Why does anyone like the Boondock Saints?

Started by Born Under Punches, April 22, 2003, 03:09:04 PM

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Sigur Rós

Damn I hate this "film". There isn't really any positive things to say about it!


Good thing they're making a sequel, right?

phil marlowe

i dont think i was that bad. it was stupid, yes, but it was also quite entertaining.

Sigur Rós

Quote from: GhostboyGood thing they're making a sequel, right?

Didn't know that! Was the first one a succés? I thought most people hated it!

Born Under Punches

It's considered a cult film now.  All I know is that if you talk shit about Boondock Saints on some places on the Internet, you'll be hit with a barrage of insults like "FAGGOT" and "MOVIE SNOB."  


Sigur Rós

Yeah, that is weird! Maybe the word "cultfilmsnob" does exist after all.  :-D


I heard this film mentioned by 3 different people over the past week, so I figured the stars were pointing for me to finally see this after all the hub-bub-- and I must admit, my anticipation for 'Overnight' has been huge.  And now that's it over, I can't wait to see 'Overnight' even more... so I can see that twat Troy Duffy crash and burn before my eyes.  There aren't even words to describe my hatred for this movie, it's so deep and raging.  I hate myself for even wasting 2 hours of my life to actually see this.  You know what?  I knew it was going to be bad.  I expected it.  I figure you have to see some stinkers just for the sake of it (you can learn more from mistakes than from home runs sometimes).  But this... AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH

If you want a benchmark for post-Tarantino drivel, this is your movie.  From the haggard religious overtones, to the gay-bashing, racial comments... jesus H., the list of offenses is too huge to count.  This movie can't even be enjoyed in a 'violence is cool' aspect because the filmmaking is so fucking weak.  I can accept flaws, I can accept mistakes, but Duffy's attempts at style reek so bad of desperation it just hurts to watch (Willem listening to classical music at a crime scene?).  The whole movie is a desperate wet-dream by somebody that should have stayed a nobody and checking ID's at the bar.

I used to have this theory in college, when i was 18 and cocky (well, moreso than now I suppose), that if you didn't like 'L.A. Confidential,' you were a moron.  Now it seems quite foolish in hindsight.  But that being said... I'm resurrecting that adage.  If you like 'Boondock Saints,' may God have fucking mercy on your soul.  You have no hope.  This is the cinematic equivalent of an abortion.  If someone tells you they actually LIKE this movie, punch them in the face.


Yeah, I have some friends who liked Boondock Saints, and I ached for their souls.  But where do you stand on L.A. Confidential now, W2A?


Man, I can't wait to see 'Overnight' too...I'm going to savor every minute of it. Every now and then, my hatred for Boondock Saints will surface, Incredible Hulk style. Wasn't there something about Duffy in the 'Down And Dirty Pictures' as well? I still need to read that book.


Quote from: OnomatopoeiaBut where do you stand on L.A. Confidential now, W2A?
I still think it's a masterpiece.  But if someone tells me they don't like the flick, it doesn't make my-nerd-Hulk-rage come out like the old days.  Boondock has resurrected it.

The Perineum Falcon

Ah, yes, now I know why I love this place!
I had heard about it early last year, by several "trustworthy" people, so I hopped down to the local blockbuster to check it out. I just picked up the box and was bum rushed by 3 employees telling me how fucking amazing the film is. One (an aquaintence of mine) even went so far as to tell me that I would love it so much that I'd want to buy it the next day and that he'd hold a copy just for me.
So I took it home excited, thinking that this would be a great experience. And EVERYTHING negative in this thread I felt. I took it back and didn't speak of it for months. First day of a film class, one of the girls that works at BBV sat next to me and I took this opportunity to ask her why she liked it so much. I compared it to Reservoir Dogs and she was......flabbergasted? She couldn't believe I'd say something like that. One thing leads to another and BAM, we start going out and she makes me feel bad for my disdain whenever the subjects brought up.

Thank you Xixax.com for proving my point! This was an empty film and a bland experience.
And if disliking this movie makes me a snob, then I'm damn proud of it!
We often went to the cinema, the screen would light up and we would tremble, but also, increasingly often, Madeleine and I were disappointed. The images had dated, they jittered, and Marilyn Monroe had gotten terribly old. We were sad, this wasn't the film we had dreamed of, this wasn't the total film that we all carried around inside us, this film that we would have wanted to make, or, more secretly, no doubt, that we would have wanted to live.


i didnt put a response in this thread eariler so i will now.  i had the exact same experience like a year ago.  heard from like 3 or 4 unrelated people that this movie was awesome.  knew it wouldnt be, put it off put it off, finally rented it.  went in without expectations but willing to like it if needed, and it was the worst piece of shit either.  i completely agree about the post-tarantino drivel, and the god help anyone who likes this film.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Hmm... could this be Xixax's most hated movie?


Quote from: PwaibloeHmm... could this be Xixax's most hated movie?
Aside from anything Ratner touches, yes.


I don't understand why they give a parole to the fat old guy when they have to chain him and put him in a bird cage so he doesn't break loose from his ... PAROLE HEARING.