Licorice Pizza - Speculation & General Reactions

Started by Fuzzy Dunlop, August 30, 2017, 12:58:10 PM

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I'm working with Tiffany Haddish tomorrow...might ask her if there are any updates on that front




oh baritobobb it's their soft spot


"Workin on ittt" 🤷🏼‍♂️


Quote from: baritobobb on October 02, 2019, 09:52:32 AM
"Workin on ittt" 🤷🏼‍♂️

Should this be taken as "we have some ideas but we haven't discussed it since February" or "stay tuned for some announcements in the near future"?


I'm thinking the former.


It's kind of a non answer really. The PTA waiting game continues.


It obviously isn't Franco. He's just had another metoo controversy and is now getting sued.

It had to be Downey Jr. Unless PTA was fucking with him yet again.


I saw RDJ on Stern. He's starting to let the grey in now, starting to look a bit Ghoulardi!


he's starting to look RDS


Quote from: jenkins on October 11, 2019, 01:00:21 AM
he's starting to look RDS
I always thought he looked more like Tony Curtis than Downey Sr!


For those who haven't seen it, in this new Jonny Greenwood interview on the Guardian website he's quoted as saying 'He saw Anderson at the Prom, he says, "throwing out a hundred film ideas ... A horror film was something we discussed."'

To me, this would suggest that any forthcoming PTA movie is still very much in its development stages and therefore probably quite a long way off, sadly.

Article is here:


You might me right, sadly. But on the other hand, "throwing out a hundred film ideas" seems more like a loose talk, well... throwing ideas, not necessarily about the next project. I do not expect the next PTA project to be any more advanced now than "in development" but taking into consideration what PTA said during PT press tour about his age, passing time and his drive to make more feature films it seems really unlikely to me that the project is at "throwing ideas with Jonny Greenwood, no matter how close collaborators/friends they are" stage and he has nothing more than that. At least one script exists, if DiCaprio really turned it down, right? Could PTA completely abandon that one. Sure. How likely is it? Who knows but given what we know about his previous films, I do not think so. I bet that Greenwood knows about the next project but can't and won't discuss it with Guardian. But possible future ideas that may or may not happen who knows when? Why not.

Hope it's not just my wishful thinking because I am already really really impatient if not worried. 


And it's November, without a peep.