Project X

Started by MacGuffin, February 13, 2012, 11:52:57 PM

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Trailer here.

Release date: March 2, 2012

Starring: Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper, Jonathan Daniel Brown, Dax Flame

Director by: Nima Nourizadeh

Premise: Three seemingly anonymous high school seniors attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Their idea is innocent enough: let's throw a party that no one will forget... but nothing could prepare them for this party. Word spreads quickly as dreams are ruined, records are blemished and legends are born.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Well... i'll see that.


VICE is hosting a screening here in Chicago tonight. I'm not totally sure if I'm going to go see it, being that they're having an after-party with whoever the hell Machine Gun Kelly is... for those 21 and over.  :( Pusha T is doing the after-party in my hometown in Miami. Fuck me.

Jeremy Blackman

I knew this would happen. A bunch of copycat "Project X" parties have been going on. Here's the latest example.

'Project X'-Inspired Party Leads to Teen Killing

The victim died at Ben Taub General Hospital after suffering multiple gunshot wounds, Houston police told

The party is one of a string of copycat parties that have been held to emulate the ultimate party in the film, which was directed by Nima Nourizadeh and written by Michael Bacall and Matt Drake.

Word of the spring break bubbles-and-foam party spread quickly via social media, and about 300 to 600 guests attended the event.

Daniel Menjivara, a 22-year-old college student, said that Project X and spring break brought out the partygoers that night.

Officials arrived at the vacant mansion, which has previously been used as a party location, around midnight to shut the party down when neighbors called to complain about the noise levels. The mansion, which is surrounded by a field, was still not enough space to accommodate such a large turnout.

Soon after, the overcrowded party dispersed into the streets, and arguments began to erupt among guests.

"Then, about 30 minutes later, all hell broke loose -- gunfire," said neighbor Amos Miles to ABC affiliate KTRK.

"Kids took to the streets, but the parking lot was overpacked, so you couldn't get out," Menjivar said. "It was just people in the actual street. They got into arguments and started shooting each other."

Attendee Willie Armstrong told KTRK he witnessed the shooting.

"[The gunman] was just walking, and he pulled out a gun and started shooting, like for no reason," said Armstrong. "He shot that boy in the back of the head, and he fell on the ground by the car. He was just laying there."

The suspect then turned the gun on police officers when they began to pursue him but was able to flee and remains at large.

"I asked some of the kids why, and they said Project X. And I said, 'OK, what's Project X?'" Mark Stephens, a private investigator working for the homebuilder told ABC affiliate WFAA. "When you look at the movie, and you look at what happened here, the parallels are uncanny. It was a copycat. They did everything that I saw in the movie."

The Ultimate Badass

Because this sort of thing never happened before this rather low-key non-box-office-smash came out.

Jeremy Blackman

Because my point was that Project X causes all parties and teen shootings?

Just saying, I knew there were kids out there stupid enough to copycat this movie.



God! Dick.
My house, my rules, my coffee


For me, the most shocking thing about this story is that these youths needed the film for inspiration. The party in Project X is THE generic teen movie party. Industry standard, despite its marketing. Unless throwing a (SPOILER ALERT) dwarf into the mix counts as innovation.

It's as if the concept of a party was completely alien to these kids prior to seeing the film and they were like, "Whoa. You can do that?"


I don't know what i expected from this but this was the worst movie movie i've ever seen.

what the fuck is wrong with people. it's 2012, you're fucking assholes. it's 2012 and movies like this is still getting made? how could you even think of making this piece of shit? the female characters in this movie was just there to show their boobs or throw sex at the male protagonists. oh, and they really don't mind because all they want is to fuck anyway. am I missing something or are we rally supposed to sympathise with these mysogynist assholes?

this is how it always has been, and there is no different between this or any other misogynist movie made 60 years ago. I can't really wrap my head around it and understand why these kind of movies is still getting popular without people reacting to it.  fuck off.


yeah i'm going to do a little early campaigning for this as worst movie of the year.

worst movie of the year.


Wow you guys. I haven't written here in a long time, but the amount of camaraderie I'm feeling right now is tremendous. I seriously HATED this movie more than any movie I've ever seen. I saw it at the drive-in and was so fucking pissed off when it was over, I booed the film for several minutes, which almost made it worth it.

It's such a rancid, mean-spirited, boy's wet dream of a film, misogynistic doesn't even begin to describe it. At the risk of being hyperbolic (a risk I'm willing to take), this film is why incidents like Steubenville, OH happen. There's clearly something very warped with the male minds behind this movie.