Any comments on some strange ideas I've got?

Started by ludovico, April 06, 2003, 04:17:03 PM

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I call it megafest. It is twenty minutes long, and is made up of 100 short films. Each film is technically 12 seconds long but really it's only 10 if you don't count the two second title card. None of the films are related and span a wide variety of topics from funny situations to climaxes of arguments to complete and utter nonsense. I think I can make this work and have about 12 of the stories finished. This way every second of the film is equally important and blinking could quite literally result in missing an integral part of the story. Good idea? Bad idea?

This one's kinda stupid. A short film. Two guys who think they are way ahead of the gang start camping out in front of a theater for episode 4 of the Star Wars series, not realizing it came out in the 70's. A bunch of people stop by and make fun of them waiting for a movie that came out a long time ago. Um. I guess thats it for that one.
"I'm successful, right? I mean, I could say to a woman, I'm a screenwriter and she'd look at me differently. I could get laid. But I want someone to like me. For me. Y'know? The way I like them. The way I'd do anything for that woman walking down the street. A million women walking down the street. I don't need to know what their jobs are. No one will ever love me like that. Like I love almost every woman I see."
      - Charlie Kaufman

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I like your megafest idea alot.  I'd love to see that.  Your episode for Idea...meh...I'm not diggin that one as much.  But defenitely try out that megafest.  And just wondering, what are some of your stories?  Or is that top secret?


the episode one is kinda crappy actually. its more just an inside joke among friends of mine.

here is an example of what megafest will contain. this is my favorite one so far. i guess this one is called ceiling fan.

it is light out. a girl is sitting in a coffee shop. she is wearing all white. you can tell by her eyes she has been crying. one second of the whole coffee place, one second tighter on the girls face.

cut to:

it is still light out. a guy is sitting in a lazyboy, positioned under a ceiling fan. We see this from behind and his arm reaches out to grab a tissue. this shot is two seconds. he spins the chamber of a hand gun with one bullet in it. for another one second shot. we see blood and brain matter splash accross the ceiling fan for one second.

cut to:

the girl still wearing all white, is running down the hallway of an apartment building and pushing open a door. presumably the door of the guy's apartment. this shot is also one second.

cut to:

it is now dark outside. inside the apartment we see her reach out to flip on the lights. there are two switches side by side on the wall and in turning on the lights, she also flips the other switch. this flipping of the switches shot is a half second long. with the other half of the second we see the bloodied ceiling fan wirring to life above the guy's chair. we close with a two second shot of the girl standing in the doorway with her mouth gaping open while blood and brains are strewn across her face and chest from the spinning blades of the fan.

10 seconds

it is important to me that the spray from the fan get into her mouth while it is gaping at the mess. the blood should contrast strongly with her white clothing. this may be shot in black and white. i haven't decided. there will be no sound fx but rather a depressing musical score a friend of mine has written.
"I'm successful, right? I mean, I could say to a woman, I'm a screenwriter and she'd look at me differently. I could get laid. But I want someone to like me. For me. Y'know? The way I like them. The way I'd do anything for that woman walking down the street. A million women walking down the street. I don't need to know what their jobs are. No one will ever love me like that. Like I love almost every woman I see."
      - Charlie Kaufman

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That's aweomse! I think you should do it in high contrast color, rather than black and white. Make the red RED.

I think it's a really terrific idea, overall. It's a great opportunity to learn to tell stories quickly and using mainly visuals. I love time restraints, it forces you to be so much more creative. Plus you don't have to worry about losing the audience's attention. I say definitely go for it, and make sure we can all see it when you finish it.


most of my other ideas aren't as coherent as that one. they are more nonsensically humorous. the inspiration for that actually came from when i saw 'way of the gun' in theaters. there is a scene where a guy is sitting on a couch with a gun to his chin and suddenly the picture lost v-hold and the ceiling was at the bottom of the screen and the top of the image was cropped where the gun made contact with the man's chin. at first i assumed it was intentional. i leaned to my friend and said that blood would splatter on the ceiling in the bottom of the shot, which i thought would be a kick ass way to show a suicide, but then a boom mic drifted into the shot and i realized it wasn't intentional. the original draft of 'ceiling fan' called for a similar split screen technique which, while simple in theory, would be very difficult to shoot. I decided to store this suicide technique away until I have better financial backing. if you guys wanna hear some of the other megafest clips i'll post 'em, but i warn you, they are not as good as ceiling fan. at least not yet. i am also definately open for submissions or even ideas for shorts and if i ever get around to shooting this, all credit will be given.
"I'm successful, right? I mean, I could say to a woman, I'm a screenwriter and she'd look at me differently. I could get laid. But I want someone to like me. For me. Y'know? The way I like them. The way I'd do anything for that woman walking down the street. A million women walking down the street. I don't need to know what their jobs are. No one will ever love me like that. Like I love almost every woman I see."
      - Charlie Kaufman

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chainsmoking insomniac

I like that suicide/lovers' quarrel scenario alot.  And time constraints really do force you to be more creative and economical with your shots. Nice work.
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 'The world's a fine place, and worth fighting for.'  I agree with the second part."
    --Morgan Freeman, Se7en

"Have you ever fucking seen that...? Ever seen a mistake in nature?  Have you ever seen an animal make a mistake?"
 --Paul Schneider, All the Real Girls


you just gave me an idea, it could be just spend a few months with your camera and record everything. Put yourself in positions where you will be around a lot of people and may see people doing intense things (arguing, laughing like crazy, fighting, cheering, telling a bad joke, etc...the list goes on and on) hopefully they A. never see you have a camera and B. are close enough where you can get decent audio. and just go through all the tapes and find the best 100 things and make a rule that you can show 10 -20 seconds of each separate thing and that's it. have them one after another. like a documentary. I'm sure someone else has done this by now.
Do you see what happens...when king black death breathes on you with his breath?


i think u overestimate the length of one second.

sayin' tho.
under the paving stones.