Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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Please call the number on the AD... 1877-HANSORG


It gives you a password for the website, but I couldnt hear it. I have to call back later. Its like someone hacks into the phone while you are waiting in line for an operator and tells you the password for you to find the truth about the organization... its fucking brilliant...





crazy theory #1 (real crazy): not really michael.  sawyer was reading a manuscript called Evil Twin or something.  they've cloned Michael or gotten somebody to look just like him and sent him back to take care of business.  its pretty far out there, but that was my first thought.

theory #2: michael learned some real crazy shit when he went away that he didn't tell anyone about and has bought into some others philosophy about the good ones and bad ones and done some business. 

theory #3: in order to make certain everyone will be as passionate about getting back walt as he is, he had to do this business.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Spoilerific Q:

Chicken or the egg: Libby and Ana get killed off for getting DUIs, or get DUIs because they found out they're getting killed off?


Besides the Ask Ausiello of this morning with Lindelof and Cuse, Ausiello Report had a last minute BLOG addition tonight following the Episode.


They answer the question about the DUI also...


Quote from: modage on May 03, 2006, 10:59:17 PM



crazy theory #1 (real crazy): not really michael.  sawyer was reading a manuscript called Evil Twin or something.  they've cloned Michael or gotten somebody to look just like him and sent him back to take care of business.  its pretty far out there, but that was my first thought.

theory #2: michael learned some real crazy shit when he went away that he didn't tell anyone about and has bought into some others philosophy about the good ones and bad ones and done some business. 

theory #3: in order to make certain everyone will be as passionate about getting back walt as he is, he had to do this business.

Remember Claire's flashbacks to when they were keeping her in the hospital hatch?  The drugs they were giving her made her compliant and totally accepting of the situation she was in.  It looks like Michael's been given a big ol' dose of the good shit.
My house, my rules, my coffee



I don't know. I'm leaning more towards mod's third theory. It was clear that he was going for his own arm so he could live but make it look like henry went on a shooting spree. But why he would stick around after that happening, I don't know. Plus, he already knows that they are going to get guns and go back with him so killing two people and shooting himself in the arm is completely unecessary.

God dammit, I just proved myself wrong.



First thought is that Michael was brainwashed.  He didn't mean to kill Libby, clearly meant to kill Michelle (perhaps in retaliation).  It looked to me like when he saw Henry Gale, it was like he had come for him.  In the previews of next week, I think it showed Michael in that cell all by himself, so maybe Henry left -- making Michael look innocent. 

grand theft sparrow


I think it's as simple as the others telling Michael, "Do this and we'll give you Walt back."  He went on the whole first half of the season: "I'll do whatever I have to to get my boy back... my boy, my boy, my boy..."  This is the payoff.

Quote from: kal on May 03, 2006, 09:20:59 PM
Did you see how Shannon also got killed right after she got laid? I guess thats why Jack and Kate havent done it yet... keep Kate alive!

I thought the same thing.  And Libby was most certainly going to give up the goods to Hurley.

But Sun survived her "You're alive" bang with Jin...  :ponder:


Quote from: modage on May 03, 2006, 10:59:17 PM

crazy theory #1 (real crazy): not really michael.  sawyer was reading a manuscript called Evil Twin or something.  they've cloned Michael or gotten somebody to look just like him and sent him back to take care of business.  its pretty far out there, but that was my first thought.

heres the book:

Awesome episode, now its going to get really crazy I assume for the next 3 episodes. As a matter of fact, Aronofsky was supposed to direct the episode next wednesday. too bad, would have been sweet, my theory is that mike is in cahoots with the others to get his boy back. It was funny how Henry got Locke all confused with that "I came here to get you" line, love how Henry knows exactly how to push Locks buttons ("push buttons" hahah, oh yeah so who is doing that now, havent shown it in a while). That casting choice for Henry was just perfect. Oh yeah and wasn't that also crazy how we find out that Jack has a sister!?!?!?.


Holy Fucking Shit. Mac should be rejoicing the fictional death of Michelle Rodriguez.

mod, I think the bad twin thing was there just to fuck with people. goddamn, I want to know why Michael shot Ana Lucia. Also, what was the final conversation between Henry and Ana Lucia about? Were they just talking about Ana killing the others? Or was there something more to it?

This episode was amazing. Hurley will be so sad now.


Quote from: Gamblour le flambeur on May 04, 2006, 01:31:31 PM

mod, I think the bad twin thing was there just to fuck with people.

No, it's a real book that's actually being released as a cross-promotional thing.  It's coming out as being written by that character that died on the plane.  It seems kind of lame to me that they're doing that, but since it supposedly doesn't have much to do with the actual island itself, it doesn't bug me too much.

Supposedly though, the fictional author "wrote" another book that is out of print and may be more Lost related.  Man, that sounds really confusing, I'm gonna stop thinking about it.

Quote from: Gamblour le flambeur on May 04, 2006, 01:31:31 PM

Hurley will be so sad now.

hmmm... he'll be sad, but I don't think she's dead.


Quote from: RegularKarate on May 04, 2006, 01:44:53 PM
Quote from: Gamblour le flambeur on May 04, 2006, 01:31:31 PM
Hurley will be so sad now.

hmmm... he'll be sad, but I don't think she's dead.

I agree.  We have no reason to be certain that she is at this point.  Though she'll probably be unconscious long enough for confusion to reign.

And, having thought it over, I think hacksparrow's theory about Michael is the right one.
My house, my rules, my coffee


i gotta start watching this show.


Quote from: ©brad on May 04, 2006, 03:45:23 PM
i gotta start watching this show.

and you gotta stop reading this thread until you're caught up


another theory. 

IF michael was telling the truth about there being about 22 savage-type people out there with bare feet and scraping by, its another plane crash.  not the others. 
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.