30 Rock (esteemed winner of the 30 Rock vs. Studio 60 deathmatch)

Started by ono, September 18, 2006, 08:00:42 PM

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Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Another excellent episode. I'm as addicted to McFlurry's as Jack, its hilarious.

Funniest line: "If I had those knockers I'd be thanking god too", Liz talking about Salma's boobs.

Also the whole Cyrano de Bergerac plot with Kenneth/Tracy was great.


i wrote a blog about this.

I'm Sorry Tina Fey. I Don't Like 30 Rock Anymore

When 30 Rock premiered I thought it could be the show to inherit Arrested Development's crown of Best Comedy on TV.  It would probably air for a couple seasons, gain a cult following and be cancelled.  But a funny thing happened, instead Tina Fey became America's Sweetheart and 30 Rock became one of those shows that was universally loved, it's press coverage completely disproportionate to it's ratings.

Unfortunately, something else happened too.  30 Rock became an incredibly mediocre show.  It's a cartoon version of itself.  The sweetness of Season 1 has been sacrificed for comedy at the expense of character.  I'm not rooting for Liz Lemon because I don't believe her, or anyone else on the show as anything resembling real people.

This most recent episode embodies the bulk of it's problems.  High profile guest stars, product placement overload (McDonalds, REALLY?)  and the feeling that the show is trying a little too hard to be liked.  The guest stars are out of control and that screentime comes at the expense of the huge supporting cast.  This is the Tina Fey & Alec Baldwin show, with Kenneth and Tracy in supporting roles.  Sorry, everyone else!  Remember Pete?  Me neither.  Audience research obviously told them that Liz, Jack, Kenneth and Tracy were the characters that people responded to, so it has become their show.

Why does Liz go to Jack for romantic advice?  Because it's an excuse to put them onscreen together.  Why do a movie and TV star both help an NBC page on a ridiculous date?  Because it's just a TV show!  Reality is never considered.  In a sitcom you can stray from time to time but if the entire thing is a complete fantasy, you lose any ability to relate.  It's hard to enjoy it as just a comedy, when it had the potential to be so much more.  I still watch the show, and I still laugh, but I just don't care anymore.

Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Interesting that you relate it's promise and potential to Arrested Development - your opinion on 30 Rock almost echoes mine on AD.

Terrific show that began to derail at the Martin Short cameo and was completely off the rails by the third season. I admired it's growing resentment towards Fox - but it really became a ridiculous fucking cartoon.

But, yeah, 30 Rock... once kinda charming, marginal, and sweet - now just aggressive and pandering.

Also... Tumblr - respect.

Maybe every day is Saturday morning.


i agree about AD too.  third season was definitely not the best.  first two excellent on both shows despite season 2's leanings towards the cartoonish.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Jack Donaghy's loving ode to the McFlurry in last night's episode of 30 Rock has gotten the blogosphere in a tizzy -- has Tina Fey's Emmy-winning sitcom completely sold out to egregious product placement? According to Ms. Fey, the answer is a resounding no. Fey issued this statement to finally put McFlurry-gate '09 to rest:

"It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the references to McDonald's in last night's episode of 30 Rock were in no way product placement.  (Nor were they an attempt at product placement that fell through.)  We received no money from the McDonald's Corporation.  We were actually a little worried they might sue us.   That's just the kind of revenue-generating masterminds we are. 

Also, the upcoming story line where Liz Lemon starts dating Grimace is just based on a recurring dream I have.

Seriously, though, it's not product placement.

Also, whoever is writing my Twitter account is pretty funny, but it's not me."



Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


cartoonish? the show has always been that way. just because something is a "fantasy" doesn't mean you still can't relate to it. i think it's gotten way funnier and wittier and smarter with each season. maybe this one is too overloaded with guest stars, but whatever, it's still the smartest comedy on tv right now.


i think there is a difference in characters you can believe in and characters who are just there to serve the joke.  tracy can be over the top because liz is more grounded.  etc.  there is a balance to be struck and i think they've given up on that and just started using the characters as vehicles to deliver their jokes.  in the most recent episode, you can allow the sitcom-ish kenneth dating a blind girl and being helped out, but not by tracy and jenna.  if they had changed that to him being helped out by frank or something it would be at least believable enough.  frank doesnt have anything better to do on vday, he's a writer, etc.  liz going to jack for romantic advice instead of jenna.  these sorts of things, they are surrendering their characters to the jokes.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I did a season 3 marathon today. I passed out at episode 7 though because of a guest star overdose


The Valentine's Day episode was mediocre, though I've mostly enjoyed season 3 so far.  I particularly liked the Generalissimo plot line with Jack and the related plotline with Liz.  I agree that there are too many guest stars this season.  They're not very funny (Seinfeld and Oprah were the worst), and is anyone tuning in because of them?

Poor Scott Adsit.


I see what you guys are saying and agree to an extent. But for every overused guest star episode this season, there's been another episode that was awesome. The Generalisimo episode was the best of the whole series.

It's got the best cast on TV and it's unfortunate that they don't utilize them enough. That was what was so charming about it. The giant cast and they all worked very well with eachother.

Has Josh even been on this season? He was underused big time. My favorite part was Griz and Dot-Com trying to impress him so he'll finally think they're cool.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


please don't say utilize. it means exactly the same thing as use.

i will say two things. 1: the show has always been a live-action cartoon. 2: pete was a terrible character. there was nothing interesting about him, and he wasn't particularly flawed in any way. he didn't fit in the 30 rock universe. that's a shame because the writer who plays him can be HILARIOUS (like in that mr show sketch about racial apology cards). i'm glad he's pretty much cut, though. josh is a bad cut.

i don't think your points are unfounded but i can't not love the show if only for its pure wit and imagination. i do think every episode delivers some kind of relevant story involving the characters. yes, some of the characters have stepped pretty far out of their original boundaries, but i buy it in the context of what 30 rock is. you still don't see jack showing up at liz's apartment.


Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.
