
Started by modage, March 16, 2012, 11:52:35 AM

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the last two episodes, eps 5 and 6, have finally taken this shit to the next level.

give a fuck about the race non issue, the best episode of the entire series (ep 5) was basically 99% two characters, a white dude and a white chick. but who was thinking about that bullshit? if they had caved in to the dickhead PC police and bent over backwards to accommodate ridiculous racial quotas then that episode would never have existed. so enough about that.

i haven't been paying attention to what the cry babies have been saying lately, so what's the new internet shitstorm? please let me know in case i meet one of these losers in person, knowing their argument beforehand will give me a chance to stop myself slapping their hipster glasses off their face as soon as they open their mouth.

for once (twice now) this show has FINALLY lived up to what it should have been doing all along. that is being true to its own characters at the expense of the entire world. the pay off has been amazing. i actually hate every character on it, but at least now we're starting to share that hatred with them as well. the best example of this was adam telling off the 33yr old lame guy and that dude's own awesomely pathetic realisation at the end of ep 6.

hopefully it can keep up this level of self awareness for the remaining episodes before the ignorant hive mind burns it to the ground and pisses on its ashes for no other reason than "it was the cool thing to do."
under the paving stones.


The latest shitstorm has focused mainly on Lena Dunham's "excessive and gimmicky" nudity.  There was a torrent of complaining (mostly from men) that Hannah was eye-raping them by constantly being naked and felt a girl her size could never land a dreamy dude like Patrick Wilson. These fools meanwhile have no issue with the Kevin James and Seth Rogen's of the world constantly dating girls way out of their league. Weeding through all the misogyny and hypercritical sex-negative commentary to actually debate any given episode is exhausting.   

As for race, dickhead PC police like myself have mostly given up on that fight. How casting a single girl of color is "bending over backwards" is beyond me but whatever. It's too late now. Welcome to the white-only part of Brooklyn!


i dont understand why people feel the need for this. just like, did the narrative seem to work, was there a logic, what did it make you feel like. that's how we talk about these things, right

is it evidence of this show being well-written that the audience feels the need to judge these people  (person above me both judged and judged judgers, seems like the conversational equivalent of when the person in movies gets shot and their dying hand clutches their tommygun's trigger and bullets go flying around the room for no specific reason), or is it evidence of the general tv audience being a bunch of hypersenstive hyperopinionated hypervocal mother idiots

who gives a fuck about this or that controversy i'm about to hulk this thread


im an episode behind but i really liked the fuckfest episode. ive had irl experiences with those kinds of special rules, special feelings. i sensed that she sensed its specialness. if all our days could be like our best days, right. and i related to her sensitivity toward the end of it, how her toughness (a kind of breath-holding) crumbled into sensitivity and emotional paranoia. those fears that start as feelings tend to infect the other person and create the object of worry. life is terrible that way. that's good dramatic material


I think "On all fours" is the best episode to date of the series, and certainly the darkest. I can't wait for the finale.


I'm glad Hannah's OCD wasn't some one-episode gimmick. Watching her descend like this is just heartbreaking, as was the scene with her and Adam. I loved how simultaneously disgusted and concerned Adam was for her. Next to Lena Dunham, Adam Driver serves up the most captivating performance on the show.

I'm continually annoyed with Shoshanna. I always feel like her character is on a different show. I know girls like that but she comes off as such a cliche in comparison to the other girls. Plus we've seen the recent virgin coming into her own storyline a gazillion times before, and the show isn't bringing anything new or interesting to it.


at this point its pretty clear what this show does well versus what it does poorly. it is not very funny. the awkward attempts at jokes as the camera scans the crowd at charlie's work party (charlie's "career" a contrived plot point that i'll leave alone) feels like something out of a bad sitcom. the show is best when it feels honest and truthful (and the humor works best if it grows out of this). all the stuff with adam and hannah is great. it feels real to me! i thought the OCD thing was a little forced at first, but the sequence with adam going to the engagement party and running into hannah was one of the defining moments of the show.

i find almost all of the stuff involving allison williams (can't bring myself to refer to her as her character) and shoshana to be cartoonish and kind of a dead-end. ray is dec.

ultimately, its a frustrating watch. the season itself is sort of unfocused, but there's enough good material within each episode that its hard not to watch.


Quote from: JG on March 12, 2013, 10:21:38 AM
all the stuff with adam and hannah is great. it feels real to me!

Had to..

Yeah, Adam is my favorite character on the show. He's the funniest and most real. Haven't watched but I heard the last one was mainly his episode so that can only be a good thing.

I'm really glad Jemima Kirke is gone for the moment ( can't bring myself to refer to her as her character ). Please tell me she doesn't show up again. Her character has annoyed the piss out of me this season and I'm finding it harder to see anything redeeming in her.

how many are left?


