The Paperboy

Started by MacGuffin, August 15, 2012, 05:43:26 PM

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Release date: 2013

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Nicole Kidman, John Cusack, Zac Efron

Directed by: Lee Daniels (Precious)

Premise: A reporter returns to his Florida hometown to investigate a case involving a death row inmate.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Don't like Zac effron, But I like Lee Daniels.... I'll probably give this a try.
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Zac Efron is this strange little porcelain doll of a person, but he intrigues me as an actor. If a director figures out the right thing to do with him, to distill that weirdly off-putting plasticity of his into a character, it could be amazing. I don't think this movie is it, but I think it's bound to happen eventually.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 15, 2012, 06:20:01 PM
Don't like Zac effron, But I like Lee Daniels.... I'll probably give this a try.

I don't like Lee Daniels but I like Zac effron. Will probably give this a try drunk on an airplane.


Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


I don't see the problem.  He's basically the tiny little Montgomery Clift of his generation.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on August 15, 2012, 10:08:22 PM
I don't see the problem.  He's basically the tiny little Montgomery Clift of his generation.

Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


My friend and I enjoyed the shit out of this movie, but no one else seemed to. I'm very curious as to what it's life outside of Cannes will be like. It's so funny and strange and bold and theatrical and actually fucked up. I think the people that didn't like it were expecting something serious. This is not quite serious and not quite a comedy. Audiences were confused about what it was, but the movie itself was not confused. I found it to be remarkably assured in its own weird, trashy, wild ways.

I didn't like Precious, so I didn't expect to like this, and walked away very pleasantly surprised. That said, I suspect that it will be a total flop in terms of money and audience response.

The trailer, as you might expect, is all wrong. It's not the straight-forward thriller it's being painted as. Macy Gray's in it and she's pretty great.


It looks like an interesting film (in a good way). Nice to hear good things about it (thanks matt) as I thought maybe things were leaning in that direction after Cusack's closing "where you going paperboy" line. Looks fun. And I'm going to stick up for Zac Efron too. Dude's got some big potential, same as Robert Pattinson. Never saw Precious so can't comment on Daniels.

Quote from: polkablues on August 15, 2012, 06:32:43 PM
Zac Efron is this strange little porcelain doll of a person, but he intrigues me as an actor. If a director figures out the right thing to do with him, to distill that weirdly off-putting plasticity of his into a character, it could be amazing. I don't think this movie is it, but I think it's bound to happen eventually.

Efron needs to hook up with James Franco and get a role in a Franco-directed movie. That could be the magic one.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


Quote from: Sleepless on August 16, 2012, 09:44:38 AM
It looks like an interesting film (in a good way). Nice to hear good things about it (thanks matt) as I thought maybe things were leaning in that direction after Cusack's closing "where you going paperboy" line. Looks fun. And I'm going to stick up for Zac Efron too. Dude's got some big potential, same as Robert Pattinson. Never saw Precious so can't comment on Daniels.

I saw Cosmopolis and I actually was surprised at how good Pattinson was. The movie sucked, but Pattinson's performance was good enough to change my mind about him.

But Zac Efron just fucking sucks... I don't understand this love you guys are showing for him. Tell me one movie he is good in and I'll check it out. Because so far, all I've seen from him is High School musicals and crappy teenager melodramatic roles. (Though he wasn't THAT BAD in "me and orson welles").

Basically, he is to acting..... what Nicolas Cage is to acting.... Except that Cage has an Oscar. (and puts out a good performance every few years: "Adaptation", "Lord of War", "Bad Lieutenant")

Or maybe you guys just like him cuz he's a pretty boy and you're into that sort of thing.... It's ok, I'm not judging.

But as I said before, I will give this one a try because I like Lee Daniels movies and McConaughey has been tremendous in everything I've seen of him lately.... Not like anyone gives a shit though.
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 17, 2012, 05:52:40 PM
Or maybe you guys just like him cuz he's a pretty boy and you're into that sort of thing.... It's ok, I'm not judging.

Actually, I think we need pretty boys willing to go all in on risky projects. A lot of the time, that's the only way they get made. I'll agree that Efron hasn't impressed me much thus far (I haven't seen him in much, mind you), but he's still really young. As is the case with most teen heartthrobs who go on to more interesting and challenging things, all it takes is one or two parts to prove themselves capable actors and change public and industry perception. Perhaps between The Paperboy and his upcoming collaboration with Ramin Bahrani, this will be Efron's year. Then he works with one of the living masters and cements his reputation for decades. Then works with Tim Burton again and again with diminishing returns and the cycle begins anew.

ITWT, as I believe you're probably younger than those of us championing Efron, I think he represents something different to you. I don't mean to sound patronizing. When Justin Timberlake started taking strides towards legitmate artistry, I was like, Fuck this clown. But now, not only do I not hate Timberlake, I actually kinda like him. I don't listen to his music and don't think much of him as an actor so far, but I can appreciate how great he is as a celebrity. He's definitely a talented dude and I look forward to him winning me over. I'm actually pretty excited to see his work with the Coen brothers. I've actually even warmed up to 'Nsync, I don't give a shit. Just cuz Efron has sucked in the past doesn't mean he will suck forever. Give him a chance. Let him surprise you.


I like Timberlake as an actor too, he's really natural. I really started liking him after I saw "The social network" and he's also pretty good in "Black snake moan". I would much rather watch him act than hear him sing.

As far as Efron goes... You said it, he still needs to prove himself. Many of the great actors of this generation are actually "pretty boys who took chances" (Depp, Dicaprio, Gosling, Pitt, Cruise, Ledger, Gyllenhaal, etc), But I don't know, to me  he's like a Male Kristen stewart.... Can't act for shit. I read somewhere that he was pretty good in 'Charlie St. Cloud'. I'mma check it out.... Anyways, who gives a shit if I don't like him and you do? To each his own Cinema....

P.S: Can't wait to see carey mulligan in a Coen brothers movie.
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 17, 2012, 11:32:26 PM
Anyways, who gives a shit if I don't like him and you do?

Angry, angry young man...


Quote from: BB on August 18, 2012, 12:17:04 AM
Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 17, 2012, 11:32:26 PM
Anyways, who gives a shit if I don't like him and you do?

Angry, angry young man...

Haha I hope you changed your av simply to post this comment.  :bravo:
under the paving stones.


Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 17, 2012, 11:32:26 PM

P.S: Can't wait to see carey mulligan in a Coen brothers movie.

yes, Inside Llewyn Davis is going to be great! and JT's in it too!

I hope they go knucklehead with Timberlake and turn him into another classic Coen Dumbass. With his comedic timing, he should be perfect
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza