Kevin Smith and PT Anderson, some of you people are nuts.

Started by Steve McQueen's ghost, September 30, 2003, 12:59:46 AM

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Steve McQueen's ghost

I am not saying that I expected pulp fiction. That would be nuts.  Jason Robarts was good (he always is). It's the WORSHIP of this film that blows my fucking mind!!!!!! How the hell you people claim this is the greatest is beyond my understanding. I just don't get it. L.A. confidential was GREAT!, but I was just as shocked when Kim Bassinger won the AA for best supporting actress. WTF! Anybody here ever seen The House Of Yes? Parker Posey was incredible in that movie, but she couldn't get nominated to save her life. I don't get it. What the hell, it's just my opinion.

Gold Trumpet

McQueen, It's just this board evolved from a Paul Thomas Anderson fan board. Thats why everyone does the sign of the cross before speaking on it. I'm glad other people are coming here and all, but I've been here a while and am use to everyone loving this movie and am kinda surprised when someone doesn't. I still favor disagreements more than anything else, its just the board carries a general allegiance for the movie and all.



Quote from: Steve McQueen's ghostI am not saying that I expected pulp fiction. That would be nuts.  Jason Robarts was good (he always is). It's the WORSHIP of this film that blows my fucking mind!!!!!! How the hell you people claim this is the greatest is beyond my understanding. I just don't get it. L.A. confidential was GREAT!, but I was just as shocked when Kim Bassinger won the AA for best supporting actress. WTF! Anybody here ever seen The House Of Yes? Parker Posey was incredible in that movie, but she couldn't get nominated to save her life. I don't get it. What the hell, it's just my opinion.

For me, it's that Magnolia says everything I've ever wanted to say in a film, better than I could possibly say it. I'm not ashamed to admit I do pretty much sign the cross everytime I mention it. I'm very sorry you didn't like it. Perhaps at a later date.
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.

Steve McQueen's ghost

Ohhhhhh! I get it now. This place was started by PTA fans. Ooopps. I didn't mean to rag on your hero. Magnolia just wasn't my cup of tea. I'm sure he's really good. I'm going pick up Punch Drunk Love, I've heard it's very good. Sorry if anyone took offense to my ramblings....


Quote from: Steve McQueen's ghostSorry if anyone took offense to my ramblings....
that's that....mattress man.

Now get the fuck outta here pervert!!!!!

ps.  McQueen, wait till you see PDL to comment on that....


They both need to mature. I think both have displayed flashes of greatness, but their work as a whole hasn't attempted greatness yet. And for once I agree with GT. The opening of SPR obliterates everything Smith has done.
"I believe in this, and it's been tested by research: he who fucks nuns will later join the church."

-St. Joe


Quote from: Steve McQueen's ghostOhhhhhh! I get it now. This place was started by PTA fans. Ooopps. I didn't mean to rag on your hero. Magnolia just wasn't my cup of tea. I'm sure he's really good. I'm going pick up Punch Drunk Love, I've heard it's very good. Sorry if anyone took offense to my ramblings....

so i was fucking this guy in the ass and i reached around to grab his balls and he was all like "what r u, gay or sumthing?!"

Steve McQueen's ghost

Some guns firing and people screaming does NOT amount to more than about 10 hours of brilliant dialogue. Not to mention how many WWII vets complained about the crying and wimpering some soldiers were doing. One Vet said "We were dropping like flies, there was no time to cry or piss". I like SPR. Hell, it was a great film, but don't dissmiss 5 movies worth of thoughtful dialogue for gunplay.
I watched PDL! I liked it. It was much better than Magnolia (IMO). I loved it when Sandler fought back at the car wreck.


Kevin Smith is a wonderful writer, he's like Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they use vulgarity perfectly.  It never fails when said at the right moment, in the right way, and they have a knack for that.

PTA also uses vulgarity, perfectly, but not as abundantly as KS.  Which shows KS may be able to sling curses with the best of them, but that's it.  His directing style is nothing special, it's not bad by any means, but lacks finesse.  PTA is visually stunning, and works with sound, all elements to pull you in.  

KS and PTA both have recurring actors, but PTA is a bit less shameless by making a movie about it.  I'm sure Jay and Silent Bob was fun to make, and I can watch it non-stop, but where's the creativity?  

KS can make one hell of a comedy, making even dick and fart jokes funny.  But he couldn't possibly pull out a drama to best PTA.  I'm not sure how PTA is on comedies like KS, I'd be interested to see one...but not so interested that I'm suggesting he should.  

To me, they're not really that comparable.  Aside from the common factors found above, they direct different films, I enjoy their films, the end.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


Quote from: aClockworkWalrusKevin Smith is a wonderful writer, he's like Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they use vulgarity perfectly.  It never fails when said at the right moment, in the right way, and they have a knack for that.

PTA also uses vulgarity, perfectly, but not as abundantly as KS.  Which shows KS may be able to sling curses with the best of them, but that's it.  His directing style is nothing special, it's not bad by any means, but lacks finesse.  PTA is visually stunning, and works with sound, all elements to pull you in.  

KS and PTA both have recurring actors, but PTA is a bit less shameless by making a movie about it.  I'm sure Jay and Silent Bob was fun to make, and I can watch it non-stop, but where's the creativity?  

KS can make one hell of a comedy, making even dick and fart jokes funny.  But he couldn't possibly pull out a drama to best PTA.  I'm not sure how PTA is on comedies like KS, I'd be interested to see one...but not so interested that I'm suggesting he should.  

To me, they're not really that comparable.  Aside from the common factors found above, they direct different films, I enjoy their films, the end.

u just had to bump this thread, didn't yah?


i can't think of two directors less ripe for comparison.  hey, "ripe" has got me thinking about an interesting way to compare these two.  here goes nothing.

so basically you have pta who's like the most graceful plant in your garden- a tasty, organic plant (no chemical additives) that continues to grow, get higher, more impressive.  and he produces this wonderful fruit that is healthy and has seeds (ideas) that grow other plants.  you are fit and happy when you eat the pta plant and its fruit.

by comparison, kevin smith's films are cotton candy sold to you by a fat, sweaty vendor, groveling for your attention in the most irritating way possible; you buy it against your better judgement because it seems alright enough: i mean it's quick, easy-to-swallow, right? but then you bite into it and all that promise turns into nothing but air and you feel empty inside.  not only empty but pissed off because now you have sugar crystals all over your hands and mouth and you feel like a base slob. you deeply regret the money and the time you spent eating that pointless cotton candy.  

suddenly, you long for the pta plant. while it wasn't as immediately sweet, it provided so much more.
i wanna lick 'em.


Simple....yet brilliant Pookie!

My thoughts on this are just that Smith needs to grow a bit.  He was headed in the right direction with Chasing Amy and Dogma (although I could do without that shit demon scene), but then he dropped back down with Jay and Silent Bob SB.  
I don't think that it is right to compare KS to PTA, simply because they make totally different films and that PTA was more mature at 29 than KS will ever be in his life.  I think it is more of a suitable gesture to both filmmakers if you compare them to Tarantino.  PTA, similar technique in that he uses violence and vulgarity to keep you second guessing, but we've also gotta point out that PTA has some other tricks up his sleeve. They both are also very innovative with structure.  KS, in his similar way of writing profane Seinfeld conversations (in that they are conversations about "nothing").
oh oh....another thing....
PTA IS GOD and Kevin Smith will be just "another filmmaker" by the time he's done.
Let's be honest, the reason this comparison is even being made is because Smith made Clerks and Chasing Amy, not for his other films.  So, technically that's 2 for 5.  He doesn't touch PTA's 4 for motherfuckin' 4.
"The sunshine bores the daylights outta me!"- Rolling Stones

"When I am King you will be first against the wall!"- Radiohead


Check that.  The only reason this comparison is made because Kevin Smith said something on his website about Magnolia.  So basically, his opinion is worth a little something more because he's famous, and the claws came out (at least on one end), because Smith took some sort offense to the "nerve" PTA had to be so "self-indulgent," or whatever it was he called it.  Me, I like Kevin Smith.  His "An Evening With Kevin Smith" is probably three of the funniest hours you could possibly experience.  Clerks. was impressive.  Chasing Amy showed growth, and Dogma had a great premise, but it lacked something I can't quite put my finger on.  You're right in saying that Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back was a step backwards.  And I agree with the assessment that between Smith and PTA, artistically, there is no comparison.  Smith doesn't claim to be any sort of real artist, though.  He just (tries to) make(s) funny movies.


by the way, i'd just like to add that after reading gt's post on american beauty, i'm convinced of his brilliance.
i wanna lick 'em.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: Steve McQueen's ghostSome guns firing and people screaming does NOT amount to more than about 10 hours of brilliant dialogue.

Not just simple gun firing, but the accomplishment finally of dramatizing the effect of the D-Day invasion on film, something that has been attempted repeatedly for the last 40 years and weak everytime. You somehow seem to discredit the opening sequence by quoting someone who said everyone was dropping like flies to piss or cry as if the film didn't convey that feeling. I got that feeling, but it also has to be realized the Americans won the battle and there was a protaganist to follow so the whole horror was unable to be shown. Kevin Smith has talent, but refuses to show his talent in creating meaningful characters and stories. His characters exist, they are written with intelligence, but are executed for the butt of a dumb joke. Only on Chasing Amy does Smith follow through on what he can do.

Quote from: pookiethecatby the way, i'd just like to add that after reading gt's post on american beauty, i'm convinced of his brilliance.

Thanks...I just hope everyone else is convinced I didn't pay you off.