What Did You Think Of Matrix Revolutions?

Started by Cathartic Cleansing, October 15, 2003, 01:11:30 PM

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Quote from: mutinycoNewtron, I expect I've achieved more on that site in one year than you will throughout whatever career you choose. It still won't change the fact that this film was downright incompetent.

achieved? achieved what? the only thing u've done is mastered the art of saying stupid, annoying shit that pisses ppl off. yeah, ur good at that.

just stop.


Quote from: mutinycoNewtron, I expect I've achieved more on that site in one year than you will throughout whatever career you choose.

The same can be argued about you and the achievements of the Wachowski brothers, whether you enjoyed the movie or not.  :roll:

Quote from: NEON MERCURY... but I thoink what prevents it from getting the next levellis that fact that after the sucess of the first one they slapped the last two together rushing out an unfinishes/unpolished product to cash ... in ...

An interesting point.  How much better would Revolutions be if they gave themselves a year or two to grow after Reloaded?  Would I have bitched about the wait?  Hell yes...  :-D

However, I would argue against the notion that Reloaded and Revolutions are not polished or 'complete'.


I dont think Neo died. Where is the proof that he is actually dead? Just because he is lying there does not mean he is dead.  Theres a final shot with the golden vison. After he defeats Smith. trust me NEo is not dead.


Quote from: TENOCHI dont think Neo died. Where is the proof that he is actually dead? Just because he is lying there does not mean he is dead.  Theres a final shot with the golden vison. After he defeats Smith. trust me NEo is not dead.

Neo is dead. "The One" isn't. Think of Neo as the 'shell' for The One. That physical form has died. The Architect explains there were other "Ones" before Neo. The orange glow is his 'soul', just like when Smith was inside Bane's body and Neo could see him. The machines are probably taking him back to The Source. If Smith is destroyed, Neo has to be to balance things out. And if you look closely at the park bench The Oracle and Sati are sitting on, it says: "In Loving Memory of Thomas Anderson" (you can also make it out at the 10:30 mark of the Preload extra of the "Reloaded" DVD; a crew member is sitting on it).
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


did anyone figure out what that thing on Matix.com was?

Mac what do you think happens now?
the inhabitants of Zion are freed and everyone else stays in this new Matrix?

Gold Trumpet

I actually liked this. Its geek cinema, but not as annoying as Reloaded was. This is accessable more on the level of an action film. Much of the film is still lame in providing not really drama, but more an amounting of "evidence" for all the fan boys in interepting the world. But the film still has a story and in the best use of action, has an arc in which we want to see the story continue. The arc is them trying to Zion from the machines and Neo facing off with Mr. Smith for a final time. Unlike the last film, there is build up here. There really seems to me to be only two things to really discuss when criticizing this film as having done its job. It is saying whether or not the two major action sequences paid off. To the first:

It is the attack of the machines on Zion. First, the introduction of new robots that are controlled by men and their movements and exist to shoot bullets really fast, are very cool. The first sight of the robots shooting at the machines entering is insane. The good thing about this is that it is an amazing sight when seeing them all shooting from far away and the first moments of action are intense. BUT, this seems all there is in the action scene. After a little bit, the welcome of this new sight has worn its freshness and the scene continues on in supplying the same gun fights and same machines attacking the same areas. Then, we realize, we've been robbed because this is all there is. And the editing jumps so quickly from so many different vantage points of this action that there is a wish they would have slowed up it immensely. That a focus on making you care for every single machine entering and destroying things was attempted. It is not. The destruction is not only quick, but everywhere moments into the fight and by the time a few minutes has passed, you only wonder what hasn't been destroyed. A better environment of care could have been provided here.

Neo fighting Agent Smith for the last time is the best pay off of the entire film. Through out the film, I was actually missing Neo as "Superman" as he was in the second and all the great tricks he had available but only allowed to use to certain limits. It was great hearing him say, "Don't make me hurt you." because you knew that everyone in the scene believed it and had respect. Toward the end of the second film, when it got good, he was able to have some freedom in kicking ass. It is, again here as well, only at the end when he is able to kick ass. The scene pays off. Agent Smith is built up to a bad guy of respectable and equal standings with Neo and when the fight starts, it paces itself well with the kung fu fighting we already know. Unlike the first action sequence, this one is continually inventive and even surprising in a good way to how far it takes the fight. It shows everything wrong with first action sequence and makes the very long film (to me, at least) pay off in a decent way. I wasn't as involved as I was in Kill Bill, but hey, it was a good time.

