Not Fade Away

Started by Kal, October 07, 2012, 02:30:54 AM

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Has anyone seen the trailer for Not Fade Away?

I mean, David Chase? From the Creator of The Sopranos? It's like PTA directing Transformers 5 and the marketing say "From the creator of The Master". This could not be more far away from what I expected from David Chase's first feature film. I know he probably wanted to show he could do something very different from Sopranos, but damn.

Beyond that it doesn't look very good.


Judging from the trailer, I would not want to see this. But David Chase's directorial debut grabs my curiosity, and also the chick from Dark Shadows is soooo good to look at.


Went to college with one of the actors.  I never cared for him as a person--I wonder if he's any good in this.  It doesn't look that bad. 


this movie is really good.  clear-eyed, elliptical, unsentimental meditation on subjective memories of america in the 60s that i found to be entirely engrossing and emotionally sating.  bella heathcote is as gorgeous an actress as i've seen in quite some time.  y'all should check it out when it gets a wide release, which if the posters at amc are to be believed will be soon.  full disclosure, i've not seen a single episode of the sopranos. 


I picked this up in the redbox a few nights ago and samsong is right, this is a great film. There is no fat in this film. Every scene has so much going, and it deals with a time that we all have an opinion about, so it's a fun in that aspect too.  There are so many little elements that really make this film special. It really nails a lot of aspects about being in a band.  I look forward to watching this again.

It's lit marvelously, and the overall look of the whole film is just beautiful. I wouldn't say it's a simple film, but it has a quality about it that I really enjoy, yet I'm finding difficult to put into words;  I feel like it's very grounded, or very realistic. Had aspects of the Coen's.  Anyway, you folks should definitely check this out.
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