The 78th Annual Academy Awards: Winners List on Page 7

Started by MacGuffin, January 05, 2006, 12:48:07 AM

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Quote from: Hedwig on March 09, 2006, 10:10:56 PM
Quote from: pyramid machine on March 09, 2006, 09:56:07 PM
once some of you guys grow up...[most here are under 18] and realize that the word doesnt move at 24fps you'll see my point

well to begin, that's not even true, most here are not under 18..but it doesn't even matter. You think the reason a lot of us criticize this movie is because we're not on the same level of maturity as you?  I never knew you to be so arrogant.

Seriously, neon... Hedwig is under 18, but he could be giving you seminars on maturity.

Crash has been seriously mischaracterized as a film.  It's so often referred to as a "liberal guilt" movie -- which to some degree I think is the way that Haggis actually meant to have it perceived -- but it plays far more on conservative guilt, in the sense that it assuages the fears of the right wing that their innate racism might not be justified.  You can see this playing out in neon's reactions to it; there's this intense hallucination amongst conservatives that media is somehow anti-white, which really means nothing more than that the old paradigms of saintly white-hatted cowboys versus cartoonishly evil black-hatted cowboys have been replaced by something more complex, something which better resembles the world we live in.  Conservatism is, at its core, anti-complexity, and Crash caters to that sensibility, not by reverting to the old black-and-white rules, but by creating a new black-and-white where every character is equal parts of both, and yet no character has even a tinge of gray. 

Plus, the dialogue is awful.
My house, my rules, my coffee



the problem with Crash is that the majority of fans coming forward in its defense are just too damn stupid to understand the points being made against them.

that's it and there's nothing we can do about it. it might even be too late for cbrad's suggestion of shutting up about it, the damage is done. fuck it, really..
under the paving stones.


Quite honestly, when I see arguments against Crash, such as polkablues', all it really is is vague criticisms that could be applied to almost any movie dealing with racism in any way. I appreciate the fact that it's actually something other than "OMG Trash sucked, etc." but I just can't agree with it. Crash was a small-scale movie that happened to get a large amount of unexpected attention, and all comments for and against it only reflect the viewer. I don't think it was trying to make the huge statement about the entire world and Racism. Haggis is just a goofy little Canadian who moved to L.A. and Crash is his melodramatic observation of the city and the people living there.


Quote from: Derek237 on March 10, 2006, 08:43:18 AM
... all it really is is vague...

It depends on your definition   :yabbse-smiley:

Oprah has a lot of pull.

I used to be smart.... now I'm just stupid.


Stephen King says it pretty well in this week's EW...

"[Crash] is the sort of flick the Hollywood establishment loves best and always will embrace, if given the chance, one where the complexities are all on the surface; its issues should come stamped GOOD FOR 2 SLICES OF PIZZA AFTER THE MOVIE (OR) 1 COCKTAIL PARTY.  Crash says we have problems.  Crash says we have troubles.  It says this modern life of ours is certainly a pain in the ass, especially this modern urban life.  People keep "crashing" into each other (heavy symbolism at work, better wear a hard hat).  But in the end-this is the part the Academy voters like best- we can all get along if we rilly, rilly TRY!!!  You almost expect to hear "Why Can't We Be Friends?" over the closing credits. 

And you know, until I read that last paragraph over, I didn't realize how bitter I've become about this process.  Because I liked Crash.  I did.  I happen to believe we can get along if we really try, that coincidences do happen from time to time in the great Manhattan Transfer of city life, and people sometimes do change.  It's a valid point of view, a decent theme, and Paul Haggis made the most of it.  But was it the best film of the year?  Good God, no.  Brokeback was better.  So were Capote and The Squid And The Whale, for that matter.

But let's let it go, okay?  The lights are off in the Kodak Theatre for another year.  The set has been struck.  The Academy sent the same soothing message it almost always sends: Everything's all right, everything's okay, the right movie won- the good movie, not the gay movie.  Go to sleep, and sleep tight.  Next year we'll do it all again."
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

The Red Vine

yes and move on we'll have to (meaning I'll have to). this won't be the last time I get furious with the Academy. this Haggis guy is now a favorite of theirs I guess. and I didn't think his script for Million Dollar Baby was that great. Eastwood elevated the material.

oh, and happy b-day Mr. Haggis. don't choke on your cake.
"No, really. Just do it. You have some kind of weird reasons that are okay.">


Quote from: eward on March 05, 2006, 10:31:51 PM
i for one am rather excited to see what cinephile has to say...


hate to say i told you so..


36 Mafia was my favourite part of the show.

oh yeah, and my mom has been kissed by an Academy Award winner. She's cool now. Maybe I'll start talking to her again.
who likes movies anyway


I just remembered something about the awards... was anyone else really uncomfortable watching Lauren Bacall up there?  I don't know if she couldn't read the prompter, or she lost her place, or she just got all old on us, but I was waiting for a Boy Scout to earn his merit badge by running up and helping her off the stage.
My house, my rules, my coffee


yes, she made robert altman look like a young buck.  she was not in good shape.  :yabbse-sad:
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


All I know is I will never look at Shane the same way again. And I didn't realize how many gay cowboys Gregory Peck has played.  :shock:
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: Hedwig on March 09, 2006, 10:10:56 PM
Quote from: pyramid machine on March 09, 2006, 09:56:07 PM
Quote from: pyramid machine on March 05, 2006, 10:51:26 PM
Quote from: RedVines on March 05, 2006, 10:42:29 PM
you gotta be fuckin kidding me! Brokeback was the best of those movies by a long shot. I just knew they'd find an alternate to Brokeback, cuz God forbid they actually give it to the "gay cowboy movie" (as they say). ridiculous.

:nono: excuse me sugar..but you cant cop out w/ the "gay cowboy movie"....hollywood is full of liberal idiots...and the fact that the film won for director, screenplay, and nominated for best pic...deadens your arguement....brokeback didnt win b/c of its gayness but rather b/c its overrated.......and heath and jake are douchebags ......damn, douchebag is such a great word..

have you seen the movie, fucko? go watch Crash again to fulfill your education on the nuances of the "race relation genre." i can't figure out why i prefer the beautiful, charged story of Brokeback Mountain with its wonderful, spirited humanity to a lesson on how Blacks Can Be Racist Too, maybe i'm crazy.

i haven't seen it...but i will eventually..i just think the film is overrated and i am sick about hearing about it..i am glad it lost...and the fact that crash, of all films, won is icing......and you guys think that this is one of my favorite films...its not....i was pulling for munich...but like i've said for the billionth time... a current hollywood film that shows minorites acting like bigots and being unreddemable characters rather than only white thats controversial....

why would you criticize something if you haven't even seen it and know nothing about it? not that it's ever stopped you before.. like this argument that Crash's depiction of blacks as "unredeemable" instead of only white people is something radical, that's absolute trash: have you not seen ANY of the zillions of movies released in the last, say, ten years that depict minorities as drug dealers, rapists, murderers, thieves, pimps, and buffoons? HONESTLY, man. give up this ignorant argument, it's one of the worst i've seen.

Quote from: pyramid machine on March 09, 2006, 09:56:07 PM
once some of you guys grow up...[most here are under 18] and realize that the word doesnt move at 24fps you'll see my point

well to begin, that's not even true, most here are not under 18..but it doesn't even matter. You think the reason a lot of us criticize this movie is because we're not on the same level of maturity as you?  I never knew you to be so arrogant.

...well, i aint got nothing better to do so.....

1.) you can criticize something before you see, we do it all the time here at xixax..ever read the grapevine thread?  you know after dem trailers are posted we always say some cute remark about how shitty or how awesome this film is going to be....sorry hed, i win this one :hammer:

2.)  its like pulling teeth here!!! crash is a film that deals with race relations...thats a major theme of this film...those other zillion films that you mentioned arent in the same category...thats like saying requiem for a dream and dazed an dconfused are linked together b/c they have kids doign crash[a race relations themed film] vs. other race relation themed films and you should see my point...if not, i still love ya anyway...

3.)  and my remark about the "wrold doesnt move at 24fps." was somethign that i thought was just cool to say...jus ta way to end my post.....and i do have some beleife in th e18 yea rold and younger category...when i was that age..i had a very liberal outlook on life lik emost of you guys do...but as you/i get older that greenpeace/save the wolrd/liberal outlook is bullshit and i've go tbetter things do worry who gives a fuck about gay marriage?  how does that affect me personally?  i dont care....who gives a fuck about abortion?  i dont give a shit.....why shoudl we not drill in alaska?  etc. etc. you get older you realize you shoudl focos on betterign yourself, taking care of loved ones, enjoying your life, ...fuck all th eother bullshit that media hypes that stpud speech clooney said about makinf film sthat embrace liberal what has those "hot-button" issu efilms done????....not a damn thing...people are people  i.e. they are evil, rascist, bogots, liatrs, theifs, etc.., etc.....thses films are goign to do shit..........

Quote from: polkablues on March 10, 2006, 02:11:40 AM
Quote from: Hedwig on March 09, 2006, 10:10:56 PM
Quote from: pyramid machine on March 09, 2006, 09:56:07 PM
once some of you guys grow up...[most here are under 18] and realize that the word doesnt move at 24fps you'll see my point

well to begin, that's not even true, most here are not under 18..but it doesn't even matter. You think the reason a lot of us criticize this movie is because we're not on the same level of maturity as you?  I never knew you to be so arrogant.

Seriously, neon... Hedwig is under 18, but he could be giving you seminars on maturity.

Crash has been seriously mischaracterized as a film.  It's so often referred to as a "liberal guilt" movie -- which to some degree I think is the way that Haggis actually meant to have it perceived -- but it plays far more on conservative guilt, in the sense that it assuages the fears of the right wing that their innate racism might not be justified.  You can see this playing out in neon's reactions to it; there's this intense hallucination amongst conservatives that media is somehow anti-white, which really means nothing more than that the old paradigms of saintly white-hatted cowboys versus cartoonishly evil black-hatted cowboys have been replaced by something more complex, something which better resembles the world we live in.  Conservatism is, at its core, anti-complexity, and Crash caters to that sensibility, not by reverting to the old black-and-white rules, but by creating a new black-and-white where every character is equal parts of both, and yet no character has even a tinge of gray. 

4.)  INNATE RACISM IN CONSERVATIVES???!!!!  you bigot! :yabbse-grin:

Quote from: modage on March 10, 2006, 03:12:58 PM
Stephen King says it pretty well in this week's EW...

"[Crash] is the sort of flick the Hollywood establishment loves best and always will embrace, if given the chance, one where the complexities are all on the surface; its issues should come stamped GOOD FOR 2 SLICES OF PIZZA AFTER THE MOVIE (OR) 1 COCKTAIL PARTY. Crash says we have problems. Crash says we have troubles. It says this modern life of ours is certainly a pain in the ass, especially this modern urban life. People keep "crashing" into each other (heavy symbolism at work, better wear a hard hat). But in the end-this is the part the Academy voters like best- we can all get along if we rilly, rilly TRY!!! You almost expect to hear "Why Can't We Be Friends?" over the closing credits.

hahaha, i can see why the king contributes to a douchebag cheesed out mainstream mag like entertianment, onyl an idiot would get the "we can get along if we rilly, rillt try" corny vibe out of thi sfilm....he's absolutely wrong..and aslo an ugly looking dumbass..crash is more nihilistic at the end..

Quote from: Pubrick on March 10, 2006, 08:30:40 AM
the problem with Crash is that the majority of fans critics coming forward in its defense attack are just too damn stupid to understand the points being made against them.

it applies both way..........

in the end...i dont want any of you guys hatign me...i aint got nothign but respect for ya'll...shit, if i see any of you outside in the world, i'll buy you a drink..and hang out.


Quoteand i do have some beleife in th e18 yea rold and younger category...when i was that age..i had a very liberal outlook on life lik emost of you guys do...but as you/i get older that greenpeace/save the wolrd/liberal outlook is bullshit and i've go tbetter things do worry who gives a fuck about gay marriage?  how does that affect me personally?  i dont care....who gives a fuck about abortion?  i dont give a shit.....why shoudl we not drill in alaska?  etc. etc. you get older you realize you shoudl focos on betterign yourself, taking care of loved ones, enjoying your life, ...fuck all th eother bullshit that media hypes that stpud speech clooney said about makinf film sthat embrace liberal what has those "hot-button" issu efilms done????....not a damn thing...people are people  i.e. they are evil, rascist, bogots, liatrs, theifs, etc.., etc.....thses films are goign to do shit.........

First off, do you even read the Happy Birthday thread?  It seems like everyone and their mother is 20 or 21.

Secondly, do you mean to come off so condescending, or are you just reminiscing and typing it out?  "I remember when I was dumb." I think what you're saying is that eventually everyone will stop caring about anything but themselves, and I can't it isn't true, but I will say it's ridiculous.

Gay marriage doesn't affect YOU, but it affects gays that want to marry, yet the decision making power is in the hands of someone else.  You aren't the target of anything, Neon.  That's why you're allowed to live so oblivious and do some introspection.  When people turn a blind eye, shit hits the fan.  I'm not even speaking on a wide scope, I'm speaking on a realist one.  If we say all blacks in all ghettos did crack and died, how many people would care? Just fewer people at the bottom of the food chain, right?  You didn't even know them, so who cares?  This type of thinking doesn't come off as monstrous to you?

There's so much at stake in life, however, there is so much at stake in our personal lives, too.  Taking care of loved ones is important, but to treat anything that doesn't apply to you directly as useless is how fucked up things became today and how much worse they'll be tomorrow.  But hey, our kids will pick up the loose ends, right?  They'll pick up the trillion dollar debt.  They're getting smarter, what with their internet and MTV, I'm sure they'll fix it up nice.

In closing, I still think you're a cool guy.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


Quote from: pyramid machine on March 12, 2006, 11:01:30 PM
1.) you can criticize something before you see, we do it all the time here at xixax..ever read the grapevine thread?  you know after dem trailers are posted we always say some cute remark about how shitty or how awesome this film is going to be....sorry hed, i win this one

in this particular argument, i think it is intellectually dishonest for you to call Brokeback Mountain overrated if you haven't seen it.

Quote from: pyramid machine on March 12, 2006, 11:01:30 PM
2.)  its like pulling teeth here!!! crash is a film that deals with race relations...thats a major theme of this film...those other zillion films that you mentioned arent in the same category...thats like saying requiem for a dream and dazed an dconfused are linked together b/c they have kids doign crash[a race relations themed film] vs. other race relation themed films and you should see my point...if not, i still love ya anyway...

stop talking to yourself. you were the one who lumped Crash in with a bunch of other films that address race-relations.

Quote from: pyramid machine on March 12, 2006, 11:01:30 PM
3.)  and my remark about the "wrold doesnt move at 24fps." was somethign that i thought was just cool to say...jus ta way to end my post.....and i do have some beleife in th e18 yea rold and younger category...when i was that age..i had a very liberal outlook on life lik emost of you guys do...but as you/i get older that greenpeace/save the wolrd/liberal outlook is bullshit and i've go tbetter things do worry who gives a fuck about gay marriage?  how does that affect me personally?  i dont care....who gives a fuck about abortion?  i dont give a shit.....why shoudl we not drill in alaska?  etc. etc. you get older you realize you shoudl focos on betterign yourself, taking care of loved ones, enjoying your life, ...fuck all th eother bullshit that media hypes that stpud speech clooney said about makinf film sthat embrace liberal what has those "hot-button" issu efilms done????....not a damn thing...people are people  i.e. they are evil, rascist, bogots, liatrs, theifs, etc.., etc.....thses films are goign to do shit..........

your ignorant selfish dismissal of all the important issues that don't directly affect you has nothing to do with anything.  and stop trying to give me advice.. "when you get older," oh thanks grandpa. your wisdom has truly moved me. i particularly admire the mature way you assign people to unrealistic little categories like "greenpeace/save the world/liberal." 'cause you know, it's true, people are nothing more than one-dimensional stereotypes. just ask haggis.

Quote from: pyramid machine on March 12, 2006, 11:01:30 PM
he's absolutely wrong..and aslo an ugly looking dumbass..

way to keep things relevant.  :yabbse-thumbup: