Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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I'm totally fine with them not resolving every mystery from the past 6 years. In a way I'd prefer that, I don't see how Lost could end other than leave certain things ambiguous. One of my concerns that they would try to explain every damn thing. Ssh... those whispers are dead people. Oh wow... that's kinda crap.

My biggest beef with this season is that I've spent all this time investing in these characters who crashed on the the island, or arrived on the freighter, or are Ben, and yet this season has taken the focus off them completely. Everything has been about Jacob versus Loophole, whether directly or not. The characters have just been running around trying to do what they think Jacob wants them to do. They're not making decisions for themselves, they're just trying to fulfill some banal prophecy. Sure, Sawyer takes his shirt of and scowls and Jack and yeah that's what he did in season one, but he had evolved in to someone far more interesting since then. At least Jack can dither about worried about the most minuscule and boring decisions because, well, that's what Jack does best. I'm starting to believe he is The Candidate to replace Jacob because they're both fucking boring.

And all the irrelevant sideways stories just back up what I'm saying. Yes, they're interesting. Yes, it's nice to see another side to our beloved characters. But they add nothing to our overall hope/fear associated with the overall story.

I guess I might find more to enjoy in this season when the DVD comes out, but right now I find myself in the unfortunate position of eagerly awaiting the demise of my favorite show. It's a damn shame.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.



Man, it never fails!  You guys always do this.

This episode was fucking BOSS!  You're just mad that it wasn't the finale.

Sayiid, Sun, and Jin are DEAD

Tell me what hasn't been answered that you're scared won't be and tell me why it matters at this point. 
I'm so along for this ride and they're not doing anything they haven't done since the beginning of the series.  The faults are just as faulty except that I've grown to appreciate and laugh at them.


Mod hasn't been posting his usual hand-wringing like in past seasons, but there are always four or five people to take the reins from him. I swear you people are watching a different show than I am. Everyone confuses "I don't know how they're going to resolve this" with "They're not going to be able to resolve this." There's like four hours of the show left. Let's let them actually finish before we get into whether they botched it or not.
My house, my rules, my coffee


I still love LOST for the good times we have shared together but it's not like it used to be.  I don't believe in the show anymore (for the most part), it seems like fan fiction.  The mystery is always better than the resolution.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I've been missing your depressive posts after each episode this season. You were driving the "Lost has jumped the shark" bandwagon long before everyone else hopped on.
My house, my rules, my coffee


what RK said.

it baffles me ppl have LOST his faith on the show, and truth is, sucks to be you because the ride so far has been fun and wild.

Quote from: Sleepless on May 05, 2010, 07:41:56 AM
I'm totally fine with them not resolving every mystery from the past 6 years. In a way I'd prefer that, I don't see how Lost could end other than leave certain things ambiguous. One of my concerns that they would try to explain every damn thing. Ssh... those whispers are dead people. Oh wow... that's kinda crap.

that's my only worry, that they try to answer way too much, thou that link posted in the previous page they already say some things will be left unanswered, and that's great.


i'm still very much enjoying the show, and i've loved the ride, especially in early season 5 when everyone seemed to turn on the show. i just felt underwhelmed for what was obviously supposed to be a VERY BIG EPISODE. i'll withhold judgement on the series until it's all over, but in the end I think time will be kind to it, flaws and all.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


The series finale has been expanded by a 1/2 hour to run 2 1/2 hours now on Sunday May 23. A two hour series recap will run before it.
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.


I love this show, it has been an awesome ride.  I'm just another guy who is anticipating the ending of a great show.  Guess I didn't vocalize that properly.  I cannot look away from this show, it is awesome.  No doubt.  I just went about discussion in a bad way.

Not saying, I started this, i may have been ignored this whole time. That's quite possible too. Just wanted to clear up, I'm tuned the fuck in, for sure.
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


ABC expands 'Lost' finale by extra half-hour!
Exclu: There's more "Lost" left than you think.

The producers of ABC's hit drama have shot so much crucial material for the show's hugely anticipated series finale that the network has agreed to extend the last episode by an extra half-hour.

When the "Lost" finale airs on Sunday, May 23, the episode will run from 9 p.m.-11:30 p.m. The overrun will push back local news, with the previously announced "Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost" post-finale special now airing at 12:05 a.m. ABC is expected to announce the plan on tonight's episode of Kimmel.

Executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof just completed postproduction on the finale -- titled "The End" -- on Monday night. Both sent out identical tweets: "We're done. Amen."

Lindelof recently told THR that the crew built all-new sets for the finale and promised the ending would prompt more questions.

The supersizing of the finale is the latest adjustment to what might as well be called "The 'Lost' Weekend." ABC is airing an "enhanced" (pop-ups) version of the show's original two-hour pilot on May 22. On Sunday there's a two-hour retrospective titled "Lost: The Final Journey," followed by the finale, then the local news (which was preempted in the first-blush recounting of this plan) and Kimmel post-show.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


- Yo why didn't Jack run off with the C4 he can't even die. Dynamite doesn't explode in his hand, maybe C4 is different because it's a stronger explosive? (joke)
Silly Jack.

- talk about an anti-climatic death for Sun/Jin/Sayid/Pilot

- fakeLocke takes a gun and walks angrily : ''I'm gonna finish what I started'' ... oups, he already forgot why he made this big elaborate plan, he can't kill them.. so instead of a gun I guess really good explanations might be more appropriate. Also: dude, you're unkillable and all-powerful, stop stressing so much with guns and shit.

- Knifes transperce fakeLocke's clothes but bullets don't? Weak sauce special effects there.

The shark this show jumped is dead from old age by now.


Pas, you don't know what you're talking about with any of those things except the "knives VS bullets".

Jack isn't invincible, the deaths were super meaningful, and fakeLocke uses guns occasionally.

Get Lost and come back to me.


Quote from: RegularKarate on May 06, 2010, 10:49:51 AM
Pas, you don't know what you're talking about with any of those things except the "knives VS bullets".

Jack isn't invincible, the deaths were super meaningful, and fakeLocke uses guns occasionally.

Get Lost and come back to me.

I thought Jack was invincible though... he isn't?  :yabbse-huh:

I'm mostly joking when I say the show is shit but not completely joking. It's not shit, it's just really frustrating and annoying sometimes.


Quote from: Derek on May 05, 2010, 05:23:53 PM
The series finale has been expanded by a 1/2 hour to run 2 1/2 hours now on Sunday May 23. A two hour series recap will run before it.

translation: 5 minutes of show will be added and another 25 minutes of commercials.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


Just caught up on this last episode. Fucking CRAZY. They have our Losties trapped in the tightest corner, and it's really great to watch. Sayid's death was fucking EPIC and then the Kwons KIA was really beautiful and Titanic-esque. Everything about this episode exceeded my expectations and I hope they keep up the momentum. When in doubt, blow someone the fuck up.

So it's getting pretty apparent that the island will offer some sort of ultimatum regarding the flash sideways. Losing Sayid and the Kwons is too painful, so I'm pretty sure flash sideways is where everyone will end up, in a sans island world. Why should they have to live through the whims of a demigod? They shit fucked up their lives, and they made their choice blowing up the bomb and that settles it. They created their own fate, and that's the point of the show, I bet. Who knows though?