*Note: I also understand Neo says, "Don't make me hurt you" in this one as well. It just isn't to the same effect, though. He is immediately laughed at by the opponent and kicked around to make the line really ineffective.

I'm not sure though I could watch this film again and enjoy it that much. It is enjoyable, but not as enjoyable as the first one. It seems to have the good traits of the first and the bad traits of the second. I just wish these films would have been more of action films for greater enjoyment. And to to give the fanboys what they wanted, they could have released some very bland novels coinsiding with the films that would have detailed this world. The films could have been the action within the world. So much of it just tries to explain as if a book. Its all too tiring and for me, kills repeat value.


Quote from: BankyMac what do you think happens now?

This here.

Quote from: Bankythe inhabitants of Zion are freed and everyone else stays in this new Matrix?

Basically. Neo asked for a truce from Deus Ex Machina, the machine God.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


so you are saying that the game wil continue the story not just be an online matrix game?


Quote from: Bankyso you are saying that the game wil continue the story not just be an online matrix game?

According to Entertainment Weekly:

...The most ambitious [franchise-extending projects] will be the internet-based The Matrix Online, whose events take place in the uncertain world that immediately follows Revolutions. The Wachowskis have committed to letting the game -- in which thousands of players can simultaneously interact with one another -- dictate the direction their created universe will take...

...The plot is closely guarded, but the Merivingian is rumored to play a prominent role.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


The Picture is a Spoiler!

Hope that helps.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


i have a question....


Since the sun is just beyond the clouds...why didn't the machines just build skyscrapers and use the sun that way?  Or just set up ships up there that can relay the energy provided by the sun?

I thought showing the sun was a big plothole.
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


Quote from: SHAFTRi have a question....


Since the sun is just beyond the clouds...why didn't the machines just build skyscrapers and use the sun that way?  Or just set up ships up there that can relay the energy provided by the sun?

I thought showing the sun was a big plothole.

The machines aren't solar powered. When the Sentinals are all over the Logos, Neo tells Trinity to fly upward towards the sun because that's what gets them to fall off. Also, remember in "The Matrix" when Morpheus is telling Neo about what the Matrix is, he tells him that the humans are the ones that scorched the sky. That's why the machines must use the humans as "batteries".
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: SHAFTRi have a question....


Since the sun is just beyond the clouds...why didn't the machines just build skyscrapers and use the sun that way?  Or just set up ships up there that can relay the energy provided by the sun?

I thought showing the sun was a big plothole.

The machines aren't solar powered. When the Sentinals are all over the Logos, Neo tells Trinity to fly upward towards the sun because that's what gets them to fall off. Also, remember in "The Matrix" when Morpheus is telling Neo about what the Matrix is, he tells him that the humans are the ones that scorched the sky. That's why the machines must use the humans as "batteries".

but in "The Matrix" didn't they say the Machines used the sun as power first?
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


i dont understand how you can not enjoy this movie.  it was such a visual feast and it was so fun.  even though the story was weak as many say (i think its more cliche than weak though) it had pretty good build up in the way the story was shown.  i agree with what gold trumpet said about the attack of the robots on zion . still, this scene was so trigger happy fun that how can you not enjoy it

and if your not a matrix fan i dont understand how you could be so serious about it then, and expect something knowing that you wouldnt like it and then diss it afterwards? besides its not even a hard movie to ride along with.  
i feel sorry for the matrix fans though that didnt get what they were hoping for.

all in all it was an enjoyable action film, and if you found the action of the film boring then i dont know what to say.
"When you see your own photo, do you say you're a fiction?"


Quote from: SHAFTRbut in "The Matrix" didn't they say the Machines used the sun as power first?

That's why the sky was scorched.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks