Have you ever stolen a dvd?

Started by Thecowgoooesmooo, April 06, 2003, 01:28:26 AM

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i see. i guess you need a special kind of modem then.

Sigur Rós

I once stole 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 copys of Deer Hunter on DVD...And I feel kind of bad about it!  :oops:

Punish me! I've been bad.....

<your number has been edited in the following way: it has been formated to fit your screen>


I've never stolen a DVD from a store (okay, I may have kept a few souvineers from my days at Hollywood video), but I used to steal cassette tapes back in high-school... It was pretty easy/boring... just would grab one, go over to the cd side and make like I was looiking at the cds, but I was really removing the magnetic strip from the tape, then I would stick it in my pocket...I would do this a lot to test out albums and find out if they were worth the purchase on cd... this was before you could download whatever you wanted from the internet.


When I received free DVDs from the studios for magazine reviews, I would take the ones I didn't want (unopened, of course. I would fire off a BS capsule review for the mag to please the studio.), go to Tower Records or Best Buy, etc. Their policy on items with no receipts is 'exchange only'. I'd tell them I got it as a gift, but I already had it, could I exchange it for another title. They would scan it, and of course it would be in their computer, then say, "Okay, go pick out your exchange." Then pick out something I wanted. Cha-Ching!! When I got a copy of Time Bandits, I told them I got the wrong version; I wanted the Criterion one. They said okay, I paid the difference of only $10! Same with the Limited Ed. of Army Of Darkness too.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I've stolen the following dvds in one way or another (but not b/c i'm black if that's what yo racist ass thinks)

little shop of horrors
boogie nights
blue velvet
putney swope
my fair lady
mr show: first and second seazon
slapstick encyclopedia
godfather boxset

and others i can't think of right now...about 40% of my collection and i own
like 80 dvds.  i don't play.  peaces

Duck Sauce

I ordered the Kubrick Box set and the Godfather box set from some place online, they only sent me the Kubrick set, and I notified them that they forgot the Godfather, they told me they were out of them so I said to cancel the order, so they refunded me for the Godfather and Kubrick box set which I kept and got for free.


Anybody else have any elaborate stealing dvd methods that you can think of? These plans have to be good though, and 99% foolproof.


Duck Sauce

Quote from: ThecowgoooesmoooAnybody else have any elaborate stealing dvd methods that you can think of? These plans have to be good though, and 99% foolproof.


Get a gun, a mask and a racing bike


Quote from: thecowgoooesmoooAnybody else have any elaborate stealing dvd methods that you can think of? These plans have to be good though, and 99% foolproof.

this is not elaborate but very foolproof...make sure to be wearing your cargo pants with the 11 pockets, pick up the dvds you want, go to a place where you can't be seen by the workers and put them in your various pockets, then head for the exit.  The alarm will go off, pay no mind...unless a member of security has witnessed you stealing the dvds they can't stop you, so just keep walking....this can only work a few times obviously...there are cameras, and if one of the workers is savvy enough they will have security review the tapes...eventually you will become a mark, and this method will not be effective, but if it's just one or a few dvds your after this would be perfect.
the rumble of the train trails off to infinity, a place where no one goes anymore

JC, no not that one


I can't believe there's a thread on how to steal DVDs!  Basketball playing Jesus judges you!


I used to steal CDs from a department store in Australia called Target that seals their CDs with paper things that have metal things at the back (like some type of chip that activates the alarm when you walk out). You just tear through the seal, take the CD out and put it into your pocket and run the fuck outta there...

But the fact that they're CDs and not DVDs would kinda make a difference. And the fact that they stopped sealing their CDs with these things three years ago makes an even bigger difference...

So What Now Then?

Seriously, it's far more easier to just rob someone's house than try to dodge the HMV alarms. Just choose the right people to rob from. College students and the elderly that government-funded houses harbour are the easiest people to target, considering they'd have good DVDs and no alarm systems in their houses.  You'd get the good classic DVDs (eg: pta's fave singing in the rain, a clockwork orange, dr strangelove) from the old people, and the good new ones (eg:way of the gun, reservoir dogs) from the college students  :-D  but remember that reservoir dogs circulates among house-robbers everywhere. "Marky" kills "Bobby" for it, "Pauly" assrapes "Marky" for it and...-I'm going to stop now because I just realised I don't know anything about italian mobster names...Marky, Bobby and Pauly....wtf?
"Shut the fuck up!"


Call me a snob, but robbing from other people means second-hand. Ugh.

Walking out of HMV (just have it in the bag on a busy day and keep on walking, no problem) means clean.

I have never stolen a DVD, though, only a video. I have stolen lots of other things (always judiciously and with anti-capitalist justifications) and nothing compares to walking out of overpriced London restaurants without paying. Stealing things you don't even want is also fun.


Quote from: budgie...I have stolen lots of other things (always judiciously and with anti-capitalist justifications) and nothing compares to walking out of overpriced London restaurants without paying. Stealing things you don't even want is also fun.

Aren't you in Chumbawamba, budgie?

Mellow Fellow

Actually, I have stolen a fair number of DVD's. It's really not that complicated. My friend and I took a page out of Kevin Klines book, a la 'A Fish Called Wanda' and just tossed the DVD around the electrical sensor thing and walked out. Call me crazy, but this scheme worked for L.A Confidential, Trainspotting, The Big Lebowski, and The Planet of the Apes (which I proceeded to give to good will after my first viewing).
Some people say I was an embarassment to the nation. Well, I say, that depends on what your definition of "was" is, jerk.


i am currently planning a massive dvd heist from a big name electronic store... this will be the ultimate... probly over 100 dvds in one heist... it is still in the planning stage....

i plan on giving out free dvd's to members here!

ill be like robin hood

steal from the rich and give to the middle class!
