The 2008 Xixax Awards: FINAL VOTE!

Started by MacGuffin, March 24, 2008, 07:24:11 AM

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Quote from: picolas on March 24, 2008, 06:47:10 PM
Quote from: jtm on March 24, 2008, 06:09:31 PM
me saying we are organized is shitty?!?!
i was referring to your use of the word 'shit'.

Quote from: jtm on March 24, 2008, 06:09:31 PMbtw, picolas, if you're going to quote the whole exchange, you should have included gambour and cinephiles post's. it's clear you were trying to make me look like the bad guy. try and be fair and balanced... you should have been a politician.
gamblour posted "..." and you said "counselor" which i didn't understand, then cine said "you've been here 5 years, right?" because you didn't understand how the xixaxies worked and that made for an ironic contrast with the time you'd been here. that's what happened. i think you look better without the other two posts.

shitty shitty shit shit.

yeah, Gamblour posted "..." which we all know is a saying used for replying to something so lame that it doesn't  deserve a response. apparently me congratulating you guys on putting on a decent awards show falls into this category. atleast in Gamblours eyes.

yeah, then i said councilor. which didn't have meaning to most of you but maybe one or two of you got the reference. or maybe someday you will... but regardless, i got a good chuckle out of that "councilor" post. knowing what it represents.

and yeah, Cinephile made a comment that i've been here since the beginng and still don't know how the xixie's work.. well, i've never posted regularly and never participated in the awards until this year.

i prolly look bitter right now, but i'm not. i could never be bitter about a website.. i think this place is great in some aspects. all you regulars are clearly passionate about film and have one hell-of-a-witty sense of humor... but most of you all need to lighten up in life. be happy. treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. even if those people can do noting for you personally. and even on a website. your life will be better because of it.


don't mind jtm, everyone, he's got a little sand in his vagina. he's also mildly retarded.

Quote from: Sleepless on March 24, 2008, 07:10:47 PM
Hmm... so what the hell happened with consistency in determining what's a performance, and what's a supporting performance? We need to come up with better definitions for this for next year.

other than tommy lee jones i think they're pretty consistent, based on the movies i've seen.


How many people will be voting for stuff OTHER THAN There Will Be Blood? I mean, if 90% will be voting for it, and the rest of the vote is split among everything else, there may not be a clear winner, so is it really a legitimate award, the runner up category? The runner up may end up being one movie with three votes, while other options would only get two or one. This is kind of bogus.

last days of gerry the elephant

If everyone does this right (meaning honestly) I think we'll see a good variation in the results. Let's not make this any more difficult for the people organizing the event.


after much deliberation, the admins have come to the following decision:

In CMBB categories,

you may list
second favourite nominees

ONLY if CMBB is first.

otherwise vote for your true favourite, you uncultured swine.


and of course the ppl who have sent ballots already can send theirs again if they want.


Quote from: ponceludon on March 24, 2008, 08:18:47 PM
How many people will be voting for stuff OTHER THAN There Will Be Blood? I mean, if 90% will be voting for it, and the rest of the vote is split among everything else, there may not be a clear winner, so is it really a legitimate award, the runner up category? The runner up may end up being one movie with three votes, while other options would only get two or one. This is kind of bogus.

TW/CM/TM/CWBB will get some votes, but I don't really think it's worth everything.

Let's just hope the good people of Xixax can discern that.

"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


Quote from: Walrus on March 25, 2008, 01:49:30 PM

haha where did that come from? TWBB and CMBB are the only ones that make sense, as real title and as joke. :shock:


i think is fucking bullshit this runner up thing. that means only two things: either we're all a bunch of nerd fanboys who can't distinguish between personal obsession and an honest opinion, or most of us really believe there will be blood is the best film of the year deserving of all the praise we choose to give it. either way, so be it. there's nothing wrong with supporting a film you honestly believe is great. this is not a reload of the punch drunk love experience, and even that film is not completely undeserved of the awards it got from us. i think we should give ourselves more credit by letting the awards as they are. we should trust our gut and sincerity.


i dont see the big deal. everyone knows blood is going to win the major awards. i think it's nice of the admins to grant us insight into which non-pta film xixax favours the most. ie zodiac or no country.. :ponder:


if that's what we want, maybe we should make a top ten poll and come up with a list of one number one film and other nine runner ups.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: Alexandro on March 28, 2008, 10:10:04 AM
if that's what we want, maybe we should make a top ten poll and come up with a list of one number one film and other nine runner ups.

A long time ago I suggested we should make our Xixax awards a combination of the regular award thing and also like the National Board of Review format where we have an official top ten list of best films of the year. Considering it looks like every year will have a clear favorite we should definitely do it even more.


Quote from: The Gold Trumpet on March 28, 2008, 01:07:09 PM
Quote from: Alexandro on March 28, 2008, 10:10:04 AM
if that's what we want, maybe we should make a top ten poll and come up with a list of one number one film and other nine runner ups.

A long time ago I suggested we should make our Xixax awards a combination of the regular award thing and also like the National Board of Review format where we have an official top ten list of best films of the year. Considering it looks like every year will have a clear favorite we should definitely do it even more.

i like that.


That way, we'd satisfy our need to correct the mistakes made by the Oscars and simultaneously be able to do a different dekapenticon each year! (Or just a dekacon?)
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


it's a good idea but it really isn't that much different to what's set up now, as far as the best film category goes. unless you guys are anal about rankage. ten is overkill anyway. there are rarely ten great films in a year, gt and mod will agree. the best film nominees are virtually xixax's official top five list of best films of the year, you just have to cope with the alphabetics. besides, a certified winner only exists in the years that pta releases a movie, in which case a runner-up is necessary. every other year thus far has been relatively exciting and unpredictable, imo.