Quote from: Reelist on March 12, 2013, 11:21:25 AM
how many are left?

a couple of episodes at most, right?

this last episode was even better than the previous two.

it's interesting how fascinating the male characters have become this season (with the exception of pretty-girl's pretty-boy ex boyfriend, can't bring myself to name their real names or their character's), given the show is supposed to be about GIRLS. i don't know about the actor's contracts or whatever but i always felt that the male characters could disappear at any given moment, sort of like Sex and the City.  but the focus on adam in this episode and the loser 33 yr old in the other one have made them kind of indispensable.


that's no spoiler.

this last episode was so fucking incredible it made me CRINGE more than anything i've seen in the subreddit that is devoted to that feeling. when pretty girl sang, WOW, i wanted to leave the room. how perfect was that song she chose? perfectly awful i mean. it's a privileged white girl doing a rich black guy's song inspired by some french robots... it made NO sense. i can't think of a more perfectly embarrassing thing for her to sing.

then adam's date with the chick that looks like the chick from the sopranos. the ending to that.. it was almost like CMBB in that the title predicted that this had to happen. and in a similar way that our expectation of it would be satisfied and at the same time flipped completely upon delivery....

here's the thing: last season this show tried to make the characters do things that were unexpected and sometimes downright stupid and then play it off as a profound manifestation of alienated youth. it didn't fucking work. this year - this episode in particular - what adam does feels as spontaneous and chaotic
in 20-something society today but the clarity of the "afterglow" is what has been perfected.

the spontaneous but inevitable chaos is also personified in hannah's OCD. her character is given the chance to realise her dream but then devolves into this malfunctioning human robot (into something grotesque). this bracketed description also encapsulates adam's transformation but the same can also be applied to the pretty girl when her pretty boy ex tells her she's lost her mind after her horrendous display.. and shoshanna who i don't mind as much as others, she was never a human she was always a robot which is why her malfunctioning (into human) is less interesting.

the other chick she was so free/grotesque already that her malfunctioning caused her to outright DISAPPEAR from existence. i like what this show is trying to do, and now often achieving.
under the paving stones.


this season like last season is 10 episodes. there's 1 more episode this season. next season will be 12 episodes

i'm fighting with the show. i fought with it last season too. it was almost lifelessly mellow during jemima's parents episode, and now it's gotta work itself into a tizzy for the finale. and what does it think to do? stir the relationship pots

sometimes its drama strikes me as really, really bad. there's always like -- the episodes are kind of like the characters, broken but with certain treasures. partially i think it's the tv format and the dynamics of season-long narratives. gotta build to a crescendo! GOTTA

bad drama imo:

charlie and marnie. in real life, sure maybe there'd be two simultaneous reunions going on between best friends and their exes. in a written tv show, just one would've been fine. and this is terrible romcom stuff, straight down to "embarrassing situation as emotional tribute." narrative wise, there's nothing charlie and marine are doing that adam and hannah aren't doing better

the episode with adam and ray foreshadowed not just the reunion of adam and hannah, but also the reason, and i trust that it also foreshadowed the shoshanna and ray breakup. ray was a starter vehicle, sure, but this is awful to watch, i don't enjoy it, i'm not learning from it, they both annoy me

i think the ocd thing is pretty thick, hasn't hannah just been straight ocding the past two episodes

i feel like the only captivating element active right now is:

the magnetic attraction between adam and hannah. the show is doing hot mess well 'cause it understands what those connections are based on. adam and other girl couldn't work 'cause hot messes can't base relationships on what works. they have to meet in darkness. the show did a nice job of illustrating this link by bottoming-out both adam and hannah. unhealthy, insightful, real. the romance has a dangerous beauty, the way it's held together by a mutual understanding between imperfect people. the same imperfections that damage it, make it volatile. it's good stuff.

but, again 'cause of the structure of tv narratives, a lot rests on how this last episode goes


Great write up of the The Last Episode

this show is so brave.


Have to say this show keeps getting better.


Christopher Abbott (AKA Charlie) Abruptly Exits 'Girls' Season 3 As Production Starts
Source: Playlist

The unstoppable "Girls" may have just closed out its second season with its divisive finale, but it looks like one of the major storyline developments is getting an unexpected shakeup. Not all is sunny on Lena Dunham's set of the now-shooting third season, and one major character has abruptly exited the show.

NYPost reveals that Christopher Abbott -- who plays Marnie's perennial doormat Charlie -- has left, with reps for the actor confirming he's "grateful for the experience of collaborating with Lena, Judd [Apatow], and the entire 'Girls' cast and crew, but right now he's working on numerous other projects and has decided not to return to the show." But according to the paper, there may have been more at play.

Their sources say that Dunham and Abbott clashed, with Abbott reportedly dissatisfied with "the direction things are going in." No matter what the official story is, it's certainly a surprise given that Charlie's arc really developed in the latter half of season two, with the character landing a hot new job after selling a successful app, and with Marnie back in his arms with declarations of love. So now the writers will have to do some interesting dancing to write him out of the show, though to be honest, the whole Charlie/Marnie drama was getting a bit tedious and repetitive, so maybe Abbott's exit is not the worst thing in the world.

We'll see how this develops, but it looks like season three of "Girls" is already serving up some twists without a single episode having aired.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


That's too bad. I liked him. Although his storyline with Marnie was getting repetitive.


I guess his career really took off after that guest spot on Enlightened
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


The girliest character on the show is leaving? Won't be crying into my pillow over that one. Now if it was Adam, omg, I'd kill myself.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Quote from: MacGuffin on April 04, 2013, 09:19:49 AM
Christopher Abbott (AKA Charlie) Abruptly Exits 'Girls' Season 3 As Production Starts

Never liked him. His best moment was when he points to his dick and goes "You're not getting any of this."