Robocop (2014)

Started by MacGuffin, July 10, 2008, 01:39:04 PM

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This looks more like a spin off like they did with the Terminator - The Sarah Connor chronicles. Also agree with Lottery on why he got blown up rather than following the original reason.

Frederico Fellini

Not gonna lie, looks better than expected.
We fought against the day and we won... WE WON.

Cinema is something you do for a billion years... or not at all.


I'm not gonna lie: this looks like hot garbage.

Fuck this movie.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

max from fearless

This is fucking awful. They reduced a badass western/revenge movie/satire to a computer game starring Samuel L Jackson's hair. I'm waiting for the Kanye West endorsement saying this is the best thing he's seen since Star Wars. Beetlejuice, why???

Frederico Fellini

Quote from: modage on September 06, 2013, 06:21:48 AM
I'm not gonna lie: this looks like hot garbage.

Fuck this movie.

Nah, this looks much better than I expected. I was expecting "Transformers", but they got Sam Jackson and Gary Oldman = Mind frame changed from "zero fucks given" to "I might watch this if it's on netflix".

In all honesty, the original Robocop wasn't even that good.

Let me rephrase that: I don't like the original Robocop as much as other people. And if someone disagrees with me...... well, they have a different opinion than I do.

We fought against the day and we won... WE WON.

Cinema is something you do for a billion years... or not at all.


This is one of those trailers where they throw so much in, it's obvious the movie has nothing going for it. It looks exactly like the Total Recall remake, some updated CGI and good actors involved, but who cares? What are you saying with this story that improves upon the original? I'll watch it out of curiousity to see what they do with the effects, and like Total Recall I'm sure I'll be mildly interested and hating life throughout. These movies are like a punch in the gut, because they lure you in the with the promise of something new, then waste so much of your time that by the end you're thinking "If I watched the original Robocop for the 15th time, it would've been a fresher experience than that."

someone needs to send out a memo in hollywood: "DON'T FUCK WITH CLASSIC VERHOEVEN"


They took one of the most memorable and effectively brutal murder scenes (when the gang toys with Murphy, blows off his hand, before coldly shooting him in the head) and turned it into him getting blown up by a car. The original ROBOCOP had so much personality and humor that this one seems disinterested in. It's like it's engineered to be forgettable.

Jeremy Blackman

I absolutely loved Joel Kinnaman in The Killing, and I wish him all the best, but he looks pretty embarrassing in this.

Also, Dexter's nanny is apparently a main character, which would be distracting.


Reelist's comparison to the Total Recall remake is spot on. It looks like this will be a fully competent feature film that ticks all the boxes but has no soul of its own. Of course, I was the big defender of the Total Recall remake around here, but that was mostly because I don't really like the original, and generic competence felt like an upgrade. Robocop, on the other hand, is a goddamn masterpiece.
My house, my rules, my coffee


i'll check it out if these are in it:


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on September 12, 2013, 04:54:08 PM

Find 5 differences. Knight Rider and Robocop - waiting for crossover.

You shouldn't judge film by trailer, but in this case exceptions can be made: this looks bad so far.
Simple mind - simple pleasures...


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


there's this thing that bothered me about Batman Begins that was also in this trailer that I think is also some other superhero reboots as well, in which the origin story always includes uniform-making as a PR stunt. It makes the hero/villain petty because they come off sounding like ad guys.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Quote from: pete on November 08, 2013, 09:12:56 AM
there's this thing that bothered me about Batman Begins that was also in this trailer that I think is also some other superhero reboots as well, in which the origin story always includes uniform-making as a PR stunt. It makes the hero/villain petty because they come off sounding like ad guys.

it's a bizarre (to me) and prevalent feature of presenting the imagination right now. i don't think it fits well. explanations, you gotta explain everything, and the more you do the more you sell it, true enough. meta is everywhere, everyone knows, the examination of the method of imagination, and its dominant characteristic is the incorporation of objectivity. tells the audience this can be made up, we'll tell you why. we can sell you this neat thing in a way we can explain to you, and please notice how this mirrors your real life opinions and practices. you'll be amazed. great. where's the mystery? none. that comes from subjectivity. and i think mystery is an excellent part of much great art. i do

nobut i'll see robocop of course