School of Rock

Started by SHAFTR, September 26, 2003, 12:32:58 PM

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My local newspaper give it an A+

and i read in another review that they labled it as an unofficial sequil to High Fidelity, like what happened after Barry did his little concert and such.


Just got back from the Jack Black attack.  The best I can say is cute.  It was a cute movie.  If I had to pick it apart I'd say no character arc at all.  Not enough to really care about JB that is. The kids, eh, Marta was cool, but the rest came no where near their potential.  We need to hear Zack schred, and where's Lawrences "Data" type stereotypical asian schtick?  And the poor kid that played the 'stylists'.  What will they say Monday in SchooOOHool?  

He really should have boned Mrs Mullins and then smoked a doobie.  Probably the think that made me laugh the most was Snake's moves during the battle of the bands.

But the direction!  The direction, or at least editing was bad.  OK, we got, medium two shot...let's move on.  I felt really clausterphobic because we never got to see much beyond the medium shot.  Also the sound was terrible, it sounded like it was recorded in a studio and synced up later and the movie just missed several opportunities to rock out.
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.


i liked this movie. it was a good JB showcase.  i have no idea why it was rated pg-13.  there were no drugs or bad words or nuthin.  it had a lot more "heart" than i expected, but i found myself laughing through most of the movie.  the opening credits thingy was cool too.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


i saw it. it's ok. if it gets to cable, i'd probably watch it, but that's it.

funny story. *followed by funny story*
while we were waiting for the theater to clear out, a man just started speaking like he was in the middle of a conversation, "i guess the movie was so good they felt the need to make it twice. It's like The Commitments with out the Scotish accent. blah,blahblah."

we were like, "yeah, ok."

anyone know this movie?
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


This was a great film. That saying 'a feel-good movie' applies here. I was smiling the entire time. It was just a lotta fun. In fact, the audience I saw it with collectively applauded after the Battle and after the end credits. Jack Black was at his best and kids weren't that smart annoying type.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I saw it last night. it makes me want to start a rock band, in the same way Ferris Bueler's Day Off made me want to skip school. I don't see why people here are being so hard on it...


I think I was just in a rare negative mood when I saw it last month -- I liked it a whole lot more when I saw it again this weekend. It's slight, but rather wonderful at the same time.


Quote from: GhostboyI think it's a good family film. I can't really think of any reason it's actually rated PG-13, in fact. Jack Black works really well with the kids. I wasn't completely satisfied, though...I think it's entirely dependent on Blacks' performance, and he delivers, but without him the bad script would be far more apparent. But I still recommend it.

My full review.

I didn't think the script was "bad."  A lesser script might have made the principal and parents over-the-top bad guys.  And it would have been predictable to have a romance develop between Jack Black and Joan (almost wrote "John") Cusack.  You're right about it being entirely dependent on Jack Black's peformance, but its pointless to imagine anyone else in the his shoes.

I had fun watching the movie.  It was pretty funny and Jack Black was terrific.

They showed some ass-horrible trailers before the film.  "Honey"?  Come on!


oddly enough, this movie has extremely high ratings on rotten tomatoes

of 128 reviews,  117 are "Fresh" and only 11 are "rotten".

Gold Trumpet

I liked this movie only. Not as good as what some people are saying. It relies too much on the gimmick idea of starting a band with kids and what could happen just from that. The movie never really ventures from that area at all. If the movie had the gimmick of being about the characters first and foremost, a better and more enjoyable movie could have been made.



Quote from: meatballMmm... EEz28, you never fail to please the senses.  :twisted:

its just a formula


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI liked this movie only. Not as good as what some people are saying. It relies too much on the gimmick idea of starting a band with kids and what could happen just from that. The movie never really ventures from that area at all. If the movie had the gimmick of being about the characters first and foremost, a better and more enjoyable movie could have been made.


Characters, pfff.  That went out with 78 rpm records.


i think its from the alyssa milano movie "embrace of the vampire."
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I saw it again tonight...and I have to say I enjoyed it more this time.  A lot more Baby.
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.


LOVED this movie!!! Definitely one of the best of the year, definitely the funniest of the year. Jack Black finally had the opportunity to really show how funny he is and he nailed it. He even got some the non-comedic stuff right. I got chills during the "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg" montage and when he first sees the kids playing their instruments and most of all when Zack is singing the song he wrote to everybody...when they're first figuring it out. VERY good, so much better than I expected. I expected it to be good, really good...but not classic. The kids were great too. The drummer and the bass player were the best....the guitar player too. They all rocked. This is how kid's movies should be. I really have to say, this movie is classic. It's underrated already.