Eighth Grade

Started by Alethia, July 27, 2018, 10:29:41 PM

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I adored this movie. Funny, touching, and brutal. This sweet kid, I wanted to give her a hug all throughout (Elsie Fisher is remarkable, btw). My internal monologue was an endless cycle of, "Oh just wait til' college, girl, you don't even know! You're gonna flourish!" etc...

I was in eighth grade 2000-2001. Dear God.

Definitely one of the best of the year. Bo Burnham is 27. If anyone needs me I'm just gonna kill myself momentarily, be right back.


This was very good. If you've seen the trailer I feel like you've seen 90% of what the movie has to offer, but it's still really well executed and made me remember that time of life that I'd blocked out. Reminded me of the Atlanta ep from last season with the bootleg jersey. ANXIETY.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Jeremy Blackman

I finally ripped the band-aid off and watched this. Wow. Believe the hype. Eighth Grade is a perfect movie. I don't understand how a debut film can be so perfect, but it really is. This is on par with Leave No Trace in terms of raw, truthful, gut-punch emotion.

It's not quite the horror film that some suggest; there is hope and humor in just the right amounts.


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on January 10, 2019, 11:48:52 PM
I don't understand how a debut film can be so perfect, but it really is.

You live it in grand scale via your bedroom-popparody-cum-apatowverse then channel that through immense empathy.
This is such a beautiful, inspiring film.

Jeremy Blackman

Yes. The amount of empathy and insight this movie can create simultaneously in a single moment is staggering.


it's like if Tina Belcher lived in the real world
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton

Jeremy Blackman


It was insanely effective to just show the damn screens and their reflections.