What did you think of Matrix Reloaded?

Started by Ghostboy, May 12, 2003, 02:23:29 PM

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im kind of pissed -- the speakers in the theater i saw it were SO quiet -- it really takes away from the film -- especialy this one...
...your excuses are your own...


I'm seeing it tonight... hopefully.  I'm very excited.

QuoteThe fighting scenes ... seemed like drawn out, repetitive, "Look what we did action"

What did you think the first movie was about?  Bullet Time is the ultimate in drawn out "look what we did" show offs.  And these are the guys that 'invented' it.  Why the backlash all of a sudden?

Quote... look very, uh, CGI and fake. Not at all photo realistic ...

As much as we'd all like to pretend that the original Matrix looked wonderful... there's PLENTY of fakey-looking shots and effects.  It's not that the Matrix was the best collection of photo-real effects and CGI, it was the execution that made it very, very special.

And based on what I've seen so far, the style that put the Wachowski's on the map is back in full-form.  Death to nay-sayers.  DEATH!


Just got back from the movie.  It's funny, after all the bad press, I was growing increasingly worried that it was going to be a huge letdown... And was pleasantly surprised when it exceeded all my expectations and then some.

If you go back and watch the first one (which I did last night) you'll see how the groundwork was so expertly laid down (especially where Agent Smith is concerned and his "evolution") to sucker punch you for part 2.  The first time it was all fun and games.  This time it's serious (or war I guess, to bite from the Aliens tagline).

I'll admit, not all the CGI was perfect, but the action moved so fast that any quibbles were quickly forgotten.  

The arcs are clear, there are questions left hanging for the conclusion, and all in all, a very satisfying flick.

By the way, did anyone else feel like this had a very Empire Strikes Back vibe?  And by speaking of, The Matrix 1 & 2 also show what a f**king clod Lucas is.  Stacking movie against movie... not even close.

Crowd reaction: Modest cheering and clapping, though most split and missed the teaser for 3.


I really liked this movie, but I'm not sure if I liked it more than Part 1.  Part 1 was so unexpected and mindblowing to see, and by now you expect things like that.  I wish I was more excited for 3 but I feel pretty damn calm
I like to hug dogs


Just got back...

I liked it quit a bit... definately not as good as the first, but still pretty good.

I think the main problem with the movie and the reason a lot of people hate it is because the first twenty to thirty minutes suck.  Just a poor introduction... pissy.

Then the movie picks up and continues to please.

Definately looking forward to the third.


Okay, I can finally read and post in this thread....

I'll put up a general spoiler warning just in case:

I was a bit let down...but just a bit. The opening was very tedious. The tribal dance/love scene dragged on and on and on. I feel the problem with this one (a downgrade, if you will) was the editing. Some of the fight scenes didn't seem to have a flow that the first one did. And yes, the CGI-ness of Agents Smiths and Neo did take me out of the movie a bit. And it's strange for a movie that stressed "purpose", it seemed like some scenes served none (the fight between Neo and The Oracle's protector, for example, felt like "here's a good place to put a fight"). I don't know if these scenes will be relevant to "Revolutions", but, as I felt with "X2", the bulk seemed like a lot of exposition and set up for the third.

But once it got into The Matrix, it picked up...a lot. It was great to see The Oracle (in a nice send-off) and a snide Agent Smith again. The Twins were a great addition. Goddamn that car chase scene was awesome, and has to rank right up there with the ones from "Bullitt", "French Connection" and "Ronin". And the foyer fight was a masterstoke. And I will definitely see this again; there was a lot to take in and think about, especially the Arcitect scene. This is just a snap judgment and I'm sure with further viewings and dissection I'll appreciate it better.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Yeah, I felt the beginning was kinda slow too.  The thing that is kind of interesting to me is how The Matrix has bought into the "the matrix" with the product placement and the commercials (beer, cars, cell phones, etc.).  I mean, I know the movies were expensive and compensation had to be made but when all the cars on the freeway chase are GM's, it makes you wonder.  Did anyone get that vibe?

It was still a good movie though.


General Motors actually donated over two hundred cars for that freeway sequence...I'd say they deserve the product placement. The other stuff isn't as favorable, but at least it's not as bad as The Phantom Menace merchandise overload.

I can't think of a single thing I'd cut out of the first movie...but there's a whole lot that is extraneous in this one, the aforementioned fight with the Oracle's homeboy being a chief example. . I'll reserve final judgement until six months from now, but maybe they should have just made one three hour movie?

That foyer fight was incredibly beautiful, and very CG free. From that point on, the movie varies from pretty good to really great.


ok, Whatever to all the haters, aka "can i get u another walking stick?"


this movie was ekzellent. now to define ekzellent, i loved the Architect scene, the choice, the rebirths, the rain in the preview for the next one.

