The 83rd Annual Academy Awards

Started by MacGuffin, March 25, 2010, 01:01:48 PM

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^haha, good job!

Rabbit Hole is actually pretty good, but there are some parts in that are cringe worthy, especially that scene.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


stefen, that's not The Guy, that's regularkarate.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton

Gold Trumpet

Best Picture category will be changed yet again. Now there can be anywhere from 5 nominees to 10. The requirements for nomination is now predicated on a film just receiving 5% of the votes. So whatever number of films get the votes, they will be on ballot. I guess it's to keep the dead weight competition from being inexplicably nominated, but 5 choices already seemed like enough nominees.

A silly award show just gets sillier.


When they made it 10 I thought there was a good chance less standard fare would be nominated but instead they just ended up nominating more shitty movies. I thought some world cinema could get recognized but instead they just included shit like action movies and movies from the comedy/musical category at the golden globes.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Critics Boo Oprah's Honorary Oscar
Source; THR

Oprah, meet Oscar. On Tuesday the board of governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voted to give Oprah Winfrey an honorary Oscar at the Nov. 12 Governor's Awards. It's called the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, given to an "individual in the motion picture industry whose humanitarian efforts have brought credit to the industry.'"

Not everyone is applauding the move, because Winfrey hasn't exactly shown a laserlike focus on movies since her 1986 Oscar nomination for The Color Purple. "She's in the motion picture industry?" New York Film Critics Circle chair John Anderson asks THR sarcastically. "It seems like a shameless bid for a ratings boost --although once they start showing clips from Beloved and The Color Purple the numbers will plummet."

Many charge that giving Winfrey the philanthropic award is really an attempt to get her to be philanthropic to the academy, by showing up at the February Oscar broadcast as well as the untelevised Governor's Awards. The Los Angeles Times' Patrick Goldstein called Winfrey's award "boneheaded." Even a Winfrey fan like former NWFCC chair Armond White, who enthusiastically voted for her in the 1986 National Society of Film Critics Awards and the New York Film Critics Circle Awards, was appalled. "Does this newly announced Academy prize prove that Oprah means the same thing to Hollywood as past Jean Hersholt Award winners Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Lew Wasserman, Charlton Heston?" White asks THR rhetorically. "Is this just another way for the academy to continue to grovel for TV ratings?" Yes, probably. And Winfrey could sure use some Oscar-fueled ratings boost for her fledgling Oprah Winfrey Network. Winfrey's award, along with the honorary Oscar that will be given to James Earl Jones, also serves to soothe the Academy's probable guilt over the much-criticized chronic absence of black faces among the regular Oscar nominees. Winfrey is the second black Hersholt winner after 1995's Quincy Jones. "Is the Academy kowtowing to the silly complaints that no black actors were nominated this year?" says White. "The Oscars are supposed to be about the works Hollywood admires, not a score-keeping mechanism for ethnic and racial equality. By that standard the Oscars fail Native Americans, Asians, Africans, Scandinavians, and Latin Americans every year. I'm afraid those complaints were just media hype, an attempt by some to hold the Oscars hostage to political correctness." It seems unlikely that Winfrey (or the exceedingly eminent actor Jones) is a mere example of PC tokenism. But so far, her Hersholt isn't winning many awards in the court of public opinion.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Gold Trumpet

Not as bad as Drew Carey getting into WWE Hall of Fame.


Brett Ratner and Don Mischer to Produce Oscars Telecast
Comedy will be "a big part" of the Feb. 26 broadcast, Ratner says
Source: THR

Brett Ratner and Don Mischer will produce the 84th Academy Awards telecast, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences President Tom Sherak announced Thursday.

Ratner, a surprise choice who has directed such movies as the Rush Hour series and X-Men: The Last Stand, said that he suspected one reason that Sherak and the Academy's new CEO Dawn Hudson turned to him is his love of comedy. "To their credit, Tom and Dawn really understand what is needed, and comedy is a big part of it and I want to make that part of it," Ratner said.

While the Oscar show assignment usually goes to a more experienced Hollywood hand, Ratner is just 42, but he's long had a fascination with Old Hollywood lore --he lives in Beverly Hills in a home known as Hillhaven Lodge, which once belonged to Ingrid Bergman, and he has palled around with Robert Evans --and his sense of Hollywood history is something he could well draw upon in wrestling the Oscar show into shape.

Before he accepted the challenge, though, he also me with Mischer, who produced this past February's broadcast with Bruce Cohen, and Ratner said that gave him the confidence to say yes because, "the guy is just a pro." Speaking on a call with Ratner, Mischer, who will also direct the live broadcast, added of his new producing partner, "His enthusiasm was just overwhelming. We met for what was to be one-half hour and it turned into two-and-one-half hours as we talked approaches and ideas."

Their first order of business will be deciding on a host, but both men insisted they haven't zeroed in on a choice. "We haven't discussed hosts yet," Mischer said. "It's wide open."

When Sherak and Hudson first began discussing potential candidates to produce the show, it was Hudson who suggested calling in Ratner. "We just had an instinct that he would have a fresh point of view for the show. He's young, he's enthusiastic, and mostly he comes with a deep, deep love of movies," Hudson said of her intuition. "Brett is such a renowned cinephile, and such a student of this industry and of the Oscar shows. He knows the ins and outs of the shows from the beginning of time. He has a very broad sense of entertainment, a great sense of comedy, and he's a showman." Plus, she added, "He has great talent relationships," which is always useful in lining up a host and presenters. Sherak said he sparked to the idea immediately, and so he called Ratner in for a meeting a couple of weeks ago without telling him what was on the agenda. "But we started talking with him, and before we knew it, it was three hours later," Sherak said.

Sherak also set up a meeting between Ratner and Mischer. "Don gives us continunity," said Sherak of Mischer, who has been nominated for an Emmy for his work on this year's Oscars. "We wanted Brett and Don to like each other, and they fell in love with each other."

One concern that Ratner had was how the Oscar job would fit into his existing schedule. He's currently finishing post-production on the comedy Tower Heist, starring Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy, which Universal releases Nov. 4. And he's developing a couple of projects: 39 Clues for DreamWorks and Hercules: The Thracian Wars for MGM, while also producing Relativity's Snow White.

Mischer assured him that it was "absolutely doable. We have a lot of support and systems in place, having done it last year. So I'm not worried about Brett's schedule at all." Said Ratner, "I'm finishing a movie in a few weeks, then I'll do press and there will be a premiere I can't miss. Then I'm working on two movies that are in early, early pre-production. I foresee the day when I wrap [the Oscar show], and then I'm immediately shuttled off to a location to start pre-production on one of them."

Before making a decision, though, Ratner first took a vacation, during which he reviewed a lot of past Oscar shows. Then, Wednesday night, he emailed Sherak --who had been re-elected for a third term as Academy president the previous day --and requested a meeting Thursday at which he accepted the assignment.

As a student of the Oscars, Ratner knows the risks he faces for he now shares a further link with the late producer Allan Carr, who also once lived in Hillhaven. Carr produced the 61st Academy Awards in 1989, and that show drew a firestorm of criticism, much of it directed at its kitschy, overlong production numbers. But Ratner doesn't consider that an omen. "Look, Allan was a showman in his way, and it was a very different time," he said. "And by the way, he did some good things too. He had some good ideas. It was on that show that they changed the line 'and the winner is' to 'and the Oscar goes to'."

Next year's awards show will be broadcast live by ABC on Feb. 26 from the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center in Hollywood.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


So it's going to be a 3 hour commercial for whatever film Ratner has opening next.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


Calling Brett Ratner a cinephile is like calling Josef Mengele a humanitarian.


Tower Heist DOES look kinda entertaining, guys.


Saying Tower Heist looks entertaining is like saying Josef Mengele looks like a good babysitter.
My house, my rules, my coffee


I'm not one to shit on a movie before it comes out, but Black Ocean's 11 - Black People + White People x Ratner, has to = SHIT.... i don't care what BadassDigest or Slashfilm tells me to think.

... and the oscars will continue to suck as well.
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


under the paving stones.


Eddie Murphy In Talks To Host 84th Oscars
Source: Nikki Finke, Deadline

EXCLUSIVE: This Tuesday, a confab is scheduled for Oscar producer Brett Ratner to tell the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences whom he wants to host the Oscars. I've learned that Ratner will offer one name to Academy President Tom Sherak: Eddie Murphy. This is by no means a done deal yet, but this is a first step –though a lot more steps have to happen before this becomes a reality. I'm told that a lot of big names have approached the other 84th Academy Awards producer Don Mischer saying they are interested in hosting, and Don is fielding those calls. But insiders tell me that Ratner since getting the Academy Awards producing gig has only been talking to one person: Eddie. It's been along the lines of, "If the Academy asked you to host, would you accept?" I learned that Eddie is "showing interest". I do know that Murphy's Hollywood agency WME thinks it'd be a real coup for Murphy's dormant career which is about to get a kick-start. That's because the veteran comedian is starring in the Brett Ratner-directed and Imagine/Universal-produced Tower Heist action laugher with Ben Stiller that opens on November 4th and is receiving great buzz. So Murphy and Ratner already have a close relationship, and this would be a way for Brett to put his personal stamp on 2012′s broadcast. Plus Murphy is starring in the DreamWorks' dramedy film A Thousand Words scheduled for release on January 12th.

Eddie, who was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in 2006′s Dreamgirls but lost, is said to worship the Oscars. "Nobody knows movies better or is a bigger cinephile than Eddie. Not Brett. Not even Quentin Tarantino. Eddie can quote scenes from every single movie word for word," an insider tells me. "He can bring all that experience to hosting. Plus he has Saturday Night Live experience before a live crowd. And worldwide the biggest crossover comedians are Will Smith and Eddie Murphy." That's important because a huge part of the Academy Awards telecast audience is global. And with two movies opening before the Oscars, Murphy could benefit from the publicity bonanza especially overseas where international releases usually follow U.S. opeings by several months. Besides, the Academy has been after more diversity which is why this October it's honoring James Earl Jones and Oprah Winfrey (even though she's much more of a TV personality than a movie star or filmmaker).

Today the comedy and urban entertainment website Humor Mill posted first an exclusive (sourced from several close friends of Eddie's) that it's a done deal. But I've confirmed it's not —yet. Meanwhile, I hear that Billy Crystal, who recently expressed interest in hosting again, will almost certainly be incorporated into the show in some marquee way.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on September 03, 2011, 11:21:52 PM
Eddie Murphy In Talks To Host 84th Oscars
Source: Nikki Finke, Deadline

EXCLUSIVE: This Tuesday, a confab is scheduled for Oscar producer Brett Ratner to tell the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences whom he wants to host the Oscars. I've learned that Ratner will offer one name to Academy President Tom Sherak: Eddie Murphy. This is by no means a done deal yet, but this is a first step –though a lot more steps have to happen before this becomes a reality. I'm told that a lot of big names have approached the other 84th Academy Awards producer Don Mischer saying they are interested in hosting, and Don is fielding those calls. But insiders tell me that Ratner since getting the Academy Awards producing gig has only been talking to one person: Eddie. It's been along the lines of, "If the Academy asked you to host, would you accept?" I learned that Eddie is "showing interest". I do know that Murphy's Hollywood agency WME thinks it'd be a real coup for Murphy's dormant career which is about to get a kick-start. That's because the veteran comedian is starring in the Brett Ratner-directed and Imagine/Universal-produced Tower Heist action laugher with Ben Stiller that opens on November 4th and is receiving great buzz. So Murphy and Ratner already have a close relationship, and this would be a way for Brett to put his personal stamp on 2012′s broadcast. Plus Murphy is starring in the DreamWorks' dramedy film A Thousand Words scheduled for release on January 12th.

Eddie, who was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in 2006′s Dreamgirls but lost, is said to worship the Oscars. "Nobody knows movies better or is a bigger cinephile than Eddie. Not Brett. Not even Quentin Tarantino. Eddie can quote scenes from every single movie word for word," an insider tells me. "He can bring all that experience to hosting. Plus he has Saturday Night Live experience before a live crowd. And worldwide the biggest crossover comedians are Will Smith and Eddie Murphy." That's important because a huge part of the Academy Awards telecast audience is global. And with two movies opening before the Oscars, Murphy could benefit from the publicity bonanza especially overseas where international releases usually follow U.S. opeings by several months. Besides, the Academy has been after more diversity which is why this October it's honoring James Earl Jones and Oprah Winfrey (even though she's much more of a TV personality than a movie star or filmmaker).

Today the comedy and urban entertainment website Humor Mill posted first an exclusive (sourced from several close friends of Eddie's) that it's a done deal. But I've confirmed it's not —yet. Meanwhile, I hear that Billy Crystal, who recently expressed interest in hosting again, will almost certainly be incorporated into the show in some marquee way.

My house, my rules, my coffee