He loves me, He loves me not

Started by aclockworkjj, September 29, 2003, 09:37:41 PM

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watched this, this afternoon.  What a great little film.

I was seriously impressed with this, thou subtitles suck, as I feel a lot gets lost in the cheesy translation.  But besides that, the overall quality of this was just awesome.  Actually this is probably one of the best films I have seen recently (realize I haven't seen all that much).  Audrey Tatou doesn't hurt this cause either, as she is as cute as ever.  But even the direction and pacing were well done.  Maybe the story is kinda cheesy, but I dunno if that's just the translation issue.  Reguardless, the way it's told is cool even if it has been done before.  Sorry, it's kinda hard to talk about this without any spoilers.  Just check it out if you haven't.  

Maybe I am just on an Audrey high, but I liked this a lot.


It's cool...the only problem I got was that I felt no sympathy whatsoever for any character since they're all pretty much whacko. Except maybe that guy who's in love with Audrey Tautou (no, not me, in the movie I mean)


Quote from: Pas RapportI felt no sympathy whatsoever for any character
I kinda did for Audrey's character at times...yes I know what you mean thou (don't wanna give anything away).  But I can almost relate to her in a way...not in this extreme of a way, but desires are things that we sometimes can't control, nor even act apon.  Lame non-movie example...but ever just really, really liked a girl?  To the point where you know deep down things could be really good between the 2 of you, even if you haven't know each other long?...then you find out she has a boyfriend/husband/whatnot??  The feeling sucks, and you almost want to carry on with at least a hope of something.  As long as there is hope, there is desire...take that away and you are left feeling empty.  So, I felt myself feeling bad for her in this...


Yeah, I liked this one too.  Although I mostly rented this for my wife, because the packaging leads you to believe it's more of a romantic comedy.  And, obviously, it was anything but.  

I actually thought it was extremely funny in parts with its craziness.  I turned to my wife and asked her, "Do you not see the humor in this?"  Then she just stabbed me with her butter knife and screamed, "Do you not see the humor in that!  That's what you get for not renting me How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days!"  

She calmed down a few minutes later, and we quietly drove to the emergency room.


It was like Fatal Attraction Lite.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Quote from: aclockworkjjSpoiler

Haha yeah you're right in fact...also when she kills the women who wanted to sue the doctor, it reminds me when I'd gladly kill a girl I find extremely hot's boyfriend, who treat her like a piece of shit.I wish I had tought of that during the movie, would've been better


Fox 'Loves' English redo at Goldwyn
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Samuel Goldwyn Films has set up an English-language remake of the French thriller "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" at 20th Century Fox, which will finance and distribute the movie. Goldwyn released the original last year Stateside, where it grossed more than $1 million. The original, titled "A la folie ... pas du tout" was co-written and directed by Laetitia Colombani, who originally planned to star in the film. Audrey Tautou and Samuel Le Bihan starred in the original. "We held the picture rights," Samuel Goldwyn Films chairman and CEO Samuel Goldwyn Jr. said. Fox came in and liked it, and we came up with the idea of doing it together." Fox and Goldwyn most recently teamed up on "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World." Goldwyn Films also is working on a remake of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" with Paramount Pictures distributing.
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