Breaking Bad

Started by squints, February 25, 2009, 07:23:38 PM

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Quote from: trashculturemutantjunkie on September 09, 2013, 04:13:59 AM
loiter, lol. request, appropriate. not my party. like i said, excited for the watchers

like i said, loiter somewhere else. thanks.


loiter is the wrong word. i was talking about the show in the show's thread. it's more like i'm trying to use a discover card and all you accept is the master card. i'm the wrong person for the talk because of my lack of familiarity with the show. i know. i said it. what's keeping me going? for some reason, you. pm me if you want to. please stop trolling me. thanks


Quote from: trashculturemutantjunkie on September 09, 2013, 04:34:43 AM
loiter is the wrong word. i was talking about the show in the show's thread. it's more like i'm trying to use a discover card and all you accept is the master card. i'm the wrong person for the talk because of my lack of familiarity with the show. i know. i said it. what's keeping me going? for some reason, you. pm me if you want to. please stop trolling me. thanks

trolling! that's a much more appropriate word for you. stop trolling the breaking bad thread. thanks.


rude wasn't my intention from the beginning. please, go back a page. take a look where this begins

i consider some of these people my friends. you asked me not to loiter, i called the request appropriate. for you. you've been here for years here, i know. you're a good person i bet, i barely know you. why this? pm me


Just curious here, why don't you watch it?
I mean personally this is the only show I watch besides the news. I certainly not the only person who thinks this is the best thing on TV right now.


what a pickle i'm in! i liked drenka's funny post and thought "there's a friend" and then came a swarm and now i'm not supposed to be here! what a pickle

to not ignore your q, i'm not a tv person. tv is madly popular right now, and many shows are popular with all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, but because i'm not a tv person i tend to skip, just in general. i'm hesitant

but breaking bad is the world series winner. i've become interested in the show based on word of mouth. that ol' thing. plus i like that the creator is from southern usa. i like geographically unexpected creators

gotta dash. everyone knows why :)


You're probably better off not watching the show until it ends because following it week to week is torture. You're in a very lucky position, being new to Breaking Bad, hours and hours of edge of your seat entertainment ahead of you, why spoil it for yourself? If you're this interested that you did all that reading up on it, then you'll obviously dig the show. Watch ONE EPISODE, dude. Just so you can understand how seriously we take this show and cine's comment may start to make sense.


^This show is torture. It's the first season I'm watching it one at a time. It's not even that enjoyable this way. Thinking about saving the next two for the finale......yet we all know I won't.


That shootout was so expertly done. I just watched it again and while I still think it's kind of bullshit that Walt never got hit by a bullet, the way the tension built to the absolute breaking point was astounding. And those dolly shots pushing in on each character were great. I might be mistaken but that's the first time the show has employed push-ins like that.

You feel so many conflicting emotions during Hank's arrest of Walt. It's cathartic yet at the same time, a tiny part of me was still rooting for Walt and hoping he had some master plan to get out. I still wanted him to win right there, which is so f'ed up given what a monster he's become. Damn this show.


yes, that shoot out was something else, although like you previously pointed out, by ten seconds ppl on both sides should be bleeding.

I also want Walt to succeed, but Hank and Jesse too, oh well, Im just enjoying this ride to hell immensely.

Quote from: Brando on September 09, 2013, 02:09:22 AM
Quote from: Fernando on September 09, 2013, 01:49:33 AM
I just realized that Marie for once isn't wearing purple, she's wearing black....that cant be a coincidence can it?

I didn't catch that but Breaking Bad has put so much focus on the appearance of their characters that I would agree that it can't be a coincidence.

I was wrong, her blouse is dark purple, it looks black but it isnt, her pants are thou...

Jeremy Blackman

I would consider that funerial purple.

Anyway, I think the cliffhanger is starting to make more sense to me. They're forcing us to think for a week about what we really want to happen.