THE tribal dance/sex scene, that was dope. i mean, it's a love thing. i didn't mind that it took a SECOND to get started, really, once it does start if ur not a whiny baby it's really worth watching many times over. many of the shots are just outstanding, better than the first overall, i'm not gonna fall into that shit star wars trend of thinking that the original is always the best, again Whatever.. it rocked my ass off. i don't need u to agree with me.

back to the architect scene, "it's fascinating to watch ur reactions".. really now, how great was that, they're taking it to a whole new level.. the lines spoken by morpheus to try to please the philosophy 101 ppl who need to be TOLD concepts, they're irrelevant cos the shots and sequences SAY EVERYTHING u could imagine. the choreography of the fight scenes, yes the car chase included, is mind blowing.. so they used CGI, can u imagine anyone actually doing sum of those moves? it would look way more awkward and stupid to try to make it happen with strings. i bought it.

but that architect scene man,. and the escape, ahead of the fire.. Whatever if u don't love that as much as ur beloved original. good luck with retirement.
under the paving stones.

The Silver Bullet

Quoteso they used CGI, can u imagine anyone actually doing sum of those moves?
Whether or not the moves could be achieved any other way is irrelevent. The point is that the whole "photo realistic" tripe is just that; tripe. I doubt it will take away from the film too much. But bad CGI, even if is revolutionary bad CGI, is still bad CGI.
RABBIT n. pl. rabĀ·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.


Okay.  I saw it, and it's wonderful.

In all it's oddly-paced, overly-philosophical glory.  Yes, some arguably unnecessary fighting and CGI... but we are far from the absolute silliness that is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.  And if you aren't completely blown away by the Highway Scene... something's wrong.

Anyone who can honestly say they enjoy the first one more, they must not have realized where the brothers where going with this.  The Anime influences are even more so this time.  Right down to some really kick-ass mecha.  It's exactly what I was expecting, in a good way.

All the bars are raised, including the one for cryptic, obscure dialogue and explainations.  I think it works, just like it did in the first film.  Lots of new characters, lots of new ideas... the Dance/Love Sequence was awesome.  Weaving... his Agent Smith is still beyond perfect... geez.

The only part that was truly lacking, as already mentioned, was the introduction.  It just seriously drags on.  Like, she's doing this because...?

I'm glad I'm not hung up on the CGI like everyone else seems to be.  I enjoyed it.  But hey, if it takes you out of the movie, it takes you out of the movie.  They should have done a better job, for the sake of the viewers who were completely turned off.  It was SO close to really being photo-realistic.  They just needed to tweak the animation for another few months, and they would've had it.  It wouldn't stick out like it does.  Oh well.


Are we still doing SPOILERS here?

Now that the movie's soaked in, I'm looking forward to seeing again... I really didn't like the first twenty minutes or so... basically most of the shit in Zion was a little boring... Inside the Matrix we get all the cool shots and fight sequences...

I liked the agent Smith fight (dogpile or whatever they call it), but I can understand people who are uptight about letting go for that sort of thing...
My wife pointed out that they should have saved it for later because the audience wasn't into the movie enough to let go for that scene... by the time we get to the car chase (which was just... fucking... awesome), we can accept a little Cheese in our CG, because it's a part of the look.

Edit:forgot about this:
Quote from: MacGuffinit seemed like some scenes served none (the fight between Neo and The Oracle's protector, for example, felt like "here's a good place to put a fight"). I don't know if these scenes will be relevant to "Revolutions"

It seems like I saw this guy in the teaser for Revolutions, so maybe it was just an introduction for a character that will be more prominent in the next film.


The Matrix Reloaded Breaks Preview Record!

The dinos, webcrawlers and jedis will all be breaking a sweat when they hear the Wednesday-night preview box office figures for The Matrix Reloaded. To put it simply, the sequel smashed anything that has come before it.

Variety says the highly-anticipated sequel bowed to record grosses in late Wednesday showtimes prior to its formal opening Thursday, and first-day matinees were ringing up what executives called unprecedented numbers despite the film's R rating.

"It's become an event. The numbers I'm looking (at) on an hourly basis -- nobody has seen anything like it before," Warners distribution president Dan Fellman said. "The film is really a cultural phenomenon."

Warner Bros. won't formally report separate figures for its Wednesday night box office but instead will add those grosses into its Thursday totals, as usual.

The original Jurassic Park earned $3.1 million in first-night box office, and no film has matched that 1993 opening until now. It's believed "Reloaded" earned well more than $10 million from Wednesday night grosses alone!

The last big film to bow on a Thursday was last May's Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, which grossed $30.1 million over its first day, including night-before totals. "Clones" then dipped about 19% in its Friday grosses and went on to tally $80 million Friday through Sunday for a four-day haul of $110.1 million.

The weekend box office for "Reloaded" may be so strong that it can even surpass the Friday-Sunday opening crown from current box office champ Spider-Man in its first three days. It's possible "Reloaded" will do so much business prior to Friday that besting Sony film's historic three-day weekend performance of $114.8 million will prove just beyond reach, however.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


does anyone know where i can find the revolutions trailer on the net?  I heard about before i went, but i didn't stay because the theatres turned on the lights as all the stupid people left the theatre.  So i figured there wasn't one.
Guess that means i'm back on zigzag!
Movies before 1930 suck


Quote from: russiasushadoes anyone know where i can find the revolutions trailer on the net?

"Revolutions" trailer from the video game "Enter The Matrix." Seems to have more/different footage than the one after "Reloaded":
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks