The Dark Knight Rises

Started by MacGuffin, August 07, 2008, 12:16:56 AM

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Quote from: Sleepless on July 10, 2012, 03:47:21 PM
Quote from: ©brad on July 10, 2012, 01:36:04 PM
Short of reading the entire script I can't think of anything more spoilerific than listening to the score! I know it'll be awesome though.

Not really. Was listening to it at work in the background. It's just moody, atmospheric tunes. You will not be spoiled.

I listened to the first two tracks and feel VERY spoiled. I stopped listening.



Is there a point in the music where it sounds like Batman is having his spine broken?  Or a point where the music indicates that Marion Cotillard's character is secretly Talia Al Ghul?
My house, my rules, my coffee


Well, there is a track called Qui-Gon's Funeral.


I saw this.

I love Christopher Nolan.

And I'm sad that it's over.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Don't worry, it will be rebooted in two years.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Mod said nothing about the film. + He didn't make a spoilatar for it. = He didn't like the film.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Told Mod this yesterday, I was more excited for him to see this and to read his (long-form) review than I am to see it myself. Glad you enjoyed it!


Rotten Tomatoes Shuts Down 'Dark Knight Rises' Comments
The movie reviews aggregator aims to protect its featured critics from venomous Batman fans.
Source: THR

Rotten Tomatoes, the popular movie review aggregator, has suspended negative comments from reviews of The Dark Knight Rises, The Associated Press reports.

The site's editor, Matt Atchity, said it was the first time user comments had been yanked from Rotten Tomatoes but that postings would be restored by week's end.

"The job of policing the comments became more than my staff could handle for that film, so we stopped the comments altogether," he explained. "It just got to be too much hate based on reactions to reviews of movies that people hadn't even seen."

Christopher Nolan's epic trilogy ends Friday with The Dark Knight Rises, inarguably the biggest film of the summer co-starring Christian Bale as Batman, Tom Hardy as villain Bane and Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.

Rotten Tomatoes is owned by, a community-based movie site owned by Warner Bros., the studio behind Dark Knight Rises.

Batman superfans are not only disputing the tone of critics' reviews -- they're complaining about spoilers, too. After film critic Marshall Fine posted his assessment of Dark Knight Rises, he received death threats as commenters spewed venom on Rotten Tomatoes and on Fine's website, Hollywood and Fine, causing it to crash amid the flood of traffic.

"I guess to me it crosses a line if someone shows up on my front step," Fine said in an interview with Indiewire. Otherwise everyone's entitled to their opinion. People have strong feelings about this stuff. Is it unfortunate that this is the way people express themselves? Well, yeah, I think it's a measure of how powerless people feel in this society in general. Here's their chance to get their rocks off at someone they don't know."

According to the AP, Rotten Tomatoes could switch to a commenting system like on Facebook, where anonymous posts are curtailed.

"We may do away with comments completely or get to a place where comments are only activated after a movie opens," he said.

Thus far, Dark Knight Rises has scored an 87 percent "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes despite Fine's critique of the movie as "nonsensical" and other unflattering reviews.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: polkablues on January 19, 2011, 11:47:56 AM
I like Hathaway, but that's a major miscast.

Also: she's great.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.



fuckin P called it


and i thought it was ok.

im seeing it again tomorrow midnite

maybe ill say more later
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza



Thought it was great.

This quoted post (below) should be marked as a spoiler...Donno if people already knew who Marion Cotillard was but I didn't until I read that post. So...thanks.

Quote from: polkablues on July 10, 2012, 06:08:26 PM
Is there a point in the music where it sounds like Batman is having his spine broken?  Or a point where the music indicates that Marion Cotillard's character is secretly Talia Al Ghul?


Well at least I got to see it this morning before the massacre happened.

And to add insult to death and injury..

The movie sucks.
under the paving stones.


I knew P wouldn't like it.
I completely understand complaints about this movie.
I knew it wasn't going to live up to the second one. I think it earned being what it was though and I will watch it a bunch more times.


I thought it was pretty bad, which is a bummer since it's the flick I was most looking forward to. Even more than The Master. I really hate nerd movies but I liked the Nolan Batman films because they took their audience seriously, but this one does the same crap the nerd movies do with dumb quips after heightened scenes and plot holes galore. God, the plot holes were huge.

It had some cool parts, but overall I thought it was a mess and silly.

Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Agreed. It was uneven and clunky as hell. I like it less and less, the more I think about it.