PTA's New Short Film "Couch"

Started by depooter, May 05, 2003, 12:27:29 PM

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EL_SCORCHO wrote: i like sandler in his films and in punch-drunk, but I really wish paul doesn't make it a habit to use him as a leading man. Take "couch" for example, I would have liked to have seen Hoffman do it. As for future feature films I just don't like sandler's voice for paul's dialogue. like i said, punch-drunk was fine and all, but just try to picture sandler in magnolia, he and his voice would have completely fucked everything up.

I like that Paul loves Adam (I do too), but I kinda hope that he has a smaller role in PTA's next (you know he's gonna cast Sandler again ASAP). Paul's done the big Sandler flick he wanted to (which single handedly blew the actors other films away, making them look reletavely DULL in comparison, at least thats what I think), so I dont feel any urgency for another. Wait, maybe I just want another ensemble piece, where there is shitloads of stars/characters. I really cant see him casting Sandler as a lead again in a full movie, unless he somehow has ideas to do what Scorcese did with DeNiro (the same star in different roles/genres).....Nah.

As for the 'Sandler would've fucked up 'Magnolia', its weird you said that because I was thinkin' the other day about what it could've been like if PTA cast him earlier e.g. I think he would've been a great/funny Frank TJ Mackey, a fine Donnie Smith or Jim Kurring (he's kind of an 'everyman' so I can picture him as anyone).

Finally, as for the Hoffman in 'Couch' instead, Hoffman sprung in my head while watching it, probably because I thought Sandler's costume in it was similar to Hoffman's in 'Red Dragon'.

Oh yeah, did anyone else notice that Sandler talked with a deeper voice in 'PDL's opening when he's on the phone and when talking with Lena for the first time, but as soon as Lance comes in to work, it was his normal, lighter voice again? (it was more noticable on the second viewing)
'Welcome the Thunderdome, bitch'

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: oakmanc234I kinda hope that he has a smaller role in PTA's next (you know he's gonna cast Sandler again ASAP)

I don't think so. Each PTA movie is very different... and he's already made his Adam Sandler movie...

Sandler is not a PSH who can fit any role, and he only works as a lead... not as a part of PTA's regulars.

atticus jones

my cause is the cause of a man who has never been defeated, and whose whole being is one all devouring, god given holy purpose


I really liked it. Adam Sandler's got some hilarious body language - just watching him get from the couch to the chair is a hoot.

But I absolutely love his facial expression when he's finally getting comfortable in the chair (which I can look at as long as I like with that great "XIXAX, Baby!" banner)

Also love the lick of the hand before he reclines the chair.

The ending, though, I just didn't get. Made me laugh, but what the hell happened? His legs just... go up? Oh well, the movie's two minutes long. No use in trying to understand it - made me laugh, and that's all that matters.


indeed. Twas amazing

Ps the show is called "Night Of Too Many Stars" and its on saturday night May 31st


Sigur Rós

I didn't really think much of it.... Fun, but nothing speciel....

phil marlowe

weird. but then i started seing it as a commercial for that 50 cent guy and it all made sence. nothing over nickel.

id like to debate the interpretions of the chicken sounds. bah.



For those pissing and moaning about the slow download speed of the FTP link on the PTA site, I present to you the following Video CD file link:

I placed it on a different network that I had access to, so the file transfer speed is no longer throttled. Leech away.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


Jeremy Blackman wrote: Each PTA movie is very different... and he's already made his Adam Sandler movie... Sandler is not a PSH who can fit any role, and he only works as a lead... not as a part of PTA's regulars.

Why not, PTA made his Philip Baker Hall flick and later used him as a regular. I dont think its fair to say that Sandler cant fit any role, cause' we haven't seen him do something drastically different.......Yet.

Anyway, PTA has said that he 'PLANS' to write more roles for the Sandman ASAP and Sandler once said 'We will buddy, we will' to the prospect of future films with the PT.
'Welcome the Thunderdome, bitch'


I hope he keeps using Sandler.

You think he'll write a part for Sandler in his msuical, if he ever gets to that? I picture him in a kind of seedy business man - kind of like Hoffman in PDL.  Just picture Sandler screaming orders at his lackees to some offbeat Michael Penn tune.


Quote from: meopera man ... the musical

i wish. oh how i wish.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


How da fuck did you make the 'XIXAX, Baby!' banner in colour?


Quote from: auroraHow da fuck did you make the 'XIXAX, Baby!' banner in colour?

The Ted Turner School of Black & White Film Colorization.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


that was great!!!

I loved the bit where he grabbed onto the helicopter at the end.


Help!  No matter what format I click on  I can't seem to download Couch!  I tried them all - the Windows Media said "player is selecting a runtime that is not valid for this media file type"  I tried the link on the last page - but a window opened, the bottom said it was downloading, but nothing happened.  I have a cable modem... Any ideas?  I tried on aol and on internet explorer.  thanks - Shelley :(