Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Started by modage, March 25, 2010, 11:15:57 AM

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cronopio 2

it's kinda hard to see such little love for this movie... :( i loved it so much.


Gold Trumpet

It's just a really fun movie. Some of the dissenters are making Michael Cera arguments, but I'm not even sure if they have seen the film. Mod just didn't take to it which is fine. It happens with everyone once in a while for movies they feel like they should like.


I was really excited to see it (as you can see from early in this thread) but I just thought it was way too much. Just too much happening on the screen. It just got annoying after awhile. The characters got on my nerves too. Especially Ramona. I know it's a different type of world but it's not one I would ever want to be a part of. I have a feeling if I was 5 years younger I would have liked it a lot more, but I just wanted all these idiots to take their band t-shirts and PBR and get off my lawn.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


the big problem with the film, other than michael cera, is the completely arbitrary rules it follows.

who cares about the fights? who cares about the RULES of the fights? they make NO sense. so the whole thing just becomes TIRESOME and episodic in the worst ways. to add to the already ridiculously drawn out and ultimately pointless parade of opponents, it doesn't even have the good sense to truncate some of its extended introductions. the worst offender is ramona's ex-GIRLfriend.. everything leading up to that fight is drawn out excruciatingly and treats the audience like a total idiot by first introducing her alone with him when he's out on the street, at which point they have one of the worst scenes of the film, where she says "OBVIOUSLY" as the punchline to a joke that fell so flat it was embarrassing... then at the bar or whatever Ramona keeps repeating "exes" when no-chin mcgee keeps saying "ex boyfriends" so ALRIGHT WE GET IT, the scene we just suffered through was the girl he's going to fight now... GET TO IT ALREADY SO WE CAN FUCKING GET ONTO THE NEXT POINTLESS ONE. and THEN --- and this makes the least sense of anything in the film -- and THEN the chick appears and is ready to fight Cera but RAMONA is all like "you weren't even a real ex., i didn't even like you or whatever, it wasn't real, you don't count" or something to that effect, which ---- uhhhhhhhh ---- what??? didn't you just make a fucking list of all the exes, and kept saying EXES, stressing that there WILL DEFINITELY be a fucking FEMALE that he will have to fight, and when that very same female TURNS UP IN THAT SAME SCENE (and we have to assume she meant that one unless there was ANOTHER bitch fight that got cut out THANK GOD which is doubtful)  she acts all surprised and like it's not part of the deal? come on what the fuck is all that?

it is a perfect example of the absolute and total ABSENCE of internal logic this movie has. it's a movie for the worst of the modern generation who like things that are just RANDOM and unexplained, which this film is full of. as i said in my review the only defense it can have is a technical one, and maybe that one scene with ramona's butt, cos the film obviously LOOKS amazing, but the story is a shambles. the fights are fucking bullshit and since almost the entire running time is filled up with them i consider this film mostly insufferable.
under the paving stones.


I think they were trying to present the fights as some sort of silly boss battle in a 16-bit Super Nintendo game. Cute gimmick but it got old quick.

Also it's just not a funny movie. It has funny parts, but it's not overall funny. Chris Evans was pretty funny and it figures the one funny ex gets pretty much the least amount of screen time.

To me, it's the definition of a great looking movie that doesn't have much else going for it. Visually stunning.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Quote from: Stefen on November 12, 2010, 11:33:14 PM
I think they were trying to present the fights as some sort of silly boss battle in a 16-bit Super Nintendo game.

yeah, 7 x that = a boring movie.
under the paving stones.


I know a girl who looks a lot like Ramona so I think I tolerated the movie for her.  I know the movie's bullshit but I like the actors and the jokes and I guess there's a certain sense of gratification that comes from big and small-time actors taking part in something really really nerdy.  But then I realized it was so pandering to that crowd and it started to make me uncomfortable - the same way Watchmen's obvious pandering made me uncomfortable.  A movie should have some shred of dignity right?
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


My third fav. film of 2010. I often rate films on the emotional impact that it has on me and this film had me floored throughout. Its Cera's defining role of his young life so far and will be looked at as such when he becomes a woody allen type icon/star later on in his life.
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