Criterion News and Discussion

Started by Gold Trumpet, January 16, 2003, 06:18:19 PM

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Quote from: The Gold Trumpet on June 14, 2011, 06:29:44 PM
The original DVD boxset is actually very good. I don't know if I will be updating. Hopefully not.

It was ok. But I recently watched Double Life on Veronique on blu ray and it hit me I had never actually seen the film for real. The transfer is so colorful and sharp. I used to be under the misguided impression that Kieslowski had a good eye but wasn't a "visual" filmmaker but this was the shitty vhs's and dvd's fault. I expect these blu rays to look spectacular.

Gold Trumpet

Haha, I'm looking for encouragement to not have to keep buying blu rays. It involves a lot of rationalization on my part. I'm finding if your determined enough, you can mortgage a livelihood for the sake of awesome blu rays. I thought the DVD boom was tough on my finances, but blu ray sucks even more.

My happy thought is that even though corporations will try, I don't see how anything significantly better than Blu Ray will be made anytime soon. They feel like real collector items.


Mr. Merrill Lehrl

3 Women announcement made my day.
"If I had to hold up the most heavily fortified bank in America," Bolaño says, "I'd take a gang of poets. The attempt would probably end in disaster, but it would be beautiful."


very exciting releases. obviously 3 women but also the phantom carriage, awesome cover too.
when will they get it about that damn "c"?


Oh man 3 women on blu-ray! I've been waiting for this!

And i just sold my life as a dog on amazon, so this is more incentive to pick it up again.
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche

P Heat

Three Colors: red is not officially to be release but i like how criterion is giving us obvious hints that it is soon, with the hulu release of the movie which i will be watching soon.

BTW  JUST SAW the criterion HD "bluray" release of Black Moon on hulu for the first time. IT WAS OUTSTANDING!! I don't know why there's a love it or hate it thing to the movie even though its obviously getting more liked now and getting a cult following as said in the criterion site. Its also like the 4th popular in the hulu site.

anyone else seen this?
Quote from: Pubrick on September 11, 2012, 06:33:41 PM
anyway it was after i posted my first serious fanalysis. after the long post all he could say was that the main reason he wanted to see the master was cos of all the red heads.


Only today did I realize that Killer's Kiss was going to be a Bonus Feature on The Killing. Is it that lowly that it doesn't merit a cover mention? I think it's terribly underrated - but it's nice to have it thrown in there.

There have been (or soon will be?) non-Criterion Blu-Ray releases of Brazil and Contempt - does this mean they have lost the rights to them?

I had no idea Contempt was OOP until I made a video about it recently. Then looking up info came across the Blu-Ray from last year.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.

Mr. Merrill Lehrl

They lost their rights to Studio Canal films.
"If I had to hold up the most heavily fortified bank in America," Bolaño says, "I'd take a gang of poets. The attempt would probably end in disaster, but it would be beautiful."


Quote from: Mr. Merrill Lehrl on June 27, 2011, 08:54:55 PM
They lost their rights to Studio Canal films.

Ah, now I kinda remember those announcements from about a year and a half ago.
Contempt isn't actually listed, though several Godard films are.

Brazil still is in print though.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.

Mr. Merrill Lehrl

Contempt is Studio Canal. I don't know where a list of only Studio Canal titles could be found, but here is a long list of oop Criterion titles:
QuoteGrand Illusion
The Killer
Hard Boiled
This is Spinal Tap
Silence of the Lambs
Sid & Nancy
Dead Ringers
Flesh for Frankenstein
Blood for Dracula
Nights of Cabiria
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Third Man
The Orphic Trilogy
The Bank Dick
Variety Lights
The Harder They Come
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Coup de torchon
Diary of a Chambermaid
How to Get Ahead in Advertising
Billy Liar
Le Trou
That Obscure Object of Desire
Bob le flambeur
Tokyo Olympiad
Straw Dogs
The White Sheik
Diary of a Country Priest
Le Corbeau
A Woman is a Woman
Port of Shadows
Touchez pas au grisbi
The Phantom of Liberty
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Tales of Hoffman
Forbidden Games
Kind Hearts and Coronets
The Fallen Idol
The Milky Way
The Small Back Room
"If I had to hold up the most heavily fortified bank in America," Bolaño says, "I'd take a gang of poets. The attempt would probably end in disaster, but it would be beautiful."


What is the general feelings towards them taking back their licenses?
Is it them not allowing Criterion to, or raising the price to a point that Criterion will not pay, or what?

I'm assuming when they release something like the Contempt Blu (if they did, I have no idea who released it) that they are not allowed to use Criterion's extras, so it seems only film fans are hurt, the very people they should be pleasing and catering to.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


For a while I've maintained a list of rumored and/or confirmed forthcoming Criterion titles. Only the ones I have interest in. This list isn't complete or necessarily reliable, but here's what I'm pretty sure is on the distant horizon based on rumor, hearsay, and innuendo:

Domestic / English Language

12 Angry Men (1957)
Badlands (1973)
Caught (1949)
Devils, The (1971)
Following (1998)
Foreign Correspondent (1940)
French Lieutenant's Woman, The (1981)
Game, The (1997)
Ghost World (2001)
Gold Rush, The (1925)
Heartbreak Kid, The (1972)
History is Made at Night (1937)
Immortal Story, The (1968)
Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
Love Streams (1984)
Ministry of Fear (1944)
New Leaf, A (1971)
Odd Man Out (1947)
Paranoid Park (2007)
Red River (1948)
Ride in the Whirlwind (1965)
Scanners (1981)
Seconds (1966)
Shanghai Express (1932)
Shivers (1975)
Shooting, The (1967)
Spy in Black, The (1939)
Taking Off (1971)
Thief (1981)
Thin Blue Line, The (1988)
Three Cases of Murder (1955)
Wedding March, The (1928)


4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days (2007)
Apu Trilogy, The
Conformist, The (1970)
Cruel Story of Youth (1960)
Devil, Probably, The (1977)
Emigrants, The (1971)
Europa '51 (1952)
Europa Europa (1990)
Fellini Roma (1972)
Un Flic (1972)
L'humanite (1999)
Identification of a Woman (1982)
Jour de fete (1949)
Kuroneko (1968)
Life of Jesus, The (1997)
Lil Marleen (1981)
Lovers on the Bridge, The (1991)
Man Escaped, A (1956)
Master of the House (1925)
New Land, The (1972)
La Notte (1961)
Olympia (1938)
Peppermint Frappe (1967)
Rocco and His Brothers (1960)
Satyricon (1969)
Le silence de la mer (1949)
El Sur (1983)
Trial of Joan of Arc, The (1962)
Two Men in Manhattan (1959)
Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The (1964)
Weekend (1967)
World on a Wire (1973)


All These Women (1964)
The Devil's Eye (1960)
Dreams (1955)
From the Life of Marionettes (1980)
Lesson in Love, A (1954)
Monika (1953)
Rite, The (1969)
Secrets of Women (1952)
Summer Interlude (1951)

Reissues / New Transfers

Dazed and Confused (1993)
Fugitive Kind, The (1960)
Homicide (1991)
Short Cuts (1993)

Autumn Sonata (1978)
Branded to Kill (1967)
Cria Cuervos (1976)
Cries and Whispers (1972)
Fanny and Alexander (1982)
La Haine (1995)
M. Hulot's Holiday (1953)
Mon Oncle (1958)
Pandora's Box (1929)
Passion of Joan of Arc, The (1928)
Rules of the Game, The (1939)
Le Samourai (1967)
Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
Tokyo Drifter (1966)
Vanishing, The (1988)
Wild Strawberries (1957)

Take this all with a grain of salt.

Gold Trumpet

It's actually a very good list. Couldn't find a title I could mount any huge argument against. I've heard most rumored about at sometime and even if some of the titles are beyond Criterion's ability to acquire now, I definitely believe they will eventually be close to getting them. You could also add every Stanley Kubrick film. Warners Brothers is doing its best to quickly milk him on blu ray (to my surprise) so you could see some secondary releases by a company like Criterion coming in the future. Since Warners is now willing to work with Criterion, I believe it's just a matter of time.

Mr. Merrill Lehrl

Quote from: wilderesque on June 27, 2011, 10:15:57 PM
Shanghai Express (1932)

I hope this one soon!  Someone has to release it .....!!!!!......
"If I had to hold up the most heavily fortified bank in America," Bolaño says, "I'd take a gang of poets. The attempt would probably end in disaster, but it would be beautiful."