Weeds (showtime)

Started by squints, January 16, 2006, 09:05:44 PM

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i started watching season 1 a few weeks ago and although i practically hated the first episode, i kept watching it for Mary Louise Parker.  i found that it was a good show to put on when you come home drunk and the season seemed to get better as it went along. the last shot of season one was a brilliantly planned moment that seemed to make most of the season worthwhile.  on sunday i watched 16 episodes, all of season 2 and the first four episodes of season 3 which i believe catches me up to date.  i think the show really found its rhythm during season 2 and there is a sense of mounting tension that seems to continually snowball.  when they 'take on' a subject it can still be a little transparent (like the army) but the characters have gotten quite good and MLP rules.  but its not a show that likes to reset itself at the end of every episode/season and you can feel it continually driving itself forward.  for THIS i really really appreciate it.  in that way, it's the anti-Entourage.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


not to mention some of the best writing you could ask for. i really don't get how anyone could hate the first episode, or the 1st season for that matter. but whatever, i agree the show is evolving brilliantly, continually unpredictable, and mary louise parker is one of the best actors on the planet. tonight's episode was soooo great, as is this season.


Ep 5 - when Uturn hands Nancy "The Secret" i nearly shat myself


Okay...I can't kiss enough of this show's ass. Episode 8 is fantastic. One of the best of the series for sure.
I truly think this show will be remembered for a long time.


holy shit!!!!

they are 3 for 3 for season finales.


trailer for season 4 here. looks pretty dope.


Is anyone else watching this season?  I gotta say i'm pretty disappointed.  The season doesn't appear to be going anywhere.


Andy and Doug being coyotes is pretty funny i guess but everything else just seems like a rehash of previous seasons.
Nancy is dating someone she shouldn't.
Silas is banging someone hot thats different.
Shane has weird masturbation issues.

I mean theres been some high lights, and i still laugh out loud a couple times every episode.  But i expect better things from this show.

Also the old beginning is gone and i miss it.



I'm watching but it is disapointing so far, in fact I was this close to stop watching, although the last three episodes have been better (last monday's not so much), the Andy and Doug adventures are the most hilarious so far (limp in peace, go limp away).

The Celia storyline is beyond stupid now, and more than that it's just boring.

El Duderino

Quote from: Fernando on August 22, 2008, 04:58:45 PM
the Andy and Doug adventures are the most hilarious so far


I couldn't agree more. I love that scene when they're sitting on the beach and then the group of Mexicans walks out of the ocean and Andy turns to him and said in a stoned daze "Is this really happening?" Awesome.

One thing I am happy about this season is Mary Louise finally showed some skin. I've been waiting four seasons for it. I know she's been naked in other films, but it's seeing Nancy Botwin naked that really gets me. Love it.

Shane just gets weirder. I still hate the name Silas. Celia is stupid. I wish they would have killed Dean. Dungaroos girl is lame.
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


Quote from: El Duderino on August 22, 2008, 06:47:41 PM
Quote from: Fernando on August 22, 2008, 04:58:45 PM
the Andy and Doug adventures are the most hilarious so far


I couldn't agree more. I love that scene when they're sitting on the beach and then the group of Mexicans walks out of the ocean and Andy turns to him and said in a stoned daze "Is this really happening?" Awesome.

i'd love this show if it were only about andy and doug. i like the bold decision this season made by getting out of agrestic and starting over, but it's randomness is starting to remind me of last season. tidy resolutions, dropped plotlines, and convenient ways of keeping main characters in the storyline. the only time it was welcome was when doug walked in the door, thats saving the season so far.

and albert brooks is already out? that seemed like an anti climactic exit.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty

El Duderino

Quote from: ddiggler on August 23, 2008, 10:01:37 AM
Quote from: El Duderino on August 22, 2008, 06:47:41 PM
Quote from: Fernando on August 22, 2008, 04:58:45 PM
the Andy and Doug adventures are the most hilarious so far


I couldn't agree more. I love that scene when they're sitting on the beach and then the group of Mexicans walks out of the ocean and Andy turns to him and said in a stoned daze "Is this really happening?" Awesome.

and albert brooks is already out? that seemed like an anti climactic exit.

Totally. I really did not like his character at all, but it was indeed a very quick exit. Although, I'm sure he'll pop up later in the season, asking for more money or something.
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


So this is available on the Netflix box and I went three episodes in before I realized I can wait up till including forever to see any more.

I don't hate it or anything... it's entirely watchable, but I do not understand the hype.

First issue... most poorly written shallow black characters I have seen in a watchable show ever (does that make sense?).  I heard Romany Malco left the show... I'm sure it was because he was tired of playing a character written by white guys who claimed to have black friends just to get the job.

Second issue... humor is very forced.  Almost Juno/smithish in a way (not nearly as bad).  Some of the actors can deliver the so-so joke lines, but most cannot.
A lot of times something funny will happen, but then it's driven into the ground... the joke is over-told.

I enjoyed it enough to watch it again, but unless there's some Locke-walks moment after episode three, I think I'll save my tv watching for better shows.


So i really love the first season. But I just recently started the third season, I'm a disc in. There's nothing keeping me from getting the second disc except just pure lack of interest. I started watching this show well before I'd discovered the wire. The funny is virtually gone from this show and the crime element (after seeing the wire) i could give a fuck about. I feel the exact same way about dexter. I started the first season of dexter a couple days ago and the plot starts to delve into the crime drama territory that just comes off as so uninteresting. And now part of me wants to know who the ice-truck killer is but most of me doesn't care.

I guess what i'm saying is that the wire has ruined the rest of television for me.
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


i think the issue people have with this show is that it's 30 minutes long and doesn't conform to sitcom stereotypes. we demand that shows at said length be either funny or serious but never both. save that for the hour long sopranos or wires. well that's lame. 

Quote from: RegularKarate on August 25, 2008, 04:37:19 PM
I enjoyed it enough to watch it again, but unless there's some Locke-walks moment after episode three, I think I'll save my tv watching for better shows.

hah, well, i think if you demand such high expectations from shows after 3 episodes, you'll be "saving" for a while. most good shows shows (fuck, all good shows) take a while to really grab hold of you. take the wire. the wire is work, godamnit, but it pays off. this show is easy, and come season 2, you'll be hooked. i can only recommend, rk, that you keep watching.

as for season 4, a few things are silly yes, but you have to admire the show's balls. few shows (writers) take bigger risks than weeds does.


Obviously, I don't expect that much from a show three episodes in, but I do expect there to be something to keep me going and right now, this show barely evens out as far as the crummy-to-good ratio goes.

I'll probably watch a little more.