM
What do you think of this?

Eh, I feel very little of anything.

I hardly ever watch Hannity and Colmes but I've seen him on the show before. He use to do friday segments for them where he'd rant on one subject or another. The ranting wasn't the same as his heyday in the 90s on his HBO show. On Hannity and Colmes, he was given 2 minutes at best to package everything he wanted to say. The segments came off as forced and the breath was too short for Miller's tongue. Besides, you never knew when the segment would be so you'd have to stomach Sean Hannity for longer than anyone should.

I love Dennis Miller. I love he will be doing something beyond touring, but Hannity and Colmes is hardly the answer. I can't see how being a "contributer" will be any better or different. CNBC and Monday Night Football were downgrades for him, but they were still him being able to go off. I still go back and read transcripts of things he said during Monday Night Football. He was actually doing stellar work and was better situated for the job than most give him credit for. Its just hard to find any format to top his HBO show. That was as perfect as perfect could be for him. Now I'm just waiting for the DVDs of that show to come out....

Sigur Rós

What is the last film that made you cry?

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: Sigur Rós on August 09, 2006, 05:17:39 AM
What is the last film that made you cry?

He Got Game, actually.

I watched it recently at like 4am when it was on TV. I hadn't seen it in years and while I remembered it as not being the best film, I remembered it as being enjoyable. It still is. I just didn't expect to start crying. I don't know. I grew up a protege of my father to be good in sports. He was the one who pushed me the hardest and seemed to take it the hardest when I quit sports. The only redemption he has now is that I follow and am enthusiastic about sports, but I know I missed out on opportunities for grandeur in my community. It also meant me missing out on him being more involved in my life. I've been going college for years with goals in mind and he still asks me what type of degree I am going for. He's a good guy, supports me when I need it, but emotionally distant to many things I am.

Also, Denzel Washington in that film, the way he can act serious and cocky in all in a matter of seconds, is an exact replica of how my father acts.

Gold Trumpet

Didn't know where else to put this, but something Losing the Horse said in another thread about me in the "Stupidest Thing You've Heard Someone Say" should be posted here.

Quote from: w/o horse on September 17, 2007, 10:35:58 AM
Sometimes I just have to laugh at the amount of dedication you have towards reestablishing the parameters by which we're all supposed to be judging films.

At first I disliked this and the rest of his post, but I've come to discover that I am riding on the ambition to challenge standard methods of film appreciation. As someone headed toward graduate school, I have to take into consideration subjects and ideas that are close to me.

I've been formulating ideas about moralism in cinema. It's something loosely discussed in relationship to certain writers and filmmakers, but I'll try to write something more conclusive and official. All my ideas will be amassed into an essay for posting on Green Screen sometime soon. A majority of the essay will deal with arguments on the board about scholarism and cinema.

The point of me writing this is that I'm prolonging my stay on the board. I'm not going to post with the frequency of other members, but I'll be around for good. I just needed time to reconsider my interest and effectiveness on the board. If I am sappy enough announce my retirement again please make fun of me for it. Tell me I'm an asshole and as honest as Roger Clemens. He has a tendency to announce his too.

All kidding aside, I feel good about this decision.

Chest Rockwell