It would also take some of the shock out of a Hank or Jesse death, just so we don't all have heart attacks. Something like that. I can't accept that Hank and Jesse would survive the gunfight. You don't have a cliffhanger like that and come back with an anticlimax.

I'm desperately curious if the next episode will pick up where it left off, or if we'll see the aftermath. Imagine a cold open with Hank lying dead in the desert. What a punch in the gut that would be, probably moreso than watching him die. As much as I'd like to see something like that, they will probably just continue the shootout. Why else would they set up Jesse's positioning? I can't believe this, but I'm preparing myself to be disappointed.

I'm increasingly skeptical that there's time left to bring Jesse into full protagonist mode. Spitting on Walt wasn't exactly a noble gesture. I don't really favor anyone right now. With the cliffhanger, we're forced to figure out whose side we're on, and if any of that matters anymore. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe the point is that there are no heroes in Breaking Bad; there's just the wreckage.


This episode was unbelievable. The drive into the desert was one of the best moments in the whole series.

They are going to have to bring things to a head and jump forward in time pretty quickly in order to wrap up the flash-forward cold-open. What with Vince Gilligan saying that next weeks episode is the best of the season, I'm guessing the current storyline will come to a head and/or conclusion with Ozymandias (also, the title suggests as much as well) and the final two will be aftermath. Bloody aftermath, most likely, but aftermath all the same.


Also, while I was watching last nights episode, my wife was acting in a movie with Aaron Paul, who apparently got a phone call on set from his mom after she saw the episode. I hope he kept her hanging....

Frederico Fellini

Quote from: Ghostboy on September 09, 2013, 02:57:07 PM

They are going to have to bring things to a head and jump forward in time pretty quickly in order to wrap up the flash-forward cold-open. What with Vince Gilligan saying that next weeks episode is the best of the season, I'm guessing the current storyline will come to a head and/or conclusion with Ozymandias (also, the title suggests as much as well) and the final two will be aftermath. Bloody aftermath, most likely, but aftermath all the same.

^ Pretty much. 


"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

From Wikipedia:  "The central theme of "Ozymandias" is the inevitable decline of all leaders, and of the empires they build, however mighty in their own time."

I say next episode we see Walter's empire finally crumble to the ground completely. All hell breaks loose. He gets unmasked and now everyone knows he's Heisenberg. He uses Saul's "guy" to disappear with his family. That's where the episode ends. 

Then in episode 15 we are now in the "flash forward" bit we saw in the opening of episode 9.
We fought against the day and we won... WE WON.

Cinema is something you do for a billion years... or not at all.


This is Walt and Jesse trapped in the RV times a thousand. So many ways it can go.

Next week's episode can't open with the death of Hank. They have to do something to justify delaying a week. The episode built up this incredible tension and dread. You really undo all of that by delaying it a week. Now everyone in the world is expecting Hank to die in this next episode. The writer's always know the viewers' expectations and stay away from it.

Walt could come up with a plan for everyone to walk away. Walt tells the Nazi's he won't cook for them if they kill Hank and Gomez.  Walt tells Hank and Gomez the only way they can leave alive if they stop their investigation. Hank will also have to give Jesse to Walt and the Nazis. I think Jesse's death is imminent. I don't think there is a way for him to leave Tohajiilee alive. 

Quote from: God of Xixax on September 09, 2013, 03:02:42 PM
I say next episode we see Walter's empire finally crumble. All hell breaks loose. He gets unmasked and now everyone knows he's Heisenberg. He uses Saul's "guy" to dissapear with his family. That's where the episode ends. 

Then in episode 15 we are now in the "flash forward" bit we saw in the opening of episode 9.

That seems way too much time for the flash forward. There doesn't seem two episodes worth of material in the flash forward and especially how fast things happen on BB. Also, The fall out needs more time. I would expect we don't catch up to the flash forward until the final episode. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't catch up until the final half or third of the final episode.
If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.