Movie confessions!

Started by Sigur Rós, May 29, 2003, 09:10:40 AM

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Duck Sauce

Also overrated

Terry Gilliam and sushi


Quote from: Duck SauceAlso overrated

Terry Gilliam and sushi


Marty McSuperfly

I once had a warning put on my account at blockbuster because I took out - and enjoyed - Monkey Trouble (Harvey Keitel + monkey = great movie)

I repeat again: Harvey Keitel + monkey .... what more could you want?


"And if Julianne Moore, Gillian Anderson, or Naomi Watts were ever to proposition me (in my dreams), I'd be willing to reconsider the whole guys-only thing. Nobody would have to threaten me with my life or anything. It's called the Kinsey scale, people."

is godardian a chick or a gay guy?   :?:
i wanna lick 'em.



1) star wars movies put me to sleep...I don't have anything against them but I think they're overrated, a little at least...however...
2) I thought The Attack of the Clones was amazing, I gave it 4 stars...just like The Empire Strikes Back...
3) I think Hard Eight is a better title than Sydney
4) I think De Niro's performance in Jackie Brown is awesome
5) I liked Femme Fatale a lot, but the real reason I bought it is cause I wanted to see that strip tease over and over and over
6) Guy Ritchie sucks completely...why is it that everyone here is bashing brett ratner cause he's trying to be pta when Ritchie is so busy trying to be Tarantino or just trying to be cool all the time...?(he ain't)
7) I don't understand why Gone with The Wind is considered one of the best films ever see citizen kane and you know why is so highly regarded, but not with Gone...
8) Gus Van Sant's Psycho remake is not as half as bad as anyone says it is...
9) Jennifer Lopez is a hugely underrated actress (I liked her specially in Out of Sight and Angel Eyes, even if the movie is not that good)
10) Wim Wender's movies are like valium to me...the only movie from him that hasn't put me to sleep is Beyond the Clouds, but he directed that one with Antonioni, so maybe it shouldn't count...(Weird, but from Bergman, to Tarkovski, to Antonioni, I can see almost anything without sleeping)
11) The acting in some Kurosawa films annoys me a little, but not that much...


Quote from: Sigur Rós
Quote from: penfold0101GO.

I like this one too!

Ok, It's time to clean up!
confession 1: I like bad kung-fu-films like the ones with Bruce Lee! (I realize, that when saying this, it's like shouting "I like Pet-shop Boys!" at a Metallica-concert!)

I own the Bruce Lee Master Collection on DVD, and before that I had the VHS box.  Nobody better than Bruce Lee.  I like non-Lee/Chan kung fu movies as well.  Watched Shaolin Vs. Lama a million times.

My confessions:

I've never seen a Godard or Truffaut film.

Airplane! 2 was kind of funny at times.

I thought L'Avventura was a bit boring.

I don't like Adam Sandler's movies except for PDL, but I like Jim Carrey's movies.

I think Keaton is funnier than Chaplin. (but I still think Chaplin's awesome).

I saw Super Mario Bros, Trial and Error, and Mortal Combat in the theaters.


Quote from: Duck SauceAlso overrated

Terry Gilliam and sushi

Oh yea, I don't really like Terry Gilliam...Monty Python & The Holy Grail sucks horribly and Fear and Loathing should have been's alright but it should have been better.

QuoteWhat about Brad Pitt?.....I'm not gay!, but.....

Nah...he's a very good looking guy but he's no Johnny Depp...Johnny has that goth, scissorhands, 21 jumpstreet, 90's hearthrob thing that very few have. Him and the young De Niro (circa Taxi Driver, Raging Bull)  are the two most good looking male actors of all time...there are a lot of other good looking guys in movies of course but those guys are freaking ladykillers...I would kill to be as cool as them.

QuoteI don't like Adam Sandler's movies except for PDL, but I like Jim Carrey's movies.

I think Ben Stiller is funnier than both of them...both of which I really like as well. Ben Stiller, Andy Dick, and Conan 'O Brien are probably the three funniest people alive...along w/ Martin Short, but only in his Jiminy Glick character.

QuoteGuy Ritchie sucks completely...why is it that everyone here is bashing brett ratner cause he's trying to be pta when Ritchie is so busy trying to be Tarantino or just trying to be cool all the time...?(he ain't)

Agreed...but he is going out with, that is as cool as it gets. That's really the only thing that makes him even remotely cool. Tarantino is better.

QuoteI don't understand why Gone with The Wind is considered one of the best films ever see citizen kane and you know why is so highly regarded, but not with Gone...

Agreed again...don't get the popularity of Casablanca either. I haven't seen either one of them in awhile to be honest though.


Quote from: pookiethecat"And if Julianne Moore, Gillian Anderson, or Naomi Watts were ever to proposition me (in my dreams), I'd be willing to reconsider the whole guys-only thing. Nobody would have to threaten me with my life or anything. It's called the Kinsey scale, people."

is godardian a chick or a gay guy?   :?:

This is not the first such Crying-Game like query...  :lol:  Always cracks me up. It's the latter.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.


Quote from: godardian
Quote from: pookiethecat"And if Julianne Moore, Gillian Anderson, or Naomi Watts were ever to proposition me (in my dreams), I'd be willing to reconsider the whole guys-only thing. Nobody would have to threaten me with my life or anything. It's called the Kinsey scale, people."

is godardian a chick or a gay guy?   :?:

This is not the first such Crying-Game like query...  :lol:  Always cracks me up. It's the latter.

Let me just ask a completely fucking rude personal question...are you bi or gay? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm not homophobic at all, seriously...that's the rudest question I've ever asked...I was just curious.


shit man.  i just knew asking that question would get some member of the pc police to respond negatively calling me a homophobic dirtbag or something of the like...

sorry godardian or anyone else on the board if i offended you.  t'was not intended to offend.  simply to gain information.  i myself am a homo soooo...howdy ya'll.  

but yeah, thanks for overreacting ebeaman!  people like you stunt the gay rights movement.

godardian- you rock my world.  we should have a discussion about queer cinema some time.
i wanna lick 'em.


probably the three funniest people alive...along w/ Martin Short

Yeah, and he's probably the most annoying gay person alive too.


pookie, ebeaman wasnt being a dick, he was just asking. dont worry.

wow, this is starting to be a "comming out" thread.


ha...  i would be proud to initiate the first ever xixax coming out thread.  

...but i know ebeaman had good intentions.  his posts are insightful and interesting, so i know it came from a desire to "defend" and be a good person, but he and others just need to realize that senseless nitpicking doesn't help anything for gay people.  it makes it harder on us, actually...
i wanna lick 'em.


yes, thats what PMs are for


Quote from: ebeaman
Quote from: godardian
Quote from: pookiethecat"And if Julianne Moore, Gillian Anderson, or Naomi Watts were ever to proposition me (in my dreams), I'd be willing to reconsider the whole guys-only thing. Nobody would have to threaten me with my life or anything. It's called the Kinsey scale, people."

is godardian a chick or a gay guy?   :?:

This is not the first such Crying-Game like query...  :lol:  Always cracks me up. It's the latter.

Let me just ask a completely fucking rude personal question...are you bi or gay? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm not homophobic at all, seriously...that's the rudest question I've ever asked...I was just curious.

Well... Brett Anderson of Suede once said he was a bisexual man who had never had a homosexual experience. I'd say the same, but change homosexual to heterosexual.

Meaning this: I can completely appreciate and respond to the sexuality of women and how attractive they can be, but I'm mainly attracted to men, and that's the gender of the people I've had romantic/sexual relationships with. It's common to assume that the reason someone is gay is that they're repulsed by the opposite sex, but that's not usually true. I think it's unlikely that I would ever have sex with a woman, but I wouldn't rule it out.

I think the Kinsey scale is a reasonable model for human sexuality; zero to six, zero being if you've never had even an inkling of desire for your own sex and six being if you've never had even an inkling of desire for the opposite sex. I think if we're honest, we can admit that most of us fall somewhere in between, and our sexual behavior (as distinct from our sexual thoughts/reactions) merely reflects the way we lean most heavily, not our entire sexual identity, which would be too exhausting for most of us to act on. The people on or closer to the middle of the Kinsey scale are what we'd refer to as patently "bisexual." I'd put myself at a 4 or 5, but I've definitely been turned on by women at times.

I'm a complicated human being, just like you or anybody else. I think homos who can't acknowledge the sexual attributes and desirability of the opposite sex are being overly simplistic for political reasons and are just as immature and insecure as heteros who can't acknowledge someone of their own sex that they might find sexually attractive. I have a quite heterosexual male friend who's only ever been with women who says that he'd totally do George Clooney, given the chance. I think this means less that he sexually fantasizes about George Clooney than that he's not afraid to acknowledge that he thinks George Clooney is one hell of an attractive man. Same with me and the women I mentioned.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.