New Dirs to add

Started by Greenaroo, January 08, 2003, 01:52:17 PM

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Quote from: ebeaman69That is my girlfriend of 3 years you are talking about man, watch it.
I think it's because the avatar looks squished. The aspect ratio looks like it got distorted somehow.

She is a hot one, though! I thought it was a young Reese Witherspoon.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.




Oops. Who did she play in The Good Girl anyway? I'm still failing to recognize her.

And sheesh, sorry, chill out in your suggestion for me to chill out with my suggestion to chill out.

now this is just getting dumb but eh, I'm bored.




OK, now I vote that we all see a picture of Eric's REAL girlfriend.

Pony up, dude.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


she's in "all the real girls" yes???


Quote from: xerxesshe's in "all the real girls" yes???

Yes, that is right man. Can't fucking wait till April 4th! (the date my dumass town gets it). I'm going to see it 100 times and then see it backwards. It's my most anticipated film of 2003, definitely.

See, it's so perfect because I happen to be a fan of the director (david gordon green) that is giving Zooey Deschanel her first lead role by some great coincidence. That is the best coincidence ever. I get to watch Zooey Deschanel look beautiful for 90 minutes and it's going to be one of the best films of 2003 to top it off. That is a beautiful thing if I've ever heard of one.




george washington was great


Quote from: xerxesgeorge washington was great

Wasn't it!? I love that movie to death. It is so fucking cool. God, it is so cool that he made All the Real Girls. Seriously, the planets must have lined up or something, it is such a coincidence that he chose Zooey Deschanel for the leading role in his movie. It's like he read my mind, what a fucking genius the guy is. We have to make a board for him, he's the next great filmmaker.

Duck Sauce

Quote from: BonBon85
Quote from: ebeaman69
Man, do you know how screwed I'm going to be when she checks my history and sees this? Thank you, seriously. Like I really need this.

Jesus, chill out. Why would you make it your avatar if things like that are going to piss her off. It's kind of weird that your girlfriend's your avatar anyway, but maybe that's just me.

It's also kind of funny that you're threatening some guy via the internet. Gonna kick his ass cyber style, yo!

ebeaman fights like tennis, strictly over the net.



Where do you live in NY, ebeaman? You should just hop a train down to Manhattan, I know it's already open having to wait another month and a half...






You should just take a bus and spend the whole weekend there and see it like three or four times (unless you end up not liking it)...