Trash Humpers

Started by socketlevel, September 13, 2009, 06:04:54 PM

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Just saw Trash Humpers last night at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). Were any toronto xixax people there by chance?

My friend had last minute tickets, and i had spend the day in the park getting drunk on colt .45 and becks. the chances of seeing this video on the big screen is next to impossible, so i took'im up on the offer, and wow.  i started off watching the first half of the movie i was laughing my head off, and so were others in the audience, because it was just so washed up.  like seriously this movie is kinda insane. sure it's pretentious, sure it's trying a little hard but i still recommend seeing it. it mainly works cuz it's about 80 mins, doesn't go on too long like inland empire. harmony also knows when to cut away from a scene the moment before you've had enough of it.

the idea behind the film is that it's suppose to be found VHS footage, kinda like blair witch.

here is the trailer:

the one last hit that spent you...


haha, this year is fucking nuts.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


And if you follow along to IMDb and to the forum there, there's this link: - a bit of an article, a short scene, and info that it'll be playing at NYFF on October 1st.


This is Harmony Korine's new film. I it at the Vancouver Film Festival yesterday. I was pretty much the only person laughing and I don't think anyone else liked it. I counted 11 walkouts, but i was in the middle of the theatre so there were probably more behind me. Afterwards my friends said they probably enjoyed it more because of my laughing, even when it was inappropriate. I don't think any of it was inappropriate. Not only is this film a comedy, but (at least on the surface) its about comedy. Every scene is perfectly executed and edited in a comedic sense, if the subject matter were any different people would have got it and laughed. It attacks the Family Guys and Robot Chickens of the world in terms of pushing what's "too far" in comedy, but also those shows (and others of its type) comedic structure, or rather lack thereof. There's also alot more going on here that i can't really comprehend. Korine makes very personal films, and has such a distinct cinematic voice I find it an absolute joy to watch.

Thank God there are filmmakers as fucking insane, and brilliant as Harmony Korine.


This is like the year of the insane filmmaker. It's like all provocative filmmakers really wanted to end this decade with a psychotic bang.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


i think its good. very funny, maybe a bit boring at times.


I Love a Magician

seeing this tomorrow with korine doing a q&a after. what should i ask him


ask him to tell you the story about the first time he met old dirty bastard. was the show stopper when he came to my University five or so years ago.
the one last hit that spent you...


I can't tell if this is genius or one of the worst moves ever made. It scared the shit out of me and had me laughing my ass off. I want to watch it again. Make it, make it, make it, don't take it!

They humped everything.

What the fuck is wrong with Harmony Korine? He's insane.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Funny and scary all right.

there were only a few moments when I felt it was becoming too long but korine really knows when to say cut. this is so much better than mr. lonely.