Licorice Pizza - Speculation & General Reactions

Started by Fuzzy Dunlop, August 30, 2017, 12:58:10 PM

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That's his life and reality and that's what he says he supposedly always writes about...

And to whomever said because this film takes place in the '70s that it's more realistic for the lead to be white, wasn't Gary Coleman arguably the most famous child/teen TV star of the late '70s?

But yes, it's just speculation right now. I hope I'm wrong!


Maybe the 'bullshit' anyone could catch iz a valid point market wise but it irks me to be generalized within a framework that's nearly pandering, or that commodifies my identity. Would much rather have a nuanced film and be moved by the humanity of it than to be tossed a minority bone.


I've always had an appreciation for the fact that the race of all the black characters in BOOGIE NIGHTS was neither referenced nor particularly important.  The closest we came was the dismissive, "You dig?" from Buck's boss at the stereo store.  I remember during my first viewing wondering if the bank official was going to deny Buck his loan because of his skin color, and/or that of his girlfriend. 


maybe he's a bit thinking about his own high school experience. he's a bit casting himself


Why not set it in the '80s then?

Quote from: wilberfan on January 17, 2020, 06:08:33 PM
I've always had an appreciation for the fact that the race of all the black characters in BOOGIE NIGHTS was neither referenced nor particularly important.  The closest we came was the dismissive, "You dig?" from Buck's boss at the stereo store.  I remember during my first viewing wondering if the bank official was going to deny Buck his loan because of his skin color, and/or that of his girlfriend. 

That's what I mean. He's completely capable of it, so it's a bit disappointing that we haven't seen it much overall. DDL retiring could be a sign to put the fragile white masculinity stories to bed for a while and go in a new direction. I don't think it's throwing a bone.


Me neither! I dont think Buck's character or his portrayal is "throwing a bone" to minorities. Neither would it be to have a more inclusive cast.

But the hypothetical outrage you posit is frustrating to me because -- obviously I can't imagine the perfect film you could be framing in your head -- it's based off early speculation toward a filmmaker that's never been at fault in this (sociological?) area (Inherent Vice, Boogie Nights, w/e) and an expectation that artists owe something to the audience's preconceived notions of righteous cinema.

Blerg, lol.


Jarmusch does it without breaking a sweat but he's nyc. Dead Man! native americans are the central figures in la's great: the exiles. i don't mean to trip anybody out but there's a thriving latinx culture in Los Angeles. Charles Yu writes about being outside the Black and White narrative in his book Interior Chinatown. everything fits into everybody but not everybody fits into everything all the time, we're working on finding new places for people to be



so wilber asked the source and i checked the source here's the quote

QuoteGuest wrote:
Jeff Snider is stupid. he knows nothing. Angie is going to play in PTA movie. she'll be mother of that kid ir a teacher.


And Brad Pitt is gonna play her husband. Mrs and Mr Actors.


Quote from: jenkins on January 17, 2020, 09:09:27 PM
so wilber asked the source and i checked the source here's the quote

QuoteGuest wrote:
Jeff Snider is stupid. he knows nothing. Angie is going to play in PTA movie. she'll be mother of that kid ir a teacher.

I'm waiting for the punchline.


it's not a joke it's juicy internet gossip. the theory is it's through universal (who owns focus) and related to angie and pta both at caa


Quote from: jenkins on January 18, 2020, 01:03:04 AM
it's not a joke it's juicy internet gossip. the theory is it's through universal (who owns focus) and related to angie and pta both at caa

I saw this discussion thread, there isn't much we can do with a guest's comments (does he actually know sth? is he just an obsessed jolie fan who wishes to see her in prestigious projects?), but it's definitely weird.


i like it bc didn't nobody guess this one already. might end up being inherent vice level fun casting


Would be an interesting choice, considering her upbringing.