CINEPHILE's game. thread -- about MOVIES!

Started by cine, November 11, 2004, 02:18:58 AM

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With Charlie and the Chocolate Factory being developed into a video game, this is a fantasy thread for you to bring all your video game dreams to life... pitch your favourite movie-to-video-game ideas you have! Be as crazy as you want.. explain how the game would work. Examples:

Annie Hall: The Video Game
As Alvy Singer, you are a lonely Jew in New York City. You must track down Annie Hall in an effort to have a solid relationship with her. Along the way, you must face spiders as big as Buicks!
Weapons of choice: Balzac novel, Nietzsche novel, microphone, Christopher Walken.

Taxi Driver: RPG
You're lonely Travis Bickle. You must drive around the streets of New York City in your beat up cab, shooting all the "fuckers" and "screwheads" you find along the way. Pick up Iris and save her from Sport, the evil villain who's out to get you and the rest of the world. Find guns along the way and stash them on your body. When the time comes, you'll need them.

Straw Dogs: The Game
.. Well I'll get into that one a little later.


Andy Warhol's Sleep: A, B, Start, Select, X, Y, Z, it doesn't matter, you can push whatever buttons you want, but that fucker's not going to wake up!


Red Dragon: ""feed'n FFrenzy"'"

you play as the adorable hannnibal lector as you escape from the mental hospital  armed with only your teeth.  youy must literally eat your way to freedom.  and escape from the hospital and enjoy life with a nice chiante and some fava beans. you get more skills and points by being creative.  eat a persons trachea then cum on thier cerebral cortex as you butt fuck them.  but beware of buffalo bill and his lotions and make sure he doesnt rubs the lotion on your skin.  if he does he will have his way with you.  and cut your penis off. and put lipstick on you.  but you must traverse through a mulitlayered hospital floors filed with traps and watch out for mig's cum on yo face bitch!


Magnolia Frogger As Jim Kurring, you will assist those who are lost in life, but watch the fuck out. It goin' rain frogs.

Not a movie but...24 Play as Jack Bauer, all missions are timed (I'm too tired to describe it, but it would basically write itself. 24 missions, all to be completed under an hour or some shit. This isn't funny, I actually wish they would make a game of this)

El Duderino

Quote from: Cinephile
Taxi Driver: RPG
You're lonely Travis Bickle. You must drive around the streets of New York City in your beat up cab, shooting all the "fuckers" and "screwheads" you find along the way. Pick up Iris and save her from Sport, the evil villain who's out to get you and the rest of the world. Find guns along the way and stash them on your body. When the time comes, you'll need them.

that sounds a mighty lot like grand theft auto
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


Imagine if Bickle shot Iris and then got his money back.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


street fighter: the movie: the game.

oh wait, that's already been done.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


excellent thread, and every suggested game aformentioned has been most excellent/hysterical.

Gosford Park

think Clue on a video game. you get to investigate stuff, smoke, partake in the shooting party, bang pale chubby english broads...

meh. i tried.


Memento: The Game

After every level reached as you search for clues to your wife's killer, the game shuts off, the memory card is erased, and you start all over again from the beginning... or rather, ending.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



no, it isn't.

what's ur problem? just stop crying please.
under the paving stones.


Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Death Race 2000 -- it pretty much writes itself.

And I really like Mac's idea.  :yabbse-thumbup:


Trainspotting: Steal, go to clubs, have sex, but most importantly, get fucked on heroin. If you get caught or forced to have an intervention, hit the 'O' button as fast as you can to hurry through the hallucinations. Watch out for that baby attacking you!

Clique ( You can choose sides: bladerz or bikerz. Survive attacks from the rival gang throwing water balloons at your leather jackets! Everytime you pick up a chick, your gang gains 100 hp. Be careful: don't let your parents make you go to school! The final stage: proving that you're an allegory for love or masculinity or California or something (hint: pressing R1 and L1 repeatedly adds a new metaphor and motif for 1000 points each!)

Jeremy Blackman

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring... the game
In this simple yet innovative MMORPG, the first player to reach enlightenment wins. Earn power-ups in explosive bonus stages where you must climb mountains with a rock tied to your back.

The Five Obstructions: The Vengeance
Make your way through an abstract terrain of artistic barriers. The final stage pits you against von Trier himself: obstruct him before he obstructs you.

I Heart Huckabees: Crisis on Existential Island
Battle an army of nihlists while solving a mystery of personal coincidences. You must escape the island before your essential being blurs into your surroundings under the weight of the inevitability of human drama.