
Started by modage, October 22, 2010, 01:18:30 PM

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EXCLUSIVE: Steven Spielberg has committed to next direct Robopocalypse, a Drew Goddard-scripted adaptation of the Daniel H. Wilson epic novel about the human race's attempt to survive an apocalyptic robot uprising. Deadline broke the story that Spielberg was eyeing the novel as a directing vehicle last March, before he instead chose War Horse as the first film he directed for DreamWorks since Spielberg and Stacey Snider left Paramount and made a deal with Reliance and a distribution deal at Disney.

At that time, the novel wasn't finished, but Spielberg was so excited about it that it was already being storyboarded and designed as Wilson was turning in pages of the book and Goddard was translating them into the screenplay. Spielberg will start shooting in January, 2012 and Disney's Touchstone will distribute in 2013.

It puts Spielberg back into the large scale terrain that is important in his relationship with Reliance, because it is the kind of movie that can succeed on a global tent pole scale. Spielberg has two pictures he directed that are in post-production, Tin Tin: The Secret of the Unicorn will be distributed in the U.S. on December 28, 2011 with War Horse following 5 days later. This might seem like a lot of action for one director, but remember, this is Steven Spielberg, and he has multi-tasked successfully before. Like when he shot Jurassic Park and then moved directly into Schindler's List. He turned out a summer blockbuster, followed later in 1993 by the film that won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

"Robopocalypse embodies an imaginative story of a robot rebellion unleashed against the human race," said Mark Sourian, who's announcing the project with his co-prexy Holly Bario. "This is a project we immediately sparked to and with Steven directing it we knew it was in the best possible hands to bring it to worldwide audiences."

Doubleday will publish the book June, 2011. Wilson is hot stuff, in the kind of hi-tech scifi terrain that was the domain of Michael Crichton. His rep, Justin Manask, is preparing to shop his next book, AMP, which is a near-future science fiction thriller set in a world where the technology to make the disabled whole, turns them into supermen. That book will also be published by Doubleday, with 120 pages done so far. This one is being eyed for summer, 2012.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Everyone is going to call this Robocopalypse.
under the paving stones.


I keep hearing it in my head as Ropocalypse. The real way has too many goddamn syllables.
My house, my rules, my coffee


lol quit ripping off my thoughts, fellas. 


The movie I'm really holding out for is Bropocalypse, starring Channing Tatum and Cam Gigandet.
My house, my rules, my coffee



I see Robocop in there, too.

Sounds like a cool idea. Amblin Spielberg would of knocked this one out of the park, but Businessman Spielberg will make an awful movie that will make billions.

When was the last time Spielberg made a GREAT movie? Not just good, but great? His early career is filled with them but not much lately? A.I. was great, but that was more by accident because Spielberg bumbled it so badly by trying to make it a happy ending but just ended up making it sad and creepy which worked so much better for the film. War of the Worlds had it's moments, but too many problems to call it great (Tim Robbins lulz and the awful brother actor) Munich is great until the last 20 minutes. haha remember when Eric Bana is banging his wife and freaking out? Hilarious. That seems to be the trend with most Spielberg movies these days.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


I think he should lay off the fucking sci-fi movies. Back to truck chasing, shark eating, alien lost movies. He's been brainwashed by George Lucas. Twat!


Minority Report was great.  That was a long time ago though.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I dont mint if he doesn't make a GREAT movie (I think Munich is a great movie) as long as he keeps the ambition there. Indy 4 was such a disaster that fucked more than a decade of Spielberg stretching and doing relevant things, interesting things. Now he comes with that Horse movie, which will probably just highlight his worst tendencies, and this. Sounds intriguing but should be called Robocalypse...maybe.


Quote from: modage on October 24, 2010, 09:07:53 AM
Minority Report was great.  That was a long time ago though.

I agree, it was a long time ago. But it seems that's his thing nowadays (sci-fi). The movie's great. But he has to move on. He has to make his "Eyes wide shut". I wish he made some obscure low budget movie filmed in Poland or something. I guess that was "Schindler's List"?


Quote from: polkablues on October 23, 2010, 01:41:33 PM
The movie I'm really holding out for is Bropocalypse, starring Channing Tatum and Cam Gigandet.

haha, I realize that you said BROpocalypse but I thought those two were girl's names, well actually Channing a little more, then I checked imdb and saw some douche's face.


Fox, DreamWorks Team on Steven Spielberg's 'Robopocalypse'
Fox will co-finance the sci-fi epic, which is slotted to hit theaters July 3, 2013, taking advantage of the lucrative July 4th holiday frame.
Source: THR

Fox is coming aboard to co-finance and partner on DreamWorks' Robopocalypse, Steven Spielberg's sci-fi epic that will open around the world on July 3, 2013.

Disney will distribute the film domestically, while Fox will release the movie internationallly.

Robopocalypse, based on the book of the same name by Daniel H. Wilson, reunites Fox and Spielberg, who worked together on Minority Report.

"I am so pleased that Tom Rothman and Jim Gianopulos [co-chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment] see the exciting opportunities in Robopocalypse that we originally saw when we bought the rights to the book," said Spielberg."We had a successful relationship with them when we made Minority Report and we hope we can deliver another film that will give today's global audiences something thrilling."

DreamWorks acquired the rights to Wilson's then-unpublished manuscript--about the fate of the human race following a robot uprising--in November 2009. The novel, published by Doubleday, hit bookstands in June and quickly won a spot on The New York Times best-seller list.

"Steven Spielberg is the master's master. He will capture the story's epic mix of thrills, scale, humanity and heart. We are truly honored to once again collaborate with such a motion picture giant, as well as with Stacey Snider and her oustanding team at DreamWorks," Rothman and Gianopulos said.

Snider, who is co-chairman of DreamWorks, said she and her team immediately recognized Robopocalypse as a property that "cried out for Steven to direct. He is first and foremost a storyteller, and Robopocalypse offers him the opportunity to explore new visions on a broad future canvas."

So far, only one other film is slotted to open in theaters on July 3, 2013, Universal's kids toon Despicable Me 2.

Spielberg is expected to begin shooting Robopocalypse early next year.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Jeremy Blackman

I once had a robot apocalypse dream, which I think I would rank as my second best dream ever behind my Steve Jobs / idea pool dream. It was quite dark, and definitely the most vivid and frightening dream I've ever had. Everyone was running from the robots and they were just mowing people down with automatic weapons and trapping people in bubbles and stuff like that.

I guess what I'm saying is, I'm not interested in this movie.


i had a nightmare not to long ago where i was smack-dab in the middle of Thee Transformer Battle to end all transformer battles, and every time Optimus is about to defeat the bad guy, he turns to me and says "Gimme a dollar, John, Quickly!!!!" i then have to fish-out a dollar from my pocket and insert it into a slot in his palm... he goes back to fighting and 2 minutes later, "John!! I need a dollar!!" I don't have one! "John! You must find me a dollar!!!"
Fuckin summer movies and money issues  :elitist:
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza