30 Rock (esteemed winner of the 30 Rock vs. Studio 60 deathmatch)

Started by ono, September 18, 2006, 08:00:42 PM

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Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


The episodes keep on getting better and better towards the end...
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Season Finale was really great.

The season was very up and down but when it was up, it was really great.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


I just bought the complete series of Studio 60 at Best Buy.  Regular price, $49.99, on sale for 15 bucks.  As long as I fast-forward through the parts where they were actually trying to show the comedy sketches, it's totally worth the 15 bucks.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on June 01, 2009, 12:25:56 AM
I just bought the complete series of Studio 60 at Best Buy.  Regular price, $49.99, on sale for 15 bucks.  As long as I fast-forward through the parts where they were actually trying to show the comedy sketches, it's totally worth the 15 bucks.

I've been actually re-watching this on Hulu the past couple weeks. I'm working on developing a tv show, and no matter what anyone can say, some of the writing and development of this is pretty brilliant. I understand how it failed, but it was never bad if you're into the topics that it goes into.



Indeed.  My only beef is it's too short and too abrupt an ending (as is usually the case).  A favorite moment: the country song lauding off-season tennis.  Love the Liz/Pete time, but it's a shame Josh quit (wonder if he's out, he's generally been underused anyway).  Will be interested to see if there's a follow through on the new cast member -- would like to see some of the auditions, too.  I thought there would be more shown of Tracy with the bucket drummers, but there wasn't time, and probably best to avoid showing too much there.  These 30 Rock episodes have always been short (19 minutes or so, compared to the traditional 21 or 22).  It's fortunate the pacing is always so fast, but this show more than most others on NBC could benefit from another two minutes at least, and an "hour" episode on occasion at the most.


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Yeah, it was a great opener. I too think their episodes are too short. An hour would be too long but the 19-22 minutes is too short. I think a HBO Curb style 30 mins would be PERFECT. Never happening, though.

The best thing about the show is the large cast. Usually they only focus on Jack, Liz and Tracy. Granted, they're the stars, but the cast surrounding them is really great and should get more screentime the way they used to in the earlier seasons. I hope Josh is back, too. He was one of my favorites.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


I'm pretty sure he'll be back. He will probably just show up to work next episode and pretend he never quit.


i dunno... it seems like a clever, self-referential way to write him out of the show considering he's gradually disappeared. i really wish he hadn't gradually disappeared, though.


I don't think he'll be back and also I didn't think it was all that great either. I didn't laugh once and Jack's character is getting really redundant. There's nothing new/exciting going on with this show. There's not a single story arc whatsoever, not the slightest thing. Lazy writing, jokes for the sake of jokes. Every character is repeating the same thing over and over for 3 years and 1 episode now. I like this show but it's getting really stale. The tennis song was funny but I wish they hadn't rubbed it in our face with the guy telling the matchup, we already got the joke and were laughing and they explain it to us. Then you don't even wanna laugh about it anymore. This show would be great on HBO or the other one.


Damn has everyone given up on this show? Last night was gold, particularly the "what they look like in hi-def" bit. Kenneth as a muppet will never fail to make me lizz. 

"You didn't come to your own son's birthday party."
""There was a better kid's birthday party up the street!"


that whole sequence was hilarious.

"are you spinning a basketball?"
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


My house, my rules, my coffee