The Ghost Writer

Started by MacGuffin, December 11, 2009, 04:48:46 PM

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hey man, try talking without hyperboles man, go ahead, give it a shot.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton



Hahaha oh man what a review!


Hah, Silias just can't win.  :yabbse-undecided:
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Gold Trumpet

I don't like this picking on Silias. He's watching movies and commenting on them. What he says can be interpreted as basic evaluations, but he's relying on his gut and feelings and since he's watching a lot of movies that no one cares to watch, he's extending himself for the board's sake. Not many people here (myself included) are doing that, but we give him crap because he's talking about movies? I'm sorry, but for a board that says it like PTA, the reaction thread to There Will Be Blood is one of the driest and most hyperbole ridden threads in existence. Only a few people tried to make honest hay out of the movie with their thoughts and I commend them, but the majority of the posters here played ring around the rosie with every word you can use to say something is "great" or "amazing". Some conversations in thread were about plot hangups and what happened or didn't happen, but those don't speak very much to theme or identity of a film. Sometimes a film can inspire great discussions here, but more often than not, when something is very good, it seems more to inspire the smallest worded reactions possible. I compliment Silias for at least being a fan of movies and mustering more movie reporting than any of us are willing to do. He's reminding me of movies I remember wanting to watch because, once upon a time, I thought, "Oh shit, I should watch that."

classical gas

yeah, that enthusiasm is pretty rare.  but it's a good thing to have.  from a lurker's standpoint, all reviews longer than a sentence are appreciated. 


Quote from: Gold Trumpet on March 19, 2011, 04:56:42 PM
I don't like this picking on Silias. He's watching movies and commenting on them. What he says can be interpreted as basic evaluations, but he's relying on his gut and feelings and since he's watching a lot of movies that no one cares to watch, he's extending himself for the board's sake. Not many people here (myself included) are doing that, but we give him crap because he's talking about movies? I'm sorry, but for a board that says it like PTA, the reaction thread to There Will Be Blood is one of the driest and most hyperbole ridden threads in existence. Only a few people tried to make honest hay out of the movie with their thoughts and I commend them, but the majority of the posters here played ring around the rosie with every word you can use to say something is "great" or "amazing". Some conversations in thread were about plot hangups and what happened or didn't happen, but those don't speak very much to theme or identity of a film. Sometimes a film can inspire great discussions here, but more often than not, when something is very good, it seems more to inspire the smallest worded reactions possible. I compliment Silias for at least being a fan of movies and mustering more movie reporting than any of us are willing to do. He's reminding me of movies I remember wanting to watch because, once upon a time, I thought, "Oh shit, I should watch that."

GT you have plenty of your own pet peeves regarding how movies should be discussed.
plus silias isn't fazed by my shitty comments.
plus we already talked about the movie.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


For sure GT proves once again he's top notch iq, good post.

Silias reviews are super useful, he made me watch a bunch of great movies.

But that Ghost Writer one was pretty funny though.

Silias: make your own review thread with all your watchings it's gonna be epic.


Thanks for the words GT. I really appreciate them. They mean a lot and its rare to fine genuine compassion in a world of internet slime. When I watch film or cinema of any kind I try and find something interesting or intriguing about each and every piece that I watch. I guess thats tougher and tougher to find-at least on here. I have a negative side just like most people on this board but I have the decency to beat up on myself rather than lash out on personas I barely know that post on a internet board. At least most of the time I beat up on myself and not others. There are a few postings where I have thrown shit at people.

Anyway, if Pas wants me to create a thread just for my hyperbolic or ridiculous reviews I perhaps will. In the end, I can just review from my heart and from my gut. If something truly moves me I'm gonna fuckin' say it. In fact, if a movie has nothing interesting or intriguing to say or it doesn't move me emotionally I'm not going to say much about it. If it is horrible I won't ramble on about it and I'm certainly not going to buy it. Shit is shit and we don't have to go on and on about it if it is. None of us or at least very few of us (with the exception of mod and maybe Mac) have a profession being a movie reviewer for any publication. I do this for fun. I'll continue doing it for fun because I get something out of it. I have no fucking clue what others get out of saying sarcastic or deplorable comments about my reviews. Perhaps a false sense of superiority at a place where it really doesn't matter anyway. If you keep reading I'll keep writing.

Sincerely Yours,

The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


At least Silias is commenting on movies regularly and watching everything. That's more than the rest of us (including myself) are doing.

Keep doing your thing, Silias.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Whats the use of having a netflix account if you're not going to use it?
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Oh silias, always a federal case with you!

Ghost Writer's ending kinda sucked btw. Though the last shot was beautiful


I like sillias's reviews.