The Master - Spoiler-Free Thread

Started by MacGuffin, December 02, 2009, 10:12:15 PM

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Guys...this may be old news, but there is literally NO NEWS on this board, so I wanted to bring over a topic from IMDB boards.

After reading the early script of The Master, which film of PTA's does this one most resemble to you guys?

I read the first 70 pages (I'm hesitant on going any further, I think I got all I need) and honestly, it just feels like it's own beast. TWBB might be the most related.

All I know, is that Joaquin, PSH, and Amy Adams are so incredibly perfect for their roles, I seriously cannot wait any longer.



It resembles TWBB most definitely, though he seems to have entered a whole different era of his career.  Sydney and PDL as character studies, Boogie Nights and Magnolia as ensembles.  These are dark historical dissections.  He seems to be going even deeper down the rabbit hole than he did with TWBB, but with two characters this time around.  If PDL showed the good of men, TWBB showed the darkness, and The Master will illuminate the dichotomy, how one plays off the other.  Although I personally don't think TWBB is as dark as people make it -- it's more sad than anything.  Plainview wasn't as much of a monster as he appeared to be, but I digress.  The earlier draft of the Master was so ambiguous though, that to go on wouldn't be ruining much.  First, because it was rewritten, second because it could be directed any which way.  I'm gonna get you on a slow boat to China, either way. 


under the paving stones.



QuoteIf PDL showed the good of men, TWBB showed the darkness, and The Master will illuminate the dichotomy, how one plays off the other.

^I really enjoyed this, very spot on. It's very beautifully and meaningfully stated.

From the early draft of The Master, which pretty much means nothing like you said...China...(but it's impossible to not go on), I'm anticipating that PTA is going to make Joaquin(Jonathon/Freddie)'s role to be the stylistic conductor of the film. Especially in the regard to how deep in alcoholism he is to be this fucking obscure booze connoisseur(I love in film when there is that "DRINK" a la Clockwork, Lebowski...etc.). I'm anticipating for how that will set the tone for the film, akin to how Barry's mental state conducted PDL, and how DDL's transformation conducted TWBB. Combine this with The Master's manipulating, contradicting, almost hypnotizing way of life, this sets up a setting for PTA to just create something so utterly beautiful aesthetically, emotionally, spiritually, every way combined.

I've been imagining that scene when they go in the underground sewage tunnel ever since I read There are so many possibilities...

PS: Not sure how many people checked out Zed-U, one of the collaborators Greenwood is working with on the score, but while reading the script I kept hearing my favorite tune from them in my head mixed with some disturbing undertones from Greenwood.

Check this song out, I couldn't find it on YouTube. It's so great(or "wonderful" as the man would say): "Roki" by Zed-u

I'm just overly excited guys. That's all.


I listened to some Zed-U just the other day because I was thinking about the potential score.  I do look forward to the disorienting, hypnotizing collaboration that Greenwood and the group will bring to the movie.  I also sort of like what PTA does with soundtracks that have an actual rhythm to them, but if the man can make good movies that play around with our expectations as per usual, lack of said rhythm will never bother me.


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Fuck yes!!! That probably means I'll get to see it this year as well in Portugal. Fingers crossed!


seriously, Megan Ellison FTmotherfuckingW

if its october, can we expect a trailer in the next 2-3 months? I hope...


Quote from: modage on March 06, 2012, 09:20:02 AM
EXCLUSIVE: 'The Master' Eying October Release Date


Haha you even kept the fucked up spelling.

I wonder if it's some secret rule that because the source used the word "eyes" in such a peculiar way, that the scoop MUST use the word eye in the main announcement. Otherwise cigs could have just said "master looking at Oct release".. much easier to spell.

Anyweye, eye'm just glad that this ear will be one worth living foreskin.
under the paving stones.


Ha I don't know except that I was in the subway when she tweeted to us and it popped up as I came up the stairs and as soon as I saw it I literally started RUNNING to my office to write up the story before someone else could get to it. Since I knew that other sites followed both Cigs & Ellison and since it's a public reply they'd see the news too, I had to get it up first and wrote it as quickly as I could figuring I could go back in and edit once it was up. I beat The Film Stage by about 5 minutes who I figured was my main threat since he always reposts our stories first which is especially ironic since he works across the street from my office. Unfort my big typo was in the headline which had already been sent out into the world. Oh well. Anywho, exciting day.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Jeremy Blackman

Congrats on the scoop. It's great to have some really concrete news.

I wonder if they're working on the score yet...


This is exciting news. THIS is news. TRAILER COME QUICKLY.


Quote from: I am Schmi on March 07, 2012, 03:18:35 AM
This has been my most anticipated film since I was still developing in my mothers fetus.

You must be really young then. I can picture your Mom giving you in utero 'Master' updates


Quote from: ElPandaRoyal on March 06, 2012, 10:20:07 AM
Fuck yes!!! That probably means I'll get to see it this year as well in Portugal. Fingers crossed!

truly hope so.



So is The Master going to be its title for sure?
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.