Oldboy (2013)

Started by MacGuffin, November 06, 2008, 11:46:34 PM

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pete just mentioned the conceptual carnage of the roger deakins shot in time, and with that in mind, and this trailer in mind, i might need a new sean bobbitt plan

as sleepless said, and i forgot, this is meant to be a fresh adaptation of the manga. it's not broadcasted as a remake of the original movie. and then you watch the trailer ---

could really write ----- forever, and that'd describe my whole pov on this


Quote from: squints on July 10, 2013, 06:29:36 PM
*spoiler for original*

Looks like the incest is missing.

i was thinking that, but maybe the daughter is a decoy? then again i wonder if they'd have the balls to present the original twist to american audiences, seems like too much controversy when Spike is clearly doing this for a buck.

seriously did no one else laugh their ass off during the trailer? it just looks SO bad, i mean that also in the literal sense, it looks like shitty video a lot of the time. like the poster, which looks like a pic taken with someone's phone.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: Brett Ratner on July 10, 2013, 06:15:29 PM
Solaris is an good example of a remake made right. They didn't even remake the most memorable scene from the original because they knew that it would be totally worthless in comparison. They tried something different and the result was great. Soderbergh knew better and Spike Lee should also know better.

Nice to see some love for Soderbergh's Solaris, I thought I was the only one who thought it was great. I keep returning to that film.


Today I discovered that Oldboy is the favourite film of Flying Lotus and that 'no matter what happens i won't be able to have an open mind about it being remade'. Ha.


just realized that in my remake of a previous post i, for reference, called Brett Ratner sleepless. pretty random of me, think that happened because i like both of them, and anyway it fits within the proposed guidelines for remakes

flying lotus is la, lottery do you live in la, or that was internet

0 discussions about the movie in this post. total number of oldboy topic stimulations: 0


that wtf movie poster can only be improved if it receives the Ratner treatment, question is: are we past that?

and that trailer feels like t gives away the whole thing.




is no one else interested in seeing josh brolin give it to the other olsen?  was looking forward to sharlto copley's take on that character but he seems to have taken the easy way out with the androgynous brit accent.   i'm not precious about the original, but any benefit of the doubt i had given this to start has gone out the window. 


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



Spike Lee just keeps finding new and creative ways to make me want him to go fuck himself.
My house, my rules, my coffee


the brick thing was cool before they put it in his body


That tweet has singlehandedly almost convinced me of never see any of Spike Lee's films again. And I am a BIG fan of Do the Right thing, Malcolm X, 25th Hour and When the Levees Broke. BIG. But that is a low answer, and is not the response of an intelligent person. It's almost as if a 15 year old virgin teenager somehow got ahold of his tweeter account. "It's not MY problem?" Really? That's all he could say after reading the guy's letter? Didn't he understand one single thing in it? What's with using Caps at the beginning of every word? Doesn't he know how to write? Isn't he a fucking a writer? And please..."YO"? "YO"??????? Who is this? a mentally challenged hack? I'm deeply disappointed by the way he's handled this so far, and i guess he does deserves to be making a fucking Oldboy remake instead of more interesting projects.


I hate to just throw busy work at polka, but I would really like to see some 'updated' Spike Lee posters