
Started by pete, April 17, 2010, 04:04:27 PM

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fuck me, does that show know how to write dialogues?
it's the new f/x show that's based on an elmore leonard character.  Leonard's one of the greats, but his books are rarely turned into good stuff.  this show seems to get a lot of the flavors right.  it's actually got a cowboy bebop feel to it: a cowboy US marshal tries to bring in all sorts of low-lifes every week, most of them either comically pathetic or end up being melancholy figures for the lost cause.  It's got some standard police procedural stuff that Leonard would never go for, but I guess you can't ask for everything.
you can watch the episodes of hulu.  this is a very good tough guy character.

"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton

Gold Trumpet

It's a really fun show. At first I was underwhelmed because there isn't conventional character development, but the show is a simplistic story piece where you are forced to care about the show for its intangibles. Hombre is my favorite Elmore Leonard adaptation and this reminds me of that one a lot.


just finished first season.  as good as anything else I've seen.  it's got the same sensitivity as friday night lights except this one has guns and fugitives and dialogue inspired by (stolen from?) Elmore Leonard.  I will champion this from now on.  mad men can suck it!
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


I liked the pilot a lot. I'll check the rest of the season out.

Hope it's gonna be better than Burn Notice, that show was terrible I don't know what you saw in it.


burn notice is hoaky but has a lot of fun pieces of information, where the characters, instead of shooting the bad guys dead or running the same con game over and over again (like mission impossible or every spy show), always has a really witty plan that incorporates a lot more elements.
justified is nothing like that though.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton

Gold Trumpet

Yea, I really liked the first season as well. I like how the episodes teeter totter with different emotions and never go in straight routes. It's like Sam Peckinpah's The Ballad of Cable Hogue where the momentum of a scene is just based on what happened previously. After that, all bets are off where the story will go. The only continuity is the Elmore Leonard grit, but it's a very good show.

Yea, Burn Notice is a different beast. Light affair, but whimsically entertaining for a softcore action series. The insight into the thinking of an operative is key. As soon as that dies off and episodes become mainly about relationships and mysterious people who loom over the characters and threaten their safety, I will jump ship.


i'm down to see this show but we should adjust that picture at the top. its makin' the page all weird.
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


pete, again you are right on the money, just finished 1st season and it's really a great show, everyone should check it out.

timothy olyphant is really good as cowboy-cop character, as good as he was in deadwood, but I thought the best was walton goggins, his character shows many layers through out the whole season, which btw isn't as predictable as one would expect with this kind of show, it's not braking bad unpredictable, but it certainly is better than most cop shows or any tv shows out there.


Season 2 premier was this past wednesday, it was a solid 1st episode.

finally something worth to watch this 2011.


I dunno, maybe it was just because I was tired - it seemed like they made a more concerted effort to make Raylan "cool" or "badass" or Clint Eastwood-like (as suggested by the tv promo), when the first season made him quieter and more nuanced.
That old lady is one of the best characters we've got, looking forward to her return.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


um I really badly wanna talk about this show with somebody. I love the series a lot. It delivers all the high-octane such-and-such amidst the wonderful dialogue, good research, tone, and delicious moral ambiguity. I have no seen another show like it, one that simultaneously deliver thrills and intelligence in such a hand-in-hand manner.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


You're right pete, this show is great in it's genre. I'm still in early season 1 but at one point we'll talk about ot more here!


I love the show and really enjoyed this past season. Margo Martindale really blew me away with her performance, such a fascinating character.  I'll echo the love for the dialogue as well, they've really captured that Elmore style.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


Quote from: Fernando on February 11, 2011, 01:38:31 PM
Season 2 premier was this past wednesday, it was a solid 1st episode.

finally something worth to watch this 2011.

the one last hit that spent you...


note the date of the posting
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton