Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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Quote from: A Matter Of Chance on May 30, 2008, 07:19:02 AM
Does anyone know somewhere other than ABC where I can watch this online? I'm not in the United States, and ABC blocks it for users in foreign countries. Please!! I need my fix!!
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Happened to catch those 'alternative endings' whilst I was at the gym in the morning. Was exactly the same as the final scene, but with reveals of it being Saywer or Desmond in the coffin.

I hope we still get a lot more Dsmond stuff in the future.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


With mod. Felt like the first hour dragged a bit. The editing seemed off; not tight like previous episodes this season. Teared up with Jin's fate, but that was quickly quelled when a commercial break immediately followed. But the second hour with the island disappearing and Penny's arrival were the high points.

Quote from: A Matter Of Chance on May 30, 2008, 07:19:02 AM
Does anyone know somewhere other than ABC where I can watch this online? I'm not in the United States, and ABC blocks it for users in foreign countries. Please!! I need my fix!!

Keep checking youtube. Someone will upload it there soon.

Quote from: Sleepless on May 30, 2008, 06:54:09 PM
Happened to catch those 'alternative endings' whilst I was at the gym in the morning. Was exactly the same as the final scene, but with reveals of it being Saywer or Desmond in the coffin.

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


definitely a great finale. had a strange quality to it, knowing how it needed to end. well-played though, even if at sometimes clunky. ben's "so.." was a highlight of the episode for me.

also, there's an interview over at lostpedia with david fury, who wrote some of my favorite episodes (namely walkabout). its not a great interview, but here's a great part:

Lostpedia: Was time-travel ever mentioned while you worked on "Lost"? Do you know how long the idea has existed?

There was an exchange (pitched by J.J. when he and I broke the story) in an early draft of "Solitary" when Rousseau tells Sayid she had been part of a research team. Sayid asks her what they were researching. She replies: "Time." The network saw that draft and asked us to remove the line. They were very timid about anything that smacked of Sci-Fi during the first season. I can only assume they've come around.


ABC Makes Up Lost Episodes
Source: SciFi Wire

ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson told reporters that Lost will make up for the three episodes that didn't make it to air last season because of the writers' strike.

"They were supposed to do 17 this year, actually," McPherson said in a news conference at the Television Critics Association's summer press tour in Beverly Hills, Calif., on July 16. "They aired 14."

The upcoming fifth season will feature 17 episodes when it kicks off in January 2009. McPherson said that the show has 48 episodes left before the series ends in 2010.

"They're kind of still doing the story arcs and figuring that out," McPherson said, referring to Lost's producers. "But we will do the full 48 that we all set out when we said, 'Let's set an end of the show. How many episodes do you need to tell that story and where you're going?'"

McPherson was upstaged at last year's press tour when Lost executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse saved some news for Comic-Con International in San Diego, which took place a week later.

This year, McPherson said that the producers will screen a promotional video at Comic-Con for the upcoming season of Lost, but added that it will also be made available immediately on ABC.com.

McPherson acknowledged that Lost suffered more from last year's writers' strike than other ABC shows. "Lost, unfortunately, was one of the shows that had to actually go down for a little bit and go off the air," he said. "We were hoping to be able to run it straight through." Instead, the decision was made to pull Lost down completely until early next year.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Err... I think that is wrong?? They were supposed to have 48 left when they announced this LAST YEAR, so if they aired 14 now then there is 34 left. Damn.


Just 34 hours left for TV's "Lost"

"Lost" fans can start expecting some answers.

Writer-producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof said Friday that they know exactly how the ABC series will end.

"We have 34 hours left for you guys to see — seasons five and six," Lindelof told the Comic-Con crowd. "We owe answers. We know the answers that we owe. The questions have to begin to diminish."

"We know where we're going and we know how long we have left to tell the story," Cuse added. "There's also an organic process that goes on."

They compared the process to a road trip, which can often include alternate routes and unexpected stops.

The showrunners said they will continue to supplement their storytelling with Webisodes, mobisodes (on mobile devices) and games.

"We're doing it primarily for the die-hard fans of the show," Lindelof said.

They offered no spoilers at Entertainment Weekly's panel dedicated to visionary TV producers. But they did reveal they'd like to see the return of Mr. Eko.

"Mr. Eko was a character we really loved," Cuse said of the role played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. Turns out the British actor didn't like living and working on an island.

"Hawaii was not his bag," Cuse continued. "Real life intervened and forced us to end the arc of that character much sooner than we would have liked."

No word on whether Mr. Eko will come back when "Lost" returns this fall.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Lost Surprises At Comic-Con

Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, executive producers of ABC's hit SF series Lost, made their annual panel appearance at Comic-Con International in San Diego on July 26, along with surprise guest Matthew Fox (Jack Shepard) and a few spoilers about the upcoming fifth season.

The revelations of the hour included confirmation that the characters of Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) and John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) would return to the series, despite their apparent deaths; that Vincent the dog is alive and well and will be back; that Danielle Rousseau's (Mira Furlan) story will be told; and that the show's trademark character flashbacks and flash-forwards will change yet again.

"We are steering away from the word flashback and embracing a whole new word," Lindelof said to more than 6,500 fans packing the San Diego convention center. "Once again, when season five starts, you're not going to know when and where you are. We do this fun thing every year where we let the audience figure out where they are."

Cuse continued, "There will still be flashbacks and flash-forwards on the show, but we are going to do something different this season and mix it up. There will be storytelling both on the island and off the island and in different periods of time. It's just going to be organized differently and not constrained by the rules of flashbacks and flash-forwards."

The panel also featured an elaborate skit revolving around the Dharma Initiative Recruitment project, which was promoted with a mysterious television commercial during Lost's season finale and on ABC's Web site. The interactive game culminated with a Dharma booth on the convention's exhibition floor, which "tested" prospective candidates for a new Dharma project.

Those selected as the most desirable candidates were brought on stage with Lindelof and Cuse before they were escorted to Phase II of their recruitment. In the last minutes of the panel, a "candidate" named Dan raced back onstage and shouted that he had answers for the crowd that he shot in the booth with his video camera. The footage was then screened and showed "Dan's" hand-held footage inside the Dharma booth and a brand-new cryptic video featuring Dr. Marvin Candle confessing his true name and that he and his Dharma colleagues would be "purged" but that "time was of the essence" to stop their fate. Lost returns for its fifth season in early 2009.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



and kinda of bad news... or good for some maybe... Ana Lucia will be back this season for ONE episode. Excited??? Nooot.


'Lost' star Michael Emerson: What you didn't know

Michael Emerson, the actor who plays "Lost" bad guy Benjamin Linus, gets profiled in Wednesday's Emmy edition of The Envelope. (He's up again this year for outstanding supporting actor.)

Last month, I spent an afternoon chatting with him in his manager's office for the story. It was a  spoiler-free affair, unfortunately, as Emerson had not received any scripts for the forthcoming fifth season.

Here are the highlights from our conversation that didn't make it into the story:

He wasn't made a regular series member until Season 3. Before that, he never knew if Ben was coming or going: "I really didn't. The producers kept me in drips and drabs. They'd say things at the last second like, 'Don't pack yet,' or 'Can't go home yet, you're in the next episode.' Then it became, 'Actually we'll tell you when you can go home.' I started thinking, 'Wow, I'm never home anymore. I'm on this show more than a bunch of the people here.'"

Emerson's wife, actress Carrie Preston ("True Blood"), was a "Lost" maniac long before her hubby was cast on the show. She even talked herself into the role of Ben's mom ... sort of: "She made that happen almost by wishing for it. She'd always tell me, 'If I ever got on "Lost," I'd want to be your mother, like in a flashback.' I'd tell that story at parties, it was so silly. Everyone would crack up. But lo and behold, when they wrote that big flashback for me, who do you think the producers called?"

He guessed that Ben might be the ubervillain long before anyone told him. In fact, no one ever did tell him: "I learned the story at the same rate the audience was learning it. I didn't know where it was going. So because I had no backstory, somewhere along the line I began to think about Ben as this mysterious leader figure. When we shot the scene where I was being tortured by the plane crash survivors in the hatch, the director told me to act like I was really scared for my life, like I was innocent, like I wasn't one of the Others. And I said to him, 'But what if I'm their leader?' And he looked at me and blinked a couple of times and said, 'I can't talk about it' and ran away. I had to guess what was going on!"

"Lost" actors don't get scripts until the very last minute, but Emerson said there are ways to get the scoop: "If I wanted to call up certain technical department heads -- like costume or sound -- they have rough scripts early. They know the deal. Sometimes they've taken pity on me, letting me know if I need to ride a horse or play piano in an upcoming episode. Otherwise, I'm in the dark. But I've gotten used to it. Now, not knowing is part of the fun."

Really, the actors aren't just being coy. They know nothing. "We never see the writers. They come once a year after the last episode has been written. They come and visit us in Hawaii. And they're there for an afternoon. That's it."

He was just as surprised as audiences to learn that Ben single-handedly killed off all the members of the Dharma Initiative: "I was shocked by the darkness and ruthlessness of that act. That surprised me. I thought the writers were playing a game of "Let's keep everyone guessing about Ben.' I never thought that they would portray me so villainously as that. I spoke to the writers about that and, of course, they said, 'Don't worry, it gets recontextualized.' Hasn't happened yet. Maybe they're just pulling my leg."

He's got several of his own theories about Ben: "Is he really an industrialist? Is Ben just a commando leader? Or is it just one dimension of something else? In some other dimension are Ben and Charles Whitmore just two drinking buddies playing a video game? It's a mystery."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Hutchison Reveals Lost Return

"I'm lost!" actor Doug Hutchison revealed with a laugh in an interview with SCIFI WIRE, referring to the return of his character, Horace Goodspeed, to ABC's SF series Lost in the upcoming fifth season for at least a four-episode arc.

Hutchison will reprise the role of the hippie Dharma Initiative member, who was apparently killed in an earlier season. He begins shooting sometime in the next two weeks.

Hutchison--a genre fan fave as Victor Tooms on The X-Files and as Loony Bin Jim in the upcoming Punisher: War Zone movie--admitted that prior to the offer to appear on Lost during season three, he'd never seen the show.

"I never really got into Lost," Hutchison said. "I never knew what it was about. I didn't understand it. The only thing I understood was that it was insanely popular with its fans. But my agents called me and said, 'They're really interested in you at Lost for this particular role.' I don't even remember what the role was, but it was a flashback, and that was it. It was basically one flashback in this episode, and, not having seen the show, I just made this silly assumption that this character and this flashback was finite."

Hutchison added: "So I really wasn't interested in just going to do one flashback in Lost, no matter how popular it was. On top of it, they wanted me to go and audition for this, because it's a huge show. Now, mind you, I'm not beyond auditioning at all. I've gone in to fight for roles that I love on television or movies or whatever. But it's got to be something I really want, that I'm really passionate about, for me to go in and try to fight for it. So I passed. I told my agents, 'I pass.' And they were not pleased. They were like, 'This is Lost. You don't understand.'"

Eventually, the Lost producers dropped the need for an audition and made a straight offer--the lure of 10 days in Hawaii won out, and Hutchison's portrayal of the easygoing hippie immediately stood out. "He's part of the Dharma Initiative," Hutchison explained. "He's this cool, weed-smoking sort of just laid-back throwback to the '60s. He's this cat who has flashbacks from the '60s to the '70s, all the way up to the '90s, and he's an integral part of the role of Ben [Michael Emerson] on the show and how Ben got started, because he knew him when Ben was a little boy."

Goodspeed was introduced, and died, within one episode. "So imagine my surprise when this past season, I get a call from my agents [saying], 'They want you again on Lost,'" Hutchison said. "I said, 'Well, wait a minute. Are these more flashbacks?' They said, 'No. It's current.' I said, 'I'm dead!' And they said, 'Yeah, well it's Lost.'"

"I got the script, and sure enough, now Horace Goodspeed...I don't know," Hutchison added. "I don't know what's going on. Nobody knows what's going on on that island, but I'm either a ghost or a memory, a figment of one's imagination or a piece of the island. I could be I'm conjured by the island. I shot that out in a day, and now I got a call from my agent about a month ago saying, 'Lost would like to have you do at least four episodes for this coming season, pending your availability.' I don't know what they have up their sleeve. I'm lost!"

All Hutchison really knows is, Goodspeed will be "resurrected in some incarnation."

As for other characters returning for season five, it's been leaked through various sources that Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) will be back, as will Ana-Lucia (Michelle Rodriguez). Emilie de Ravin is rumored to be back for season six.

Hutchison will next appear in a supernatural Western called The Burrowers (currently making the film festival circuit) and as a comic-book villain in Punisher: War Zone (Dec. 5). He is also the producer and creator of a new Web series called Vampire Killers!, which is set to debut on Oct. 1. Lost returns with new episodes in February 2009.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Lost Intel: Learn Why the Oceanic Six Must Reunite
Source: E Online

Lost's fifth-season premiere is still at least four months away, but I've just gotten some exclusive insight into next year's stories.

In particular, I can now tell you why it is that the Oceanic Six must all reunite in order to get back to the Island.

Want to know why Kate (with baby Aaron), Jack, Sayid, Hurley and Sun are going to have to put their differences aside and go "all for one, and one for all" this year?

Well, remember what Michael Emerson recently said about Ben's statement that if any of them are to return to the Island, everyone who escaped has to go back too? He said, "I think [that dictate is] a scientific condition of the mechanism by which the Island operates. I don't think it's an esoteric or spiritual issue, I think it's science."

He wasn't just talking pretty. What I'm hearing is that the reason Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun and Hurley need to reunite is because the Oceanic Six need to fan out to a group of Dharma stations.

Even more intriguing? According to my source, these stations are not on the Island, but in other locations, and these off-Island stations are believed to be the ticket to getting back to the Island.

(Remember, the Island moved in the finale. The Island may have gone to another place...or it may have hopped into another time.)

So how does this all work? And where in the world are these stations? We'll have to tune into what is looking like an exciting fifth season in order to see.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



quick review of the blu-ray version of lost - season 4 (region b)

i'm halfway through the season and so far "the constant" is the best episode. i have seen the episodes before but in far more less resolution on my computer. the blu-ray pictures offers a sharp yet a bit grainy picture. the graininess is not distracting although it especially shows during close ups. the colors are warm and inviting, the island haven't looked more beautiful than now. :yabbse-smiley:



"Lost" is coming back, and sooner than you might think.

Sources say ABC is scheduling a two-hour premiere for the fifth season debut of the Emmy-winning thriller on Wednesday, Jan. 21. The premiere will be preceded by a one-hour clip show (so three hours of "Lost" total).

That means "Lost" is returning to its Wednesday-at-9 p.m. time period. The most recent fourth season aired on Thursdays -- first at 9 p.m., then shifting to 10 p.m. after "Grey's Anatomy" returned to air following the writers strike. The new premiere date is also slightly earlier than last season.

ABC has lined up 17 episodes for 2009, which is one hour more than the show's now-standard 16-episode tally. The network added an extra hour to compensate for last year, which was cut short due to the strike. Also, yesterday THR reported that Reiko Aylesworth is in negotiations for a major recurring role on the show.

The recently picked up "Private Practice" is currently in the same slot and there's no word yet where it will go once "Lost"returns.