Crap commentaries...

Started by SoNowThen, June 27, 2003, 01:21:57 PM

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Thanks for sharing, B.  I thoroughly enjoyed that article!  :-D

Worst commentary I've ever experienced:
William Friedkin, The Exorcist (The Version You've Never Seen) DVD
Starts off good, then quickly slumps into an annoying audio relay of what's happening on-screen.

Commentary I thought I would hate but ended up really enjoying:
Renny Harlin, Die Hard 2 Special Edition DVD
I wish I liked his movies more, because he sounds like a great guy to make a movie with.

Find Your Magali

Rob Reiner, who has already been mentioned on the plus and negative side of this ledger, truly sucks the fun and life out of The Princess Bride with that commentary. Dull, dull, dull...

What did y'all think of the split-screen video commentary that was offered with Jerry Maguire? Way too many kudos and butt-kisses were going around, but it had some value, I thought...


nolan on.following and memento l.e.  ..and ritchie.on snatch.......... :sleeping:


I'd put money down that a lot of us are going to dislike the Bowling for Columbine commentary track.


Quote from: CinephileI'd put money down that a lot of us are going to dislike the Bowling for Columbine commentary track.

After this is one of the disc's few attempts at comedy, the first-ever Receptionists' and Interns' Audio Commentary. The track begins with another brief introduction from Moore to explain what it's all about, basically that he thought it might be fun to listen to people from the low rungs of the production chain who usually never get to be heard. The concept sounds potentially intriguing or at least entertaining, but sadly it is mostly just annoying. Listening to a group of college-age production assistants sit around and laugh at the movie's jokes while chattering inanely away about their insights into the film gets very old very fast. I made it about 15 minutes before giving up. Maybe it gets better after that. My life is too short to waste finding out. To me this joke commentary feels like a waste of disc space. I am disappointed that Moore chose not to record his own commentary track, where he might directly address some of the criticisms laid out against the movie and his filmmaking techniques. Perhaps that's exactly what he was trying to avoid?

I turned off the Blood Simple commentary after 5 or 10 minutes.


Yes, that review right there put confidence in me that it'll be a shitty track. And after I read that.. I got to thinking. Moore "thought it might be fun to listen to people from the low rungs of the production chain who usually never get to be heard." So the results of it? "sadly it is mostly just annoying."

So I'm thinking... art imitating life for Michael Moore? This is just backfiring in his face, I think. Thoughts anyone?