
Started by Gamblour., December 22, 2003, 11:01:32 PM

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Quote from: MacGuffin on January 20, 2007, 11:27:43 AM
Quote from: Ravi on January 20, 2007, 11:25:57 AM
For an hour each week its fun to pretend that...

...you can get to anywhere in LA in 15 minutes without any traffic.

And yet it always takes the helicopters twenty minutes.
My house, my rules, my coffee


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

grand theft sparrow

All I know is that Jack's nephew is a dead ringer for Julia Stiles with a bowl cut.


This fucking show brings the term 'its a small world' to a whole new level...

The fucking guy who saves the country is brothers with the fucking guy trying to destroy it... and yet we argue about how realistic this show is? I love Jack Bauer but fuck... its too much already.

Its interesting also how NEVER EVER in 5 seasons anybody mentioned he had a brother, a sister, or that his father was alive. If he is acting like this immediately with the brother is because he knows that he is a scumbag... so why didnt his name ever came up before in Jack's mind all these years looking for bombs and fighting terrorists?


You guys are still watching this show?

That's, uh, that's some... I guess "dedication" is one word for it.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


I'm curious: what was it that turned you off, then, Raikus?  Me, I stopped watching in season 4, 'cause it was pretty horrible.  Actually I watched season 1 and enjoyed it thoroughly but then stopped for a bit until my bro told me seasons 2 and 3 were just as good.  Season 5 was highly enjoyable despite the writers pulling out of their asses the Logan twist, and season 6 so far is really promising despite some objectionable things that were what turned me off to season 4 in the first place.  I cringed during some parts, laughed during others (the implausibility of some things, the shaky politics of others), but still, as escapist action fare, there's nothing else that's worth the time.


I stopped watching after season 2. I try to give it a shot every time it starts another season but it quickly reverts to trash. So I haven't even bothered with this season.

This show has horrible writing. It starts good because the writers get together and come up with a plan... for two whole episodes. Then they wing it. And they are terrible at winging stuff. There's a certain element of disbelief associated with watching programs in order to give them leeway to make the show more enjoyable. 24 proceeds to take that leeway, make it superhuman, interconnected with all characters in the show, corny and mostly just plain dumb and shove it down viewers throats.

Maybe I'm just not a fan of a show that takes itself so seriously and fails so miserably. If it was a solid tongue and cheek instead of insane action hour then it'd be different. But yeah, trash.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


Point taken, yeah.  I agree with the writing thing.  That's why not taking it seriously is the best route.  There are other better shows for that anyway.


Quote from: kal on January 23, 2007, 03:19:01 PMIts interesting also how NEVER EVER in 5 seasons anybody mentioned he had a brother, a sister, or that his father was alive. If he is acting like this immediately with the brother is because he knows that he is a scumbag... so why didnt his name ever came up before in Jack's mind all these years looking for bombs and fighting terrorists.

Even his brother calls him Jack Bauer.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: kal on January 23, 2007, 03:19:01 PMIts interesting also how NEVER EVER in 5 seasons anybody mentioned he had a brother, a sister, or that his father was alive. If he is acting like this immediately with the brother is because he knows that he is a scumbag... so why didnt his name ever came up before in Jack's mind all these years looking for bombs and fighting terrorists.
he was shocked at the prospect of his father being a suspect. i doubt he considered his brother terrorist material before no matter how scumbaggy. and even though introducing all this family in season 6 is a little weird because it seems like we've known these characters for so long, we've really only known jack for 5 non-consecutive days on the job. there are tons of days in most people's lives where family members aren't mentioned or involved. i think 24 is maybe the only show that can get away with this.

Quote from: Raikus on January 23, 2007, 04:36:10 PM
You guys are still watching this show?

That's, uh, that's some... I guess "dedication" is one word for it.
the show picks up new viewers every season and so far every season is higher-rated than the last. i agree season 4 was the worst because way too much happened but season 5 was gold.

so far my biggest problem with this season is wayne palmer. just a bad actor/not believable as president.


Quote from: picolas on January 23, 2007, 11:33:49 PM
so far my biggest problem with this season is wayne palmer. just a bad actor/not believable as president.

Seriously.  His address to the nation at the end of the episode made me want to run out and start looting.

As for all the "unrealistic" complaints... who in their right mind ever watched 24 for its realism?  It's an escapist political thriller.  It's the TV equivalent of a book you buy at the airport.  It's 21st century Ludlum... utterly ludicrous fiction with just enough of a nod to reality to make it gripping.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Its addictive... and Jack Bauer is the superhero of the new millenium... doesnt matter how many mistakes they make I'm still watching this like if it really was the end of the world... and honestly after seeing President Bush in his State of the Bullshit once again... Wayne Palmer is doing a great job as a president compared to this sucker... if we want to be realistic, the one that seemed like a fantasy president for this country was David Palmer  :yabbse-thumbup:


Quote from: MacGuffin on January 23, 2007, 10:14:21 PM
Quote from: kal on January 23, 2007, 03:19:01 PMIts interesting also how NEVER EVER in 5 seasons anybody mentioned he had a brother, a sister, or that his father was alive. If he is acting like this immediately with the brother is because he knows that he is a scumbag... so why didnt his name ever came up before in Jack's mind all these years looking for bombs and fighting terrorists.

Even his brother calls him Jack Bauer.

i stole a few episodes of this new season but i haven't bothered watching them cos you really have be in the mood to NOT think logically, which is why it's good/healthy that picoloves it so much.. but i gotta say, his brother calling him jack bauer is hilarious and has made me want to watch it now.
under the paving stones.

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: picolas on January 23, 2007, 11:33:49 PM
so far my biggest problem with this season is wayne palmer. just a bad actor/not believable as president.

Yeah, when he addressed the country after the bomb went off, he just wasn't selling it.  He was "acting" and he didn't sound like even remotely like A) a president reading a prompter; or B) a president reading a prompter about an hour after a nuke was detonated in a major city.

And forget Jack having a brother, I'm still irritated that David Palmer (R.I.P.) has a brother and now a sister as well!  I've been meaning to rewatch season 1 to see if they ever mentioned any siblings. But I'm sure they deliberately kept everyone's family history open so they can stick in relatives whenever they need new characters with interesting angles.


The sister is new, but his brother was in Season 3 and Season 5. In Season 3 he was Chief of Staff, and in Season 5 he was working with Jack trying to find out who killed David Palmer... he's been around for a while. The sister is new. The sister's boyfriend is still pissed because Morpheous took his place and his girl.