Thora Birch and Bill Paxton team up with Limp Bizkit

Started by modage, September 09, 2003, 01:50:48 PM

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has anyone else seen the video for "Eat You Alive".  why god, why?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Sigur Rós

I don't get it? Why does Thora Birch have to be in the video? Cause the video doesn't seem to have a story. Or at least I don't get it....


Thora Birch Cavorts With Fred Durst On Film

September 23 has now been named as the official release date for Limp Bizkit's new, yet-to-be-named record. And of course, with the album release drawing ever closer, the time comes for Bizkit to hit us up with a new single. Today, the video for the album's first single, "Eat You Alive," will premiere on American MTV.

According to vocalist Fred Durst "Eat You Alive" is about his own rather aggressive desires for certain members of the female gender. "It is unlike any song on the rest of the CD," Durst writes on the official Limp Bizkit website. "It's a serious song about my desire for particular women folk. It is a bit aggressive, but very heart felt in my own sick way."


The new video will star actress Thora Birch, who won over audiences with her unique roles in such films as 1999's American Beauty and 2000's Ghost World. The 21-year-old actress is currently filming her latest flick, Silence Becomes You, which is scheduled for a 2004 release. In "Eat You Alive," Birch portrays Durst's object of obsession, whom he kidnaps and brings into the woods.

Like we said, charming.

"Its [sic] a backwoods approach to courting a woman," Durst writes. "I kidnap the woman of my desire (Thora Birch) and bring her deep into the woods where I have prepared, in my mind, a beautiful performance area for her. I am hoping it will show her how much I want her and actually like her.

"I used Thora because I've always had a thing for her in real life," Durst continues. "She is a wonderful person. It was like a dream coming true to have her as my kidnappee [sic] in this video. If only the video would come to life, without the kidnapping of course. That would be tight!!"

Note to Thora: print this article, as it may come in handy when the stalker lawsuit rolls around...
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Sigur Rós

Quote from: gwaithe next limp single is a cover of the who's "behind blue eyes". dear me.

O God, I heard it yesterday when they played live at Finsbury! It's literally speaking SHIT!!!


yeah it's pretty wack. i was surprised to see her when they started showing it here a few weeks ago.. and kinda hypnotized for a second enuff to forget it was such a crappy video. i think their connection goes back to the playboy mansion.
under the paving stones.


Here's the video if anyone wants to see it...(windows media)

might have to copy the link and open it within wm player


i really hate that Limp Bizkit is covering Behind Blue Eyes, i really do....i really fucking hate it...
the rumble of the train trails off to infinity, a place where no one goes anymore

JC, no not that one


i agree, but come on, it can't be worse than steven seagal remaking marley's 'redemption song'....
"Every time I learn something new, it pushes out something old! Remember that time I took a home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"


do you guys know thoras parents are well known porn stars no joke, i dont watch 70's porn but her mom was a huge star and the dad was also in some of the films


no shit,. i was not aware of that.

she is truly the coolest chick tho. no wonder she's such a ho already.
under the paving stones.



Quote from: mogwaithe limp's alright but i don't like the new vid at all. the next limp single is a cover of the who's "behind blue eyes". dear me.

does it go somehting like...""yo! yo'! holla, feel me? do ya? one knows what it's like , holla! you heard me , holla boyee!, "..followed buy crappy guitar riffs...then.."yeah, yeah!, keep it real, !..if i swallow anything evil..holla!, get up!, holla getup!  //put your fingera in my throat, choke on dat!, holla, holla,!".....then fades away like limps album sales will..


Quote from: RegularKarateSo, this is Thora's mommy:

Yup thats here and man ohh man thora must be wow


Quote from: mogwai
Quote from: NEON MERCURYpete townshend keith moon must be rolling in his grave.......


*slaps myself silly*


you get the feeling that pete was so wrapped up in his kiddie porn trial when he aproved this catasthrophe to happen

this just in

upon hearing the new version OF behind blue eyes , pete is now admitting that not only does he dig kiddie porn he was the basis for the bill mapplewood charecter in happiness , and he is demanding to be sent to texas  to stand trial

me thinks he is lieing about the bill mapplewood thing, and just trying to distance himself from fred durst in the most "extreme" like mannor one could do.

wouldnt it just be easier to just smash fred over the head with a guitar during a duet ???????? and then say " hey keith moon blew out my ear dum on live tv , and i didnt complain , HEY  if you cant take a smash in the head with a guitar made of steel that weighs 100 pounds  then you shouldnt be in rock and roll ................end of story NEXT QUESTION PLEASE , YES THE WHO WILL TOUR AGAIN BUT ONLY AFTER MY NEXT ROCK OPERA"


Yes, imho, Townsend should not okay this cover. Just as Page should've spat in Puff Daddy's face, and, as much as I love her, Brit should not do 60's Stones tunes.

Check out Noel Gallagher's version of Help. Now that's a fucking cover!!